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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. assuming most represent history with certain bucks. get an old wood plank, trim out picture frame from old wood with finish nails and glue. glass and trail cam photo from that year side in from side. leather strips short but tied off to each shed. old square nails to hang them with photo in the middle. offset photo if only one side was found. move down the board with previous years sheds. lean the board against the wall under the mount. you can take the sheds off any time to BS with a friend. other idea that's more up your alley is make a mount with square pin sleeves. drill out shed bases and mount small square pins putty epoxy them into place to get angles right. now you can take sheds from multiple years and slide them onto the mount to see what the deer looked like year to year within reason.
  2. send him to our farm. we'll plow up some new ground. there will be so many rocks free for the taking he'll be heaven.
  3. might fit right onto my 7200D problem is i've already got a 48" that's still handy. 60" is nice though and saves time.
  4. people do crazy things. it sucks having people encroach on a place you've hunting your whole life, whether you could be there or not i suppose. be fair but direct and firm with him. if you have trail cam photos go ahead and share them with him. keep reminding him you'll help track a shot deer if shot on HIS land and runs onto YOUR lease. give him your contact info. i've never had someone posture while pointing out they have a firearm but there's weird people out there. don't write him off just yet but cover your ass and keep packing the 9mm when you're there. i had that (minus the poor attitude) at my old house but i got along great with those who hunted the line. still do and i don't even live there now. i didn't blame them hunting the line as my creek bottom was a good spot. to help their will power I hinge cut at the property line and made it real thick with room for deer to run and dump down further into my property. every time they walked to their stands after that they got busted by deer.
  5. i'm holding out for a scholarship that comes with free room and board and money toward course materials. i figured you were doing the same. should've lied on the application and called yourself a handicapped crossbow shooter. just on principal you would've gotten a full ride and new Elite bow. They'd probably just make you sign a exclusivity agreement saying you can only shoot an Elite for the rest of your life. lol
  6. yes i do.... but end up ditching the compound. best thing you could do is take the rest and stuff off your compound for the season if you want to use a trad bow, otherwise you'll end up using a compound. lol
  7. isn't said you give a place overseas your business. probably make them sign stuff saying they won't pirate your intellectual property and then as soon as you get back on a plane they're already making knockoffs.
  8. nope they are the real deal .... made in China. No knockoff made in China! BWHAHAHA
  9. here's my take. i've been around several successfully raised fawns in the past that got rehabbed from getting injured in ag fields by harvest related farm equipment. otherwise i wouldn't know what sound they make. a lot of calls off the shelf aren't easy to replicate the same sound. forget what sounds a call off a store shelf makes when you blow into it. a fawn bleat is a like a little kid saying "meh!". slightly higher pitched and plenty loud but not obnoxious like predator calling if you've heard it. don't fade off with the sound but cut the air right off to the call. imagine the fawn throwing out 1 or 2 at most and then taking some steps or strides before sounding off again. lungs are significantly smaller than yours remember. image your kid calling out to you in the house trying to figure where you are without you answering right away. fawn might come trotting in but when they do shut up. basically a "bawl" is more emotional, distressed, drawn out, and a little more in sequence despite it's the same sound. still chop the air off to end each sound. so i don't get carried away making racket i only take partial breaths. happens when a fawn's likely stuck or hung up in something or in something's mouth. This means the fawn is in deep sh*t and a doe is likely to come in real fast. don't do this on the ground and you'll likely get run over. if the doe is bold enough and you look small enough you might get stomped. point of this post is to bring doe into range and shoot. as soon as you see a doe coming in stop calling and get ready. they already know where you are and won't hang around when they see you getting ready. during the season they act differently than right now.
  10. i came in dead last. forgot to report any deer i took. lol
  11. to sustain it as an inland pine barren ecosystem to support stuff like the blue karner butterfly and other species they have to remove invasive tree species and there's a lot of them. no doubt it'll effect deer. just something you deal with if you want to hunt there.
  12. local brewery getting ready to brew their annual WhollyMoses Pumpkin Ale. Release is October 1st. Pumpkins from a local farm stand. ....pic taken yesterday.
  13. Dave if you're having troubles maybe we can meet up. what was loose?
  14. Seems like curiosity was the reason they came in. Your delivery was weird. Fawns dont really string them together like that. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  15. That was a good idea. Going with that tonight. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  16. never bothered with knowing speed. figure a well tuned bow's speed is as good as it'll be whether you like it or not. now that my arrow saw has come in, straightness will be easier to work on without bugging a local shop. spin it and cut wobbly end (run out) a little at a time on whichever end needs it. now a .006" straight arrow is a .002" straight arrow for less money. i square shafts and inserts with a tool. idc who you are a saw can't cut them perfectly square. nock end squared too. i weigh them and separate them too with a frankfort arsenal digital scale. points and heads weighed too. i don't spine arrows but tune arrow by shooting it. while doing so to get POI and all that good assuming i can by doing things like turning nock. after i've exhausted that effort and butchered a plumb bob string i mark a line for "up" on the arrows so that when i fletch them i'm keeping the orientation. doesn't make a different with mechanicals but makes well spinning fixed blade heads fly well.
  17. i actually think the guide and harvest summaries are very well done compared to years ago. i wish they'd more openly publish the deer forecast to go along with it. another under utilized source of information to the public.
  18. don't forget my bow, arrows, and release. seriously i packed the vehicle up one early morning at dark. forgot my bow sitting on the roof. got to my hunting spot. parked bow wasn't there. lol seriously number 1 (after safety) would be don't cut corners. you can get away with not shooting your gun as often or not paying complete attention to what the wind is doing 200-300 yards out at the deer and still possibly be succesful. bowhunting if you hunt sloppy you will have very little success. you'll be the blind squirrel finding a nut on rare occasion only.
  19. i shoot different setups that vary in arrow weight and poundage. all compounds. haven't taken a deer yet with a trad bow they seem to hit with what i'm using. i've got a lot that had the arrow hang up at fletching but head made it all the way through with two holes. more often the arrow passed through entirely and kept going. haven't spined a deer yet and haven't hit the off shoulder direct enough or in the right spot to prevent a pass through. even had a doe spin and arrow likely deflect where it went in just behind the front shoulder and out the far side of the hind quarter. still the arrow was hanging mostly out.
  20. glad to hear nothing happened. a lot of stuff to potentially land on at the forest floor or parts of your body to take the brunt force that would've made the outcome way worse. seems i try to use a safety harness with tree strap or linemans belt every chance i get.
  21. honestly if not done right bleats and bawls can drive some doe away. for doe best thing that seems to work is a quick simple contact grunt. no tending, rutting, etc. just a simply "hi". if they don't hear you throw out one more but stop. they likely didn't hear you but aren't giving you attention yet. you want them to know about where you are and not have you pinned down. doe are smart. if a single doe is on the move and looking around a contact grunt works even better. instincts are when danger shows up it's better to be with other deer, with more eyes and ears. it'll head toward where it heard another deer, assuming you're in a place deer would travel, thinking it'll eventually meet one and continue to flew danger if need be.
  22. I've heard both from real animals and yea they're quite different. A lot more urgency, emotion, and duration with rabbit distress. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  23. Just watched it 1st episode of new season. Story isnt the same but not supposed to be. still good with tie-ins to SOA. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  24. I've had same results with bleats as bawls. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
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