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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. your serving can be still tied and not hanging but if they stretch you'll sometimes notice gap(s) in the serving. spots around the end loops and where the string with serving comes around posts or turns in the cams are always spots to watch. when your bow is at rest you might see a lot of serving wear on the end where it wraps around the cam. that's a place you're always resting it on something or making contact when not drawn. around the peep strands can break or fray more. how worn the center serving is where you knock your arrow is another spot to watch. your string should never look overly dry and fuzzy. it should look smooth and slick or it needs replacement and/or you're not waxing it often enough. don't use something like a piece of leather to work in a harder wax. the friction and heat will prematurely wear the string. just get a good, soft, wax to begin with and just spread it along the strings and cables with your fingers to coat the outside. excess is removed. don't wax the serving. only the bare portions of the string. if your peep doesn't come around or stay aligned consistently enough that it's blatantly obvious, your string is probably broken down enough that you could benefit from replacing it. even if it looks fine.
  2. with a good quality string, not necessarily expensive either, it shouldn't take many shots at all. most of the time it's not really stretching. the strands together and as they lay on the cams are just settling into a natural place and rotation more than anything. zip-tie the end loops together as the string's taken off the posts so you keep the same number of twists/same length and tension if you do what you posted. any accessories should be installed and the bow reasonably tuned before this. your working string and accessories should match your backup string set exactly. don't use a different xyz string or different peep or anything different. switching to the backup string, it'd still need to be verified as sighted in and checked for everything else. this includes putting a dozen or maybe less arrows through it to get the string re-settled. just having a new string still in the packaging will serve you well though without going above and beyond.
  3. for the special season in the Deer Management Area surrounding Ithaca some hunters took over 10 doe each but many others 1 or none. in areas that need more adult doe taken, giving more tags out to the masses hasn't proved that it works well enough. need to make tags available to those who fill them. over the counter would probably be good with their current licensing system.
  4. good to hear you made out ok. it can be bad. lacerations with a surrounding welt on your arms or face even. I always check my string but strings should be changed every few years. on the outside it might look okay but as strands break over time the remaining strands stretch. twist things back up to tune it sure but they get weaker and weaker. at times you pull off center serving to find a fraction of the strands still holding on for dear life. I know a guy that's blown at least three bows. never happened to me and I don't plan on it ever happening.
  5. so difficult and costly to travel with a gun. my life would be threatened by some in some states but I think a federal law for universal permitting requirements and guidelines would be good. no worries just one set of laws to abide by and take your pistol to any US state or territory. what states recognize what is just political money grabbing BS.
  6. I'm left eye dominant and shoot right handed, because I'm technically right handed. my vision isn't normal. I've had aesthetic surgery to correct a lazy eye, but I still see the same way. I focus with one eye or the other, with the other being more peripheral vision. I've learned to shoot both eyes open. the image of what you see will be brighter and more clear helping you more precisely aim. every now and then I have an urge to close one eye still. my experience anyway.
  7. it does make a difference. I'm sure a lot think "I'll do it later or tomorrow." then forget. it only takes a minute. I've got a more bills to follow up on. crossbows should be getting voted in. I don't even own one myself, despite having experience with them.
  8. lol... still haven't signed up to get it. I really need to.
  9. hope you heel up quick and get it figured out. knees are a problem. hard to get around and do stuff with bad knees. hopefully it's not in my future. didn't screw them up ever and I'm still young.
  10. i know that got brought up in the other thread but i think why charges get pleaded down are miss understood. first the fines now are much less than what this makes them. this bill has even gotten watered down to pass it. it was more. right now fines are low enough and can be pleaded down a certain way where local towns get more of the money versus more going the state. DA office and judge together can only give and accept a plea that's pleaded down so much. otherwise it looks really bad and would lead to bad PR. local judges can't take that much bad PR and not fear getting losing endorsement, let alone getting elected in the future. this without doubt will benefit all hunters in NY state. poachers not so much.
  11. lots of memes floating around for this. Not about to post any. I laugh a little but some are pretty bad.
  12. simple presence of a substation or utility lines doesn't mean they're good to go. they won't know that until they bring land owners on board and start the initial process with the utility. there was a situation I know of where the utility basically said yea our infrastructure can't handle what you're doing, so we the utility will just send you an 8 figure bill to upgrade our stuff. this conflicts with the public announced NYS initiative to have such a % of power come from renewable sources versus the grid. I think the bigger hurdle is satisfying neighbors and community requests to keep them happy. town boards are just along for the ride in making sure those public concerns are addressed. it gets muddy and possibly shady when the solar farms go onto public lands, town parks, etc. that's not the case here though it seems.
  13. ....his own toy. full length video is still pretty violent. gorilla while alive didn't intend to kill him but dang. little guy is lucky he's still around.
  14. consider it done here. hope you saw the deer poaching one in the Deer Hunting section here and return the favor. it should be treated as any other bow in the eyes of DEC. good luck.
  15. you said it, a bigger fine for poaching is great. this is going to happen. only the most brazen poachers will still do it with increased fines. majority of your poachers only do it or continue because the fines are small to the point it would get reduced to nothing. poachers do get caught. It's already law to report your deer, it just needs to be pushed to be enforced. I only think that reporting an unused tag would eliminate the inclination by DEC to think it may have been filled. so I would be for it, but a law like that isn't as easily pushed through the process. this one is feasible given the system and process needing to be dealt with. if anyone reading this hasn't contacted Flanagan's office yet they should. the bill needs to get voted on in the next week if it's to be passed in time for the beginning of this hunting season, as the senate goes into recess and the law has a grace period to take effect. sooner we get this passed the sooner we can focus on other legislation to help make the deer hunting better. like putting it into law that we have "the right to hunt and fish". right now it's a legislative privilege that isn't guaranteed year to year, although it's taken for granted that it'll be there.
  16. missed it.... happy belated bday. hope it was a good one.
  17. how close you are to a substation or utility poles to tie in makes a big difference. also the infrastructure of the utility is somewhat unknown. they need to be able to support the power coming into the grid real time. it isn't stored in batteries or anything and then dumped into the grid when it's convenient.
  18. it's usually written into the contract that once they don't renew the contract and they pull out the infrastructure is removed and land returned to it's original state as much as feasible. their intent isn't to walk away though. lots of money gets invested before anything is even built. the intent is to stay.
  19. I have one. I don't often use it because I forget it. it works though and keeps your gun down range at the ready without killing your knee. weight is negligible. it's a stuffed cushion the size of your fist. it gets buckled and I don't have to carry it.
  20. still voting for Trump. haha they should be careful. an assassination attempt at a Trump supporter could yield lead coming right back.
  21. then email the link to others. we've done everything from posting on deer community facebook pages to emailing to everyone in our contact list who would give a darn.
  22. this one is actually public record so it won't.
  23. came up over a rise and bend in the road the other day in the truck. big snapper was right in the middle of the road. happened so quick all I could do was brace myself and line up the tires on either side. no contact was made and made it over it just fine. I heed DEC warnings and don't relocate snappers that big to the edge of the road. anything else I gladly will.
  24. how does the new gun shoot compared to the a17? using the same ammo? doing good. keep at it. saw some out today while out around town but didn't have to go hunting.
  25. poachers use all kinds of methods and weapons. We've had them spot light with crossbows so nobody will hear a shot.
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