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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. Can't eat venison all the time. Last night was my version of st Louis ribs. Been awhile since I've used the charcoal/smoker side of grill. I know it's a trend for plated pictures. Truth be told we used paper plates so forgive me. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  2. i did actually retire the arrow i shot my first deer and coincidentally first predator with. it had more to do with it surviving, the fox biting a whole in a fletch, it sitting there, and me switching to carbon. now that i have it though, it rides in my bow case for good luck. Muzzy 4-blade 100gr on an Easton Fall Stalker 2119.
  3. i pull the nock and "wash" it good inside and out then let it dry. especially after a quartering shot that caught any organs other than heart or lungs. i check for cracks and visually look it over. all my arrows are numbered so i can shoot them again and keep track of each. if it doesn't shoot same, it doesn't get knocked and shot at the next deer. unlike a virgin bullet if an arrow is knocked on my string that means it's hit its mark over and over again. the odds are not good for the deer. eventually their spine breaks down from getting hammered through deer and stuck into the ground or whatever after pass thru. sometimes it's in one piece laying on the ground but contact with brush or whatever while in the deer tweeked it. i even had blood pool up in one shaft where the nock pulled out a tad. shot slightly less consistent. rinsed it out and shot perfect again. things happen even if it looks good.
  4. sounds like an educated decision i agree with. if someone is lucky enough to use a tag on him you should have someone who knows what they're doing look at the jaw and even better send in the center two incisors. there's people in your area that would help you out i'm sure. trailcam pictures can do crazy things with a deers appearance but that kind of verified practice and especially history/story to go with it all is great. if he has a bigger than average body you might see huge jump in antler size. in 2.5-3.5 year olds i typically see antlers or body size above average, but not often both. at 4.5 yrs old they really catch up as if they're having their growth spurt.
  5. the legislation only puts in DEC hands as it should be and eliminates the draw weight and width restrictions. i don't "need" one that bad so i can wait it out. lol i'm more than proficient with my vertical bow but crossbows are fun as all heck with kids especially.
  6. i used to keep tabs on this but nothing was really happening. M9 variants were never going to cut it based on reports. bandaid fix and army wanted something different. striker fire, basically modular to fit a saskwatch or a pygmy, and other requirements. I don't have too many pistols like many pistol owners, but i did pony up for a high end Sig. i got a P226 elite scorpion. only 9mm but operates and handles like a dream. nicest pistol trigger i own and is quick reset. if it's good enough for a frogman it's good enough for me. it's a really nice pistol but should be for what i paid for it.
  7. that's a crazy amount of antlers. some cool things in there like how they did mount forms before injection molded forms. also saw the photo of the cool jawbone plaque. saw a lot of skull attached antlers in there. i did initially think it was going to see a bunch of antlers that had been shed vs shed antlers.
  8. never bothered or had time to shed hunt. usually don't have much time to hunt anything now anyway. i'd love to say i have a few shed sets from each buck i've hunted but that just wouldn't be the case. seems i do find many more dead heads then shed antlers though.
  9. it'd be in the summer around july or august but it doesn't look like it's on the Holiday Valley calendar for this year. I believe they had their own event after the IBO worlds moved. as of right now you'd only have local shoots and NYS 3D Archery Challenge shoots (west and east championships). This year the closest R100 shoots are in MA or PA.
  10. it wouldn't be beyond my reach. only hitch is current crossbow restrictions we have here in NY. there's enough push and people buzzing in the right ears that it's inevitably going to pass. this year idk but soon. many more people get the entry level crossbows just like anything else. if i intend on getting a crossbow it'll be definitely a 1 and done for a while purchase that spares no expense. size, design, and hp of the R15 would do the trick. there's enough video out there to prove this thing can shoot way farther than i would ever consider shooting at a deer.
  11. my primary care doc goes down your way for $80 ala cart venison. she loves to hear meals we have with venison and garden goods. i told her i'd bring her pounds of it and she was in awe, but then she said she wouldn't even know what to do with it. haha i'm telling you some would starve down there.
  12. 2 years ago we went to Jamaica and this past year it was the dominican rep. both all inclusive. there was shame. i was also over it in a hurry. in jamaica had an authentic jerk chicken hut right next to the pool. as much as you want practically any time of the day or night. it was good.
  13. never hunted elk but know avid elk hunters. from what they told me andre has it nailed. boots are everything. bring multiple pair that you're happy with while putting on miles. in case something happens to one of them. also good binos and a range finder. your guide should have the spotting scope. be prepared but an elk is a big target compared to a deer. i'd practice with your quiver on and leave it on. I use a TightSpot quiver that fits tight against the bow versus hanging out there. Best of luck whatever unit you're in!
  14. way too far for me otherwise i'd be there and check it out. i think ellicottville is still having a shoot despite the IBO worlds moved location to PA.
  15. So just had a meeting and was talking to a dealer that went to the ATA. Talked about the new Ravin R15 crossbow not released yet. Right now definitely illegal in NY. However, after this crossbow legislation goes through and repeals the minimum width and draw weight restriction then i'm getting it. 425 fps, capable to a 100 yards, 6" ata cocked, draw crank mechanism that also lets you let the bow down without having to discharge it. Yes it's basically a gun and yes i'm getting it as my first cross-gun. I'm sure that off-ends some of you, so sorry.
  16. it skews NY data one way for one thing and the other way for the next. obviously it adds a ton of public land open to hunting but access is somewhat of another story unless you're pitching a tent and spending the night. deer take buck or doe per square mile also is sandbagged by the adirondacks. in some more urban areas of NY a hunter can keep sticking doe as long as they're checking them in. a lot of the data came from DEC so jacked deer at night isn't even apart of that data i'm sure because they're largely unrecorded.
  17. last night was spinach, tomatoes, and cheese wrapped with a butterflied seasoned chicken breast. sides were wild rice and corn. probably having ribs tonight for red meat as my mother in-law will be there and can't get past the mind set of eating a deer.
  18. No idea. He's retired and logs the hunting hours. brief conversations with him seem to indicate he knows the basic stuff. Every year he takes a deer or two. Some taken with bow. I think many of your reasonably successful but average hunters still get complacent at times. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  19. forgot one... hunting out of a tree down over a ridge with a field on top. someone shot toward my direction. little idea of how close or far away the bullet path was, but it was close enough to hear the bullet cutting through the air not hitting anything over my head. it far enough away it didn't contact anything around me and sailed by.
  20. there's spots i can hunt and others i can't but run cams anyway. as soon as the hunters pile in they say deer go nocturnal. one guy who's hunted deer successfully longer than i've been alive, didn't see anything all season. sat in the same stand every time he went out. said they must have figured him out and waited to go through there and onto the corn field after dark. i had a trailcam picking up 50 deer a morning working through there in a small staging area plot in had it in. it was less than 100 yards away, in front of him, but down over a bank across and on my side of our property boarder. a good flowing creek masked noise of many of them working through there too in his defense. i've seen you type that hunters should adapt and change things up when it's not working out. that definitely is the truth and something i consider when hunting.
  21. we all know how our deer season went and a vast majority of us i'm sure will buy a license this coming year. we are doing better. just pointing out the current situation. disheartening when people try to sugar coat it as if the current situation is then anything different than what it is. DEC spends so many dollars managing peoples emotions and politics then say they regret doing so. they should just focus on the goals, layout the means to get their, and then tell the public when see we together are spinning our wheels and need to try something different. people would have more respect for them as an entity if they were capable of admitting something isn't working, versus saving face and/or doing nothing until something blows over. most improved is always awesome but nobody wants to be in last place when it comes to anything. if i didn't think we could be and are improving i wouldn't bother to post in these types of threads. i also wouldn't burn vacation days on the things i do leaving only the weekends to hunt only here in NY. i'd instead use them on out of state hunts for myself and those who hunt with me.
  22. idk i'd probably get the 22lr where i am and given it's the season for them ....not to sound insensitive or unsporting. probably do what he did too. seemed like he had a handle on realistic expectations living with them around.
  23. i also conveniently left out what i feel would help that number greatly one you recall and others you might not. don't act like the source of the info sucks. anyway, sorry bob. feel free to add "yea we're still in last place for that statistic, but we're doing better."
  24. a few situations.... - first solo hunt as a youth. never knew what a fox sounds like. new/no moon light and flashlight batteries dead. i was on the ground with it walking around wailing me at probably a close bow shot away. - took a climbing stand ride down a tree trunk from over 20 feet up. - this past season had a buck get close in the dark with dim head lamp shining on him. rutting like crazy and he didn't know what i was and for a good few seconds i thought he was lowering his head gear handful of yards away to run me off until i made a noise. then he bounded back out of the light beam and watched me.
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