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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. i usually run and gun versus the ground blind. filming takes a lot of practice and failure to figure out. one setup is so expensive i refuse to bring it in the stand or out in bad weather. the fans do work great which is why i need another one and have a fan still in the freezer. epoxy bedding at the quill base works great to keep the feathers in place and take the abuse.
  2. i did a mountain mike's plastic skull deal on one of mine. i just mixed up some acrylic paint to match and painted over the epoxy. first bow buck i cut similar to your first buck. i mounted it with the skull cap cover. i wrapped the antler bases with a thinner decorative rope with a sheen and glued it in place. both came out great for me. awesome buck then and still is. congrats again to your pop. slight tangent.... bill winke found a big buck as a dead head. he had history with it and decided to mount it. had multiple sheds too i think. taxidermist put square diameter pins in the pedicals and on each base of each antler. he can take any set on and off the shoulder mount. it was pretty cool.
  3. i'd have to look when i get home. out on the lake this past weekend i used them. solid glare ice with no cover and they works great. if some are too spiked and aggressive your feet will hurt at the end of the day. it's all in what you're using them for. mine are rubber that stretch to go over toes and heel. they've got light blue discs with a carbide pin in each one.
  4. giant deer. good to see big ones coming from NY. hate it when people write off this state and then say they're going to places like Ohio or somewhere else. this buck was above the bar but we've got lots more potential still walking in NY woods.
  5. a banquet we're having is going to have a Tristar 20ga O/U last year it was a CZ Mallard both inexpensive but seem nice enough for an any day use kind of gun. SxS might be nice to switch it up next year.
  6. didn't realize they were still made by someone here. guns like that seem to be a dying art. everybody wants cheaper or can't afford to ask for anything else. I'm still young and nothing of a gun collector. don't even own any really nice guns despite they're all nice "modern" guns. aside from my wife those are some of the most gorgeous things i've ever seen.
  7. dbHunterNY


    Rehab i totally and completely see using this for even if the price is $150 it's not that bad. still need to do normal exercises from your therapist for range of motion and strength throughout. for practice i'd still prefer shooting my actual bow even if at point blank range with a less than perfect arrow that's still ok to shoot. muscle memory goes beyond form but it's also anchor points and everything else that you can't duplicate with that setup. if you're a pluck-n-peak shooter i could see this training your mind not too. just add loop for your release and practice on some deer poster or deer on a hunting TV show. teach yourself to squeeze and follow through until the band is stopped and blocking your view of the spot your aiming at. i suppose it could be more useful than i originally thought.
  8. dbHunterNY


    i could see maybe using it as training for trad but not really archery. i've got enough going on to keep my strength up during the off season. if you're a target shooter and hunter you're shooting all year anyway.
  9. in my experience bow range to over 100 yards. it depends on the terrain and cover. i see them run edges to get down wind more than anything.
  10. i guess you know next time to say you go to the range every week. NYC is a pain and i don't even live there. It's too bad you all down there have to deal with that.
  11. i've been really slacking the past few years on plots. all ag stuff. this year it should be a resolution for revive things.
  12. just make sure it's sent as certified mail to cover your a**. if they lose it and claim it was never received you're screwed. .....potentially.
  13. is this something that is in short supply sometimes or not really? should some of us hunters be keeping it to help out some of you search dog folks? let me know. never occurred to me.
  14. this is true deer will eat all different types of clover. even if a different variety of clover that'll work though is good. seems like the damn things around here even change what they like year to year. i like to give the deer options otherwise to keep them to hang around a much as possible.
  15. the travel sucks more than the pull weight unless the grip fills your hand really nice like.
  16. just have to be careful of competition from weeds but it'll grow. the oats should grow quick to prevent any erosion if you've got any plots that aren't flat. you should be fine. it's easy to default to things like clover or alfalfa, but unless it's an ag field plant something that's not around. all deer have different pallets.
  17. i have a turkey fan and beard still in the freezer. i was thinking about just doing it to put on my tom decoy. a real fan alone on a plastic/rubber decoy does great versus the cheap fans they come with. full decoys or skins get beat up and spurred too much for the effort i feel like. that doesn't seem like too much work though.
  18. my mind being shitkicker conditioned, i feel obligated to enlighten a fellow blood brother.... uncle ted could make a texas heart shot on a soulless, pansy a**, anti-gun, liberal with his size X boot, all while riding a buffalo on stage with the national anthem boisterously resonating from his red, white, and blue clad guitar.
  19. yea my next strings for my recurve will be from Steve. My Bear Super Kodiak i can get quiet but I'm sure it'd stay quiet but with improved cast. I really just need to find more time to shoot to wear out the strings i've got now.
  20. Chargriller Duo is where it's at. I had to remove the top rack on that side. Usually smoking bigger or taller things like beer can chicken or roasts. It just gets in the way. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  21. my dad has a picture with a whole moose only field dressed. he, his siblings, and grandpa are in front of it.... the whole thing come-a-longed up to an elevated front porch up in Canada. guide thought they were crazy taking the thing out whole but it was some NY deer hunters who wanted the picture. neighboring camps and hunters came out of the bush from everywhere to see it hanging. thing looks gigantic despite being a young immature bull. that was their dream hunt.
  22. probably somewhere with my dad and brother, if possible some uncles and cousins. daughter is only 2.5 but my wife has hunted. doesn't matter what. probably big game that we can eat though. seems i'd have to buy out an large hunting lodge or something.
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