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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. few different ways i do it. I steep it in the crock pot with Brown's Cherry Raz ale beer (beer that's just as it sounds) then I mix it in with a smoky brown sugar variety bbq sauce after you pull it. little goes a long way. I've used other bbq dry rubs and let it sit in the fridge a while first then use a more of a hoppy beer (I've used Sam Adams Noble Pilsner). then I've also made it with Bud Light Lime-a-rita and dinosaur bbq wango tango habanero bbq. also add some dry heat (seasoning) to it. the bbq sauce isn't really that hot. all of them came out good. hard to screw up beer bbq and venison.
  2. It's been posted before.... NYS Senate Bill S4727B increases the fines for illegally taking (poaching) deer. it's passed through committee and passed unanimously 97-0 through the Assembly and passed through the environmental conservation committee in the senate. It's possibly a couple days from a floor vote by the senate to be fully passed. it only needs to be scheduled for a floor vote, in which it will surely pass by a land slide. it just has to be scheduled. the man that has to allow and schedule it for a floor vote is..... Senator John J. Flanagan 518-455-2071 [email protected] feel free to copy his legislative aid - [email protected] this is really close to getting passed and will give poachers much more reason for worry and reconsider doing it in the first place. take a minute to get ahold of them and let them know you support it. FYI - you support this or you're the poacher!
  3. It's been posted before.... NYS Senate Bill S4727B increases the fines for illegally taking (poaching) deer. it's passed through committee and passed unanimously 97-0 through the Assembly and passed through the environmental conservation committee in the senate. It's possibly a couple days from a floor vote by the senate to be fully passed. it only needs to be scheduled for a floor vote, in which it will surely pass by a land slide. it just has to be scheduled. the man that has to allow and schedule it for a floor vote is..... Senator John J. Flanagan 518-455-2071 [email protected] feel free to copy his legislative aid - [email protected] this is really close to getting passed and will give poachers much more reason for worry and reconsider doing it in the first place. take a minute to get ahold of them and let them know you support it. FYI - you support this or you're the poacher!
  4. yea I'd see the same and much more so before hard antler. I could glass down into the corn from where I am. deer definitely preferred the corn over beans I think just because it gave them a sense of more cover. field sets down in but is seen by a couple houses and a road. with a little swamp in between.
  5. it's a long process once they even make the decision to put it on your property. know of a company that tried putting several in within this region. invested a lot of $... over a million. then found out utility company's substations couldn't handle to power going into the grid. utility said no problem they'd just send a bill to upgrade their stuff in the tune of 8 figures. it brought everything to a screeching hault.
  6. nice bucks that first one is got a pretty large frame in looks like. has to be a heavy deer pushing 200lbs come early fall.
  7. 2007 Ridgeline wasn't on the list but I did just get a recall notice for it for I think something else in the steering column. I was told I'd get another notice once parts were available.
  8. I think I may have posted this but definitely should go up again. Anyone who hunts in ny should be filling or have filled this out.
  9. The party doe permits were more common years ago. Since then the population has came back in most of the state, so there's no reason to have them anymore. It's harder to get DMPs for 4C with second tag nonexistent. We still take a fair share of doe though. DEC sees doe take then sees we didn't meet buck take objective that was set based agenda and not just for deer. Also don't have a good way to factor in passing of yearlings that skews perception of deer actually being there. End result we get less tags for the same size deer population.
  10. predators are always a lagging indicator of population trend. when predators are way up it means the deer were up. at some point, apparently now, the deer population goes down while you still see and wait for the predator numbers to do the same. could take a while though they have much more of an effect on deer population by taking fawns than the occasional healthy adult deer. mature oaks produce less cover and less mast. that'll always help the population I think.
  11. GMan pointed out the same problem... they're DEC and their data is geared toward looking at the big picture of NY as a whole. As your area of focus gets smaller Pockets where their data says the population is X number of deer could be way off. the applicable sample size the data came from is no longer as useful because you need more of it. in say 8X bob can see loads of deer on one side of the valley and john could see none on the other. DEC's view is as if what bob sees is distributed evenly john. john then says DEC is full of crap. I can't say what's in those WMU's because I don't hunt there. If DEC is going to have a better idea of what's going on in these WMU's that they manage separately for population, things need to change. more people need to report their harvests, do bowhunter sighting logs, and anything else that'll give DEC more and accurate data. with the buck take for yearlings I'm not so sure I believe it either. there's a lot of factors that could skew that. for example hunters are almost always willing to pass yearling bucks in the beginning of the season when there's still hope and weather is warm. as the season drags on their a little more willing to shoot whatever is legal. the weather is colder then too allowing more time to process a deer yourself. also due to pressure yearlings are more visible then wiser older bucks. so there could be logic that meat processors, that are a heavily relied on source for DEC data, aren't seeing a good portion of the yearling bucks being taken. that's only one monkey wrench and I've about many more. I agree with both of you. there's room for improvement, but how much is needed who the heck knows.
  12. One thing I noticed is the difference in use between corn and soybeans if it's not a field secluded. Corn provides cover and soybeans not so much. Deer travel patterns or preferences for blind spots in the field with be different.
  13. no worries way more than that. just make sure everything is maintained properly like waxing the string with a good wax and a couple drops of rail lube for the bolt to slide nice.
  14. has a lot of beans last year and now it's back to corn.
  15. I've often thought about toting along my 9mm with jacketed hollow points to dispatch a chuck still alive in the hole entrance. not often i need to so i haven't really carried a pistol with me.
  16. we get a lot of black fuzzy ones the size of a quarter in the house. always getting rid of them for the wife. some other brownish monsters in the barns at the farm. threshold whatever lesser problematic tarantula we had in 7th grade science class and supervised we could hold it. came in one day though and someone had apparently squashed it in the enclosure because they freaked or something. spiders don't bother me, but then again if I lived in Australia it'd probably be different.
  17. Anything I've seen is where eddies are at or less. Couple bigger than that with beams starting the curl and nubs for G1s. Lots more growing left that will ramp up.
  18. numbers didn't seem down much at all from last year. there is some validity with the warm weather and deer sightings though. it effected the deer in my area. so I can get a better idea of what's coming into the fields, i'd stay until after dark and have someone drive up to clear the field and get me. I ended up hunting other spots that I normally wouldn't, don't usually produce deer, and would be bitterly cold. as soon as that happened sightings were through the roof. some of their numbers just don't make sense though. by prolific I assume you mean certain areas that they're claiming are over populated. state wide they're saying they think deer numbers are down more than 15%.
  19. I can't believe you would conflict your g/f so much and pressure into being an outlaw and using such an assault weapon! shame on you! ....HAHAHA seriously aren't 22LR's a blast to shoot? cheap too. I'm sure it didn't cost you $40+ either. I take it she doesn't shoot much at all? good job getting her exposed to shooting.
  20. I can only speak for my area to an extent. how the heck would I know what deer were taken in your area. I don't go there. same as some other areas in NY. can only work with others to get more and accurate data for my area to DEC. same as others elsewhere in the state might do. it was a general article from the QDMA and didn't at all reference NY and our specific situations. did you not read the disclaimer at the end that it wasn't implying all states do it well enough? I think we've all come to the consensus that there's room for improvement with data end of things here.
  21. that's the problem.... when looking at the picture state wide errors like this get dissolved a bit and turn into a small bump in the road. overall everything is still okay, but your area gets skewed and screwed when those numbers are used for management purposes and maybe things like tag allocations for the following year when the task force gets together with their assorted wish lists of deer expected or not expected to be taken.
  22. ...no disclaimer at the end? https://www.qdma.com/articles/how-do-state-wildlife-agencies-estimate-deer-harvest it's true though when coming up with statewide harvest numbers and some other things, you don't need to get count of every deer. as that article written by Lindsay states, smaller sample sizes require more surveyed hunters. if you want to better understand trends or get certain data from WMU's where any concerns are. that surveyed number goes up significantly. also there's a focus on getting better data. poor data in is just amplified along with the good data all the same. although not completely needed in some situations, nothing is better than more actual accurate data. the current system isn't broken like some on here think. we still have deer every year. there's room for improvement though and from what I know it's being addressed.
  23. you all can afford packages on top of your basic HD cable bill??
  24. Just an FYI #1 - DEC and QDMA here in NY are meeting to try and help the data situation and get more actual harvest data, including data they don't focus on as much at the moment including weight and things that reflect fawn recruitment. DEC meeting with other groups too supposedly. they'd get better quality aging too that will help trending population data. no more staffer sticking a finger in a deer mouth and saying "based on the sharpness of teeth it's 15.5 yrs old." deer that old have no lingual crests. all premolars and molars are flattened from wear. DEC deserves an atta boy for this data improvement effort as long as they follow through, which I think they will. #2 - QDMA is working with legislators on increasing poaching penalities S4727B. no more repeat offenders and petty fines. more progress made yesterday at the capitol. schedule tight but it's moving at a rate to be signed into law by this fall/winter when it'll do its work. #2b - if the poaching bill goes through. logically it'll prevent as many occurrences that ECO's need spend time on which will leave more time to look out for stuff like that. although I think the youth season should stay. I'd rather not take opportunity away from all of them, only because of a few (insert a word) feel the need to use kids to cheat the system.
  25. weed whacking is definitely a pain. I always end up hosing myself off just because it's caked onto my pant legs and shoes. by far the worst is haying or picking rocks on the farm. cows are gone. everything possible been hay fields. all square bales to sell and handle by hand into the barn or semi-truck or both. everything seeded down now so not much for rock picking. not living on farm and readily available and so I don't do as much now. work in an office now so when haying gladly pick up gloves. still weigh the same too but pants have gone up a couple sizes and lost a set of abs. haying is even worse now. lol
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