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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. some have a delusional thought that it'll all of the sudden give them record book antlers. others know it'll have 95" deer running around that they can shoot at and be perfectly happy with a set of antlers that size. many just probably think it'd be nice to see some bucks while on stand and enjoy watching them for once just act like deer instead of targets running the gauntlet. others in some areas of the state are most likely concerned that, as you've stated, it's an issue with the peak of rutting activity and breeding taking place during the middle of the hunting season and when people are knocking them down before they can seek out enough doe to do part of what they're put on this earth to do. I could keep going... I'm sure there's a lot of varying reasons why hunters would. we're a diverse bunch of individuals.
  2. I have I've picked up reloading dies and shell holder. I've also picked up components of CCI small rifle primers, couple cans of Varget powder, and 53gr Vmax bullets with a slightly better BC. Enough to load probably 600+ rounds. Reloading for me is still further out though. I need time/loaded ammo to allow me to start reloading quality rounds. first ones I'm sure I'm bound to make mistakes and they might not be as consistent. I was up in Kittery ME not long ago and picked up some 55gr Vmax loaded by hornady. that seems more available. might shoot a bit better than the bulk pack AR rounds that I thought I could use for practice and verifying scope tracking at some point throughout the season. this weekend i'll have time to test the new ammo probably in between finally getting out to do some turkey hunting.
  3. dbHunterNY


    yup.... the struggle is real. hell I'm busy with deer stuff and other normal life stuff going on I haven't yet been out turkey hunting yet this spring. hopefully I get out once or twice to decompress. if I somehow manage to take a bird that'd be even better. once my daughter is older and if she develops an interest in hunting or if my wife picks up more interest, my involvement might be significantly less.
  4. dbHunterNY


    ...their tough too. anything aside from not roasting them with a flame or crunching them with a tool from a construction belt and they'll live to crawl another day.
  5. dbHunterNY


    problem is even mice and other warm blooded critters carry deer ticks unless they're say a opossum eating them of themselves. controlled burns about eliminate ticks in the area but make them flourish in surrounding areas. ticks are impossible to reduce. we can only take the right measures to deal with them.
  6. dbHunterNY


    don't under any circumstances use the "old tried and true" method of vaseline on a cotton ball. it'll consequently make them puke up their contents, increasing risk of transmitting anything. also just pulling them out you have to be careful part of them doesn't stay in you. O'Tom tick twisters work great. also can use a Q-tip to work the tick's body in a circular motion to carefully twist it free. father in law is going through it rough the past couple years. got to check yourself over good before getting in the shower. you might dislodge one and never realize you were bitten until symptoms kick in.
  7. yea after the seminar Hurst kind of acknowledged that we've been consuming deer that were killed with lead bullets for a long time now. I think it's definitely something someone else like DOH should be tasked with. Hurst definitely expressed concern for lead shot game being consumed by raptors and other smaller animals. That I do think falls under DEC watch and can't fault them there.
  8. wasn't much time for discussion. audience asked how much or further how they are going to promote protection of yearling bucks. it wasn't yet known and still being thought about on how to proceed, with an emphasis on leaving it voluntary decision. their data they've seemed to collect and draw conclusions from didn't seem to show the need to do otherwise. lot of folks from different walks of life asking about antler restrictions but the questions were rephrased or pretty much ignored. including if DEC intends to take another look at those areas with forced antler restrictions. the areas and hunter satisfaction hasn't really been looked into since their implementation. DEC said they had no current intentions to re-evaluate hunter satisfaction in those areas. so for better or worse those areas are stuck with them legislatively for now with no idea if should be removed or kept. other generalized public concerns related to deer and ticks. as well as urban deer population control were brought up that really can't be answered other than it's always being looked at and anything to help would be evaluated and if appropriate implemented. other stuff in relation to buck management zones that were created were asked about and touched on. the zones were created for the hunter satisfaction study that was done. they would be a great platform and basis for implementing future management decisions but nothing is currently decided on for the near future. current deer management plan ended in 2016 with nothing falling right in line for 2017. in overly deer populated areas, Hurst seemed to now have preference to extending early bow seasons into September, over an insertion of an early muzzleloader season, and have that portion be antlerless only. he seemed to now be onboard with ditching anything that'd restrict opportunity. in the near future DEC seems to be making efforts to work with landowners, QDM co-ops, and other deer interested groups to stream line their data collection efforts to get more and better data. this is huge. I can see this leading to less man power/funding to collect data with more funding left to go toward something else. also if they push to get better data they'd be allowed to see actual data and trending better. the "painted picture" of the deer herd won't be lagging behind the actual deer herd situation so much. they're more open to see results of landowners managing the deer on their own land. as well as improving the data portion of their management tasks. seems logical and the exact opposite of a "cart ahead of the horse" direction.
  9. if it's dead it won't go to waste. it happens. there's little to practice for turkey hunting with a gun. other than calling and and patterning/zero checking the gun. get back out there. this time know what 40 yards looks like and then shoot when there's no reservations. good luck and hope you flop one.
  10. like I previously posted probably the Q&A session after had more beneficial info. the presentation was pretty basic for those who are already "plugged in" as to is going on with DEC with respect to deer.
  11. for a $1k there isn't another one like it. I like the color more than probably cheaper in stock colors that'd be more common.
  12. definitely keep a copy and frame it. everyone who finally gets published somehow usually does. somewhere I've got a OEM Powersports magazine cover I'm on because of an extra curricular during college I was apart of. I've got friends who are published in hunting magazines. it's always a cool thing to have your buddies pick up something to read and see your name in it. means people value what you have to say. congrats man! years from now some family will be digging through an old barn and their grandpappy's odd digging stuff and magazines. they'll flip through and there you'll be. a part of history.
  13. I've never heard of that before. I've had one that got some grit in it some how. had to take it apart and clean it. wouldn't recommend it without good light, a mechanical knack, and lots of patience. your case is definitely a weird one. haha
  14. I run into a lot when I put on them on food plots or fields in time lapse. either to survey deer or to watch multiple trails leading into a field or plot. suppose it could burn me but i key stroke through photos on full screen view. i play attention to the starting pic number then stop once i hit something i want to keep. go back to folder and delete that set of consecutive pics. then do it over and over until I'm through them.
  15. just down the road from the house neighbor was planting corn. had one across the road from him out in a hay field less than 200 yards away just hanging out and struttin the whole time.
  16. that's a sweet looking truck!
  17. that's a monster of a doe. I'd think even with a processor you'd get at least 60lbs. I usually get around 45-50lbs from a doe that would weigh that much if I strapped a bag of corn on their back. definitely got hosed.
  18. If you attended or logged in online to the "2016 DEC Public Meetings on Deer Management" a couple days ago or are doing so tonight, you should see a link for a survey. Filling this out is in all of our best interests. Below is a link for the survey..... http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/2767830/NYSDEC-Deer-Management-Planning-2016 ....it's not only based on the webinar / "seminar". it allows you to give feedback or input about much more.
  19. hey he saw it on TV. it must be true.
  20. he may not have even had one. sounds like a win for that area. that's like around 80 deer.
  21. that'd mean the doe was bred second weekend in October. still possible but about 2% of doe are probably bred then. if it was overly drawn out it might have been a fox bawling from distress of some kind. they sound little similar but little longer and more drawn out. females will make that sound around now. they're trying to attract a mate so they'll stay in the same area for a period of time and then move on. it's breeding season for them unlike deer. sounds like a breathy hoarse scream.
  22. i make it a point to not shoot button bucks as do others in the area. kind of frowned upon out this way for one reason or another. doesn't necessarily help your hunting as they relocate. it helps the future buck numbers for those around you though. besides I've processed them before. practically the same amount of work for a fraction of the meat. PITA if you ask me.
  23. dbHunterNY

    Newest Mount

    nice mount for the corner.
  24. definitely accurate. deer prefer different weed/browse. it's not by itself sustaining so they seek out other concentrated food sources. I definitely have them divert travel patterns to hit spots where I've mowed once early in the year to allow the lower greener preferred weeds to take over versus faster, taller, growing weeds that would otherwise choke them out and not be preferred.
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