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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. yea i'll agree... there's more effectively involved than just calling in a fake deer take but I'm sure someone's done it. come to think of it that might have been one of DEC's reasons for ditching bonus DMPs. where there's a will, there's a way. hunters in that context can screw up just about any plan.
  2. it's a disease based prevalence and it doesn't seem to be very prevalent around here. also it might not take hold to make a deer look like a mess with rabies until a later age. maybe that adds to it being quiet here. we've got bio and rat labs out this way always looking into stuff. that's the thing about diseases they aren't a simple science. ...still when I process my deer I avoid things. i don't hack saw through the bones. don't mess with the brain, eyes, spinal column etc.... or cut through lymph nodes. does it help? idk... maybe maybe not but it sure doesn't hurt.
  3. on the decline he'd still have a larger frame among other things despite also losing weight.
  4. seriously though he's young. much bigger in there. it's bow only. with the way the habitat is with all the scrub oak brush and fact you can't cut anything it's harder to get a good treestand location and real tough hunting from the ground. I can't believe you haven't gotten caught. I'd stay out of that area, cease baiting, and remove your camera. if you want PM me and i'll tell you were good spots are but don't bait. you're guaranteed to get caught by one of the Kurts. a lot of people through there too like hikers, hunters, etc. that's why I don't use cams or hangon stands in there either. too much traffic. many local LEOs hunt the area too and are protective of the hunting. they'll sure as heck try to get cuffs on you.
  5. absolutely. I know kids that are more aware and responsible than some adults. I'm all for it.
  6. not sure if it's a long rifle and you know they aren't a felon then maybe. not lawyer giving legal advice. I know it happens though.
  7. if you reload great if not try a box of factory loaded. if it shoots great in your gun go back to the same store and look at the lot numbers on the box and buy enough of the same to last you a while. then store it right. I think I've enough for my primary deer rifle to last me several years.
  8. some are just too tired to talk about it. .....again. I don't think it should be ignored. I don't think we should fear it like a cancer either. Fortunately it's not something we really deal with here.
  9. still have a lot sporting spots. wooly I doubt your buck was offspring from that same year. lol
  10. that'd be cool but I doubt he'd leave the safety of the neighborhood or small unhuntable section of cover. my best spots bordered unhuntable cover. many times they were a small wood lot behind a business. easier for setback rules, among other things, versus residential neighborhoods. if they sell something go in buy a handful of stuff you know you might use and then ask to speak to the manager or owner. sometimes they don't even care. other times they'll let you park your car. set back changes have made it easier I think. always bring a regular set of closes and wipes to clean up for recovery. walking into a business in plain clothes to recover a buck that's laying dead out back is much better then walking in with boots and full camo and face paint. if youre looking like Duck Dynasty making customers or employees uneasy or distracted it'll only make the owner or manager unhappy with you from the start. ...awesome buck.
  11. all of it.... chuck hunting/shooting, trap, hunting other stuff, shooting long range steel with a rifle, pistol comps (bowling pins or bullseye), flushing pigeons out of the barn or shooting them off the peak, ... I like them all.
  12. wearing of "back" tag season restrictions on when coyotes can be taken ....can eliminate those. I want it harsher not eliminated, but trespass and poaching laws are useless as they are right now. that's being worked on right now though; Senate Bill 4727 and Assembly Bill A7171. the rest of what I can think of, I understand the reasoning behind it so I'm ok with it.
  13. whatever one will let you blow into it briefly and then locks up for a half an hour. I've used rattle bags, antlers, bleat tubes, different sized estrous can calls, and others. by far the best call I've had the most luck with is the basic grunt tube. want to fill doe tags? early season bawl like a fawn with one by moving the o-ring. buck off in the distant woods, not coming your way? couple contact grunts while he's walking. I've had better luck with a simple contact grunt then doing much of the fancy stuff you see on TV in prime areas with good buck to doe ratios and full out rutting action. right now I use the original Primos Buck Roar. I can blow it harder for distance deer without pinning the reed. it's soft thus won't "clack" against anything. it has a strap so I strap it to my forearm. I can blow into it while being ready to come to draw with little movement. I did have a buck snort wheeze back at me two seasons ago while dogging a doe. it was cool and rather unexpected.
  14. yea summer coat shedding with winter coat growing in. dull dark brown is the winter coat.
  15. problem I have with these hold over reticles though is some jim bob gets his new scope with a BDC 600 reticle that says calibrated for an XXXgr bullet. he checks it or he doesn't and thinks he's good out that far. come hunting day opportunity, he/she takes a shot and elevation is good enough but in no way hunter considers what wind does to a bullet that far. drills the buck right in the a** and then the neck, when aiming for just behind the shoulder. others with him praise the shot because it's far and the deer happened to die right there. reality is it got shot in the a** and the neck. ruined a bunch of meat. lucky it died without going far. I think people rely on equipment features and gadgets a little too much than understandable. true story actually that happened on the farm. I wasn't happy but it blew over only due to outcome.
  16. all my scopes have a standard duplex reticle but one. that's a Nikon Omega with a BDC 250 reticle I've got mounted on my muzzleloader. I've used every line on that thing. doesn't work all nice and perfectly to each exact yardage but it works far better than estimated hold over. I still have to judge wind and well if making a 200+ yard shot. that said I'd love a nice piece of glass with a reticle having vertical and horizontal marks in MOA increments. at longer ranges I'd prefer a fixed reference point than dialing turrets. turrets aren't always exactly as advertised, you get what you get. with a standard duplex I'm good out to 400 yards with my 30-06. MOA reference points would be nice though.
  17. good additions. I always take out the tenderloins carefully as to not rip them and right away to not let them dry out. also I always leave the hide on when hanging so the meat doesn't dry. when in meat pans at home in a fridge or at the farm in an upright cooler there's saran wrap over them. letting it age is more out of habit being raised for me. I think it helps a little but venison doesn't age like beef does. a week just under 40 degrees is more than enough and any longer won't do much. getting all the connective tissue, fat, and silver skin off it will do much more.
  18. nothing fancy?.... sounded fancy to me.... my choice would probably be my go to deer rifle. Browning Abolt-II stainless bbl and walnut stock, Nikon Prostaff 3-9x40mm scope, and Slogan Outdoors Ultraflex sling. Chambered in 30-06 and I'm shooting 150gr Federal Fusions right now. When I get setup for reloading i'll probably load 210gr Nosler Accubond LR bullets for it.
  19. yea if it's not under 40 degrees I cut it up right away. even then it's always hanging hind quarters up. heat from within the carass doesn't get trapped in body cavity, easier to process, and everything is draining alway from the best cuts of meat. when cutting up deer that quick I still put the boned out meat in a meat pan and in the fridge for up to a week or so at most to let it "rest" and age before vac packing and freezing it.
  20. CWD as far as I know has no effect on predatory animals that would be fed the meat in a zoo. it's limited to cervids and even then possibly not all of them. that's why all kinds of species of wild animals aren't effected. that's not even a remotely feasible or good idea to introduce disease into a deer herd in that context. CWD has killed nothing anywhere???? no. I disagree.
  21. my point is relevant. most people don't make it there business to be sticking their nose in someone else's business. however, if you're breaking enough game laws it's effecting other people so you're making it their business. also, if you're doing something so brazen while breaking them that you put me in a position to be questioned by an ECO then I'm not going to lie to cover things up if it means I'd incriminate myself in some way. it may happen on rare occasion. maybe more often out your way because it's the same repeat offenders. I'm not going to remotely entertain the idea that we live in a "wild wild west" type of world where peoples camps are burned down and their trucks destroyed.
  22. really??... lol... apparently you haven't had any "fall-out" or "collateral damage" effect you or anyone you know. here's a situation... you walk out of some pit stop just doing your deer farm duties (your job, much like the ECO) and some nut job decided to beat the crap out of you and whomever you were with, because they didn't like deer farms. you notice people standing around watching, and one guy says "not me and mine. glad I'm not him." then when questioned by cops they let it be and don't know anything. I'm not going to ask if you'd be pissed.
  23. ECO's out here said biggest problem with respect to prevalence is putting food out for deer, to hunt over or otherwise. why some think a little pile of corn, not far from a standing ag field with corn or beans, will create this hunting utopia is beyond me. the deer know where it came from and the smartest/biggest ones are mostly coming into them at night. in states where I could legally bait I've had better luck without it than with it. known some to use an ATV for access, no round in the chamber but clip in the gun. some have gone hunting with their tag forgotten back at camp or the house. I think playing by the rules takes minimal effort so I do but small things like those I mentioned don't leave me shouting for the paddy wagon. most other stuff I would call someone out on that negatively effects mine or others hunting or safety. most of the time I call the person out first. if they have an I don't give a crap attitude then DEC will get a phone call when they do it again. poaching a deer on property you don't have permission to be on is an automatic DEC call. hunters make some sacrifice to get permission and landowners pay too many taxes to support your free loading a**. serious other stuff... why should any of us buy tags and deal with DEC regulation headaches if you're going to do as you please? reporting your deer is maybe a minimal one that I better not find out you neglected to do. want to be the hunter that took a deer and didn't bother to make a phone call or report online? you better not be in 4C and it's a buck. you better not be in an "over populated" WMU and it be a doe. otherwise, you took away from all other hunters in the crowded room. know there's consequences to your actions. retaliation I'm not worried about. word travels fast in small towns. won't get caught so it doesn't matter? sometimes bad reps can haunt someone throughout day to day life more than any jail or fine could. I've seen it.
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