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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. So last night I shot a doe. Close to perfect shot actually for how the deer was positioned. It was a pass through going in high and back, coming out basically at the far side elbow. No worries going right after it and a quick recovery. I was in autopilot though and didn't realize how far back entrance was going to be. the broadhead just caught the front edge of the stomach on entrance. I process my own deer and i'm super particular. It got me thinking..... not influencing posts and maybe i'll learn something.... what do the rest of you do with a stomach or intestine shot deer upon recovery even for processing if that applies to you?
  2. only broadhead I've found in deer was a Muzzy 3 blade in the neck of a buck. never would've known either. no visible scaring or anything.
  3. Way to go Elmo! sure shot was a little high like you said but good enough to get it done and that's a far poke for many bowhunters. Crazy how sometimes things unfold that quick right? Wait until next sit when you're waiting for the first deer to come in! Congrats!
  4. my situation is unique like everyone else's so her it is..... I've grown up hunting family farms, including my immediate family's. various stuff still made hunting difficult, but always have been able to pass deer. probably from dad as we both enjoyed sitting and just watching deer. if we shot something the hunt and outing was basically over. I've shot yearling bucks in the past to fill freezer. I've shot a spike on public land just to make some memories with my cousins and brother. usually just held out for the top few bucks known to be in the area though. countless hours watching deer also served as scouting in hindsight. by the time I graduated I had lots of 2.5 yr old racks mounted on a plaque. fast forward to now at 33 I'm one of two primary individuals running an 11,000+ acre QDM co-op and are a part of deer orgs. most of my efforts and any spare vacation time are to help others hunting. here in NY there's always somewhere doe harvest is needed that can also fill my freezer, and a doe fawn just doesn't serve that purpose the same. been to full draw on lots of little bucks this season well within my wheel house, including a stalked stud of a 2.5 year old that far met co-op antler restrictions. I fully think I could've took that deer, but it'd mean a lot more to other hunters on the property. for a bunch of them it's bigger than any buck they've gotten, especially the youth hunters. what I believe to be 3.5+ yrs old is what trips my trigger for certain reasons as a hunter, a local with realistic expectations, and deer manager/bio junky. I've had my heart race this year with encounters coupled with anticipation, then let those deer walk for different reasons. hopefully those deer give other hunter(s) similar experience before they die. doesn't matter if I hike miles and elevation further north or have a different weapon in my hands. recurve bow or beanfield rifle on a pod my shooters for me (buck or doe) don't change much anymore. I still seem to get out of it what I want for me, so for now I've stayed the course.
  5. perfect application for a cell cam. saw them up on the facebook page. imagine if you ended up getting bedding pics of him through for 2 or more years. that'd be something rare. not sure as though a young buck would claim a bed but could probably keep him identified.
  6. so my getting my hinge pin in and out is the longest part of breaking down the gun. can't make one with a tighter tolerance and it's stock. I'm sure there's some lemons there. for really little cost you could have any machine shop make you a better one. that said it's probably hopeless and you should probably sell it to one of us on here who's a sucker to take.... real cheap of course. lol
  7. welcome.... some from Suffolk area. I'm quite a bit north to help your situation. lots of knowledge here though to ask questions.
  8. just used my initials, I'm a hunter, and I'm in NY (dbHunterNY). Reason for the description is that I was first on other nationally based hunting sites/forums and decided to keep the screen name. My name is Dan and I suppose some have found me. If you're a wiseass I suppose it could mean dumb bast*** hunter from ny. at least give me the distinction of being from upstate ny and not nyc.
  9. Same here as I've never gotten rifle barrels for my TC Prohunter. I've thought about it just haven't yet. My muzzleloader barrel was insanely accurate at one time. had some weather get to it a little and it no longer has a mirror finish inside. definitely still subMOA but prior to that I could throw 3 sabots into a single hole. I'd imagine rifles are just as accurate especially if you can hand load something for them.
  10. mid October if they're scrapes near cover/bedding hunt them. if they're scrapes at edges of main ag fields or food plots then it might be a lost cause getting on bucks. they might not be working them during daylight. come rut any scrape can get hit at any time of day but I wouldn't put all my eggs in one basket hunting over one then versus other reasons for a stand location.
  11. lol... but if you're good a little bit of luck goes a long long ways. I don't think he meant actually perfect, but more practically and ethically "perfect". if there's any doubts and he can't confidently predict it'll work out for the best then he doesn't let an arrow fly. I think a vast majority of us I think would hunt that way. I do. if I let an arrow fly every part of my being thinks it's a dead deer standing.
  12. couple smoke poles while sitting for late season drives where we aren't worried about pushing deer off QDM co-op property. otherwise only one gun unless it's far enough I'm forced to stay the whole day or more away from home.
  13. had a new hunter shoot a deer. must have been a single lunged hit idk. took three of us plus him jumping the deer and then backing out until the next morning. it was raining a lot and it was so thick spots had you losing your bearings and on all fours. it never left a 50x50 yard patch of cover. I drilled a buck at a field edge will a large cut mechanical head and heard the wind get knocked out of the thing. had little blood. it ran through fields on a dead sprint and went well over 200 yards. out of site. I think cover has a bit to do with how far they go. that'd said a good rain, out of sight, and fallow crp fields would be a nightmare. an entourage of tracking buddies and tedious grid searches would be inevitable.
  14. shots I take in the sunny weather versus in a whiteout or raining are all the same... ones I feel I can make with no excuses. if it's raining especially I try not to stop the deer. I don't want it seeing danger before it gets sticked and trying to run even farther. I hunt in everything. that said a down pour has to have me under cover of some kind. deer aren't moving as much either as they're doing the same thing I am... riding it out. down pours don't usually last long. shortly after the action picks back up. I've tracked a lot of deer during a light rain in the wet forest floor duff with little blood but it's blatantly obvious where the deer ran and kicked things up. I try to avoid shooting deer in a good rain but it's not something that'll make me pack up my things and head back to the truck either.
  15. this is basically what I'd do and what I meant by bawl. not a full all out bawl like it's being attacked. they don't sound much different even months later in early fall well after spots are gone.
  16. in hind sight as a kid is was always building low treestands in them. dad didn't care about putting nails in those trees and I always thought they were in good spots. I suppose I was thinking more woody browse and not the seed. I know a lot about deer and less about habitat. one of the things I'm working on due to my involvement in deer hunting related stuff here in NY.
  17. are there any reason to keep iron wood? I know we do have quite a bit of that. not sure as though we burn it. fence posts are usually locust. have a lot of that in pockets too.
  18. well he's not a close friend/aid of Cuomo's ...they're all in lock up.
  19. learn something new everyday and tree ID is definitely not in my wheel house. something I've realized I should work on.
  20. the biggest I think in NY was the "Delmar buck" shot in 1981, at night, at the Five Rivers NYDEC Wildlife Watch Area near Albany, and with a 7mm mag. buck scored something like 212" B&C. I assume you meant legally taken though? haha Only pictures I could find on the internet of it....
  21. I thought the third picture in the original post was white ash. now that witch hazel is put on the table I do see the slight difference in shape of the leaves. we have ash on the property but witch hazel I'm not so sure. unless it looks and splits like ash.
  22. leaning toward 4.5 for the last one. i don't think the rear end is that under developed compared to the front and the neck hits pretty flush with into the brisket/chest.
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