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  • Hunting Location
    Southern Tier
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. No, not meaning to stir anything up! Just wanted to see some other opinions out there. We're not going to take any deer illegally and we follow the laws, but this season (and seasons prior) have left us frustrated.
  2. It's almost end of season and my husband only got ONE deer this year and he's only got a buck tag left. I think it's so dumb how all these people are posting pics of dead deer after dead deer on facebook—they can't possibly have tags for all those!!! Sometimes playing by the rules doesn't seem fair. Hunting licenses cost so much, you have to tag your deer, you can't hunt after dark, can't use decoys, and on and on. Do you play by the rules ALL the time? Should we pick and choose which laws to actually abide by? Ever gotten caught? You know, of course, the second my husband takes the chance and shoots a doe without a tag for it he'll get fined. Just our luck.
  3. My husband does taxidermy and used to boil the skulls for his European mounts in our kitchen (and we don't even has an exhaust above the stove)! The windows would fog up with dead deer stink. He's actually outside RIGHT now boiling his newest skulls over a wood fire pit. Saves hours worth of propane and keeps the stink outside!
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