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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. I guess if they don't know your company's facebook page then they're out of luck.
  2. ....not meant for corrective purposes so much as just sayin' what I know.
  3. I haven't trimmed anything.... probably should've.
  4. mine are doing well too. not that tall. but as big around as a table. staked the middle plant but in hind sight should've staked the cages too. their cherry tomoate variety. same thing couple shots of miracle gro and water. then watered in the beginning. kind of stopped for a while though. I think they're about 6.5' tall. much wider than tall though.
  5. i'll look. I just had one that expired.
  6. we needed very basic management to get to where you're at without it. your bucks are bigger per age class too. differences in hunter mentality or region hard to say. probably both. regardless I always enjoy looking at your trail cam pictures. thanks for sharing.
  7. DEC doesn't seem to be fond of EAB. exact reasons I haven't asked but I'm sure they're the typical ones. I big reason including angry hunters. expanded September seasons seem like the way their leaning for now. ML or bow depending on the WMU in question. crossbow is difficult and would probably get full inclusion if they could get it passed through legislation to be regulated under DEC as archery equipment.
  8. multiple deer related folks in dec do hunt. the big game unit leader Hurst included. not all doe are roman nosed old doe. an adult 1.5 year old doe counts just the same for harvest. we had a doe taken on a neighboring property that's on the co-op. CA results came in that she was 13.5 yrs old. If I told you she had nailed down all the permanent stand locations I'd be a liar.
  9. most people think that mechanicals have crazy different penetration when compared to fixed blades but in reality that might not be as true. most people think of mechanicals and jump to the brands and models with massive cutting diameters. that's where you really suffer.
  10. I know of setups by two people that even shy way from a shoulder hit unless it's 20 yards or so. even then it's got to be down through the top of the shoulder blade and not down by the joint. one shoots Rage heads (hypos or chisel tips) out of a 70 lb newer bow with a finished arrow for dangerous game (weight over 750 grains I think or at least that). other shoots a newer bow with moderately heavy arrows and 80lbs of draw weight. his arrows are tipped with Rocket Steelheads (hardly a huge mechanical @just over 1" cut). longer draw too.
  11. just got some more arrows. trying BloodSport Hunter 300 spined arrows this time around, cut to 29". should weigh about 406-408 grains. a little on the light side if you ask me for 65-70 lb draw weight.
  12. I think it's great you've got that much of an age structure there. share share photos of and getting hunt bucks like that isn't the norm in throughout ny. where I hunt included. working on it though.
  13. idk... I'm 6' and about 215 lbs so being 4'-11" is out. i've known others to have an issue on rare occasion. I think it just keeps things simple for me. if they aren't there I don't have to worry. other I know had a cam hit, had contact before drawing spook deer, one case they were resting the bow like said and it shifted/partially fell and made noise, and finally one woke up from a nap and knocked it right off the front rail and out of the tree. Darwin moments? probably. I'm not one to say I'd be immune though. haha
  14. yup my blinds are usually set to observe and maybe take a doe coming into range. pretty much on food sources easily accessed for late evening hunts. I rarely put a blind up in a bucks bedroom. too much going on. i'll pick out a good spot for a lightweight hangon or mostly my climber. I haven't been there before and they won't if I'm there until they show up. some of my best spots you'd never know spots because there's nothing there unless I'm in the tree.
  15. not a single stand I own has arm rests or a front rail. I bowhunt a lot. doesn't bother me rifle hunting but if I'm hunting a field the tree is between me and the field or I'm on the ground with shooting sticks. free handing for close shots in the timber 100 yards or less I do just fine.
  16. I used to use HSS full vest Pro verisons. they were heavy and I hated the leg buckles despite being quick. Couldn't get to chest and other pockets either. I now wear a Muddy Safeguard. pretty minimal so I can get to all my pockets easy enough. I wear it on the outside all the time. my last HSS vest is now used with a linemen's belt for hanging stands. I have lifeline's and other wise use a rope style tree strap with prussic knot. the seat belt style tree strap lasted I think one sit. TMA harnesses that come with stands I buy get thrown in a bag and never see daylight. those i know that don't wear harnesses I can't get to take and wear them either.
  17. I'd buy a life straw if I knew I was going up north or deep out there. I've even looked at them in the store and almost bought one last time at Cabelas. used to be a folder similar to a mini-Buck. with all the gov and state work I can't have that anymore. ...I'd worry about tank condensation and pneumatic oils using the that air skinner. if the deer's still warm and you've got the write tools it's pretty quick.
  18. I and others who know me, consider me to be an effective hunter when it comes to doe harvest. give me a bow and i'll have some close to sealing the deal type of opportunities. i'll likely capitalize on some of them. give me a gun though and goes from likely to I can practically guarantee it. I'm effective with a bow but if they're allowed I'd be more effective with a gun (muzzleloader or rifle). if a gun isn't allowed, I need quite a bit more time to even come close.
  19. threads still kicking so.... I agree ohio matches up well enough with NY, especially western ny, versus east of central ny. expectations are definitely different out there in general when comparing this half of the states southern zone. the way they have their doe take is flexible but controlled. way it seems anyway. NY relies way too much on the tendencies of the hunting population when it comes to doe harvest, versus actual controlled harvest. ny with their nuisance permits is a joke. not monitored at all and not in a season where you're shooting fawn dropping doe versus simple a deer. part of what you've said though is my point. it's not going to happen that we pick up theirs systems and hit reset. there really is no starting over. what systems are in place we're stuck with for the time being and have to work with them. that said not everything is legistlative. DEC can change some stuff and I wish they would. many comments thrown out have no grasp on the difference between the two.
  20. I used to use scents a lot but not anymore. seemed like a close or hot doe would just be more appealing to them. I more use scents that just get them to stop and check it out giving me a shot, more so than drawing them in. what works even better is getting the tarsal off another smaller buck shot by someone else on the farm. bag or jar that thing in a hurry, keeping your distance unless you don't like to be around people. bigger bucks in the area know this buck scent and know they can take him. they'll come in hair standing up, ears pinned back, and stiff legged as soon as they get downwind of the thing.
  21. nobody's wishing away anything. just looking forward to the future.
  22. Sounds like you're almost ready for a spring beat hunt back in deep.
  23. Had it tonight with a half rack of ribs.
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