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About pa3190

  • Birthday 07/06/1950

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  • Hunting Gun
    30.-06 Remington Model 700
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  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Give me something I can send the clip to.
  2. I am selling my Tactacam 4.0 that is one year old. I successfully used it to record a hunt last year. It is in brand new condition. I’m a gadget guy—couldn’t resist buying the 5.0 this year. For details on the device, go to Tactacam.com. It comes with 2 batteries, recharger, archery pkg, gun pkg, head mount, 32 GB card. Price: $275.00 email: [email protected]
  3. Anybody interested in a club, we have 1250 acres of leased land and a camp and bunkhouse on it. Small membership, but carefully chosen to avoid "people problems"....other words, we all get along. It's gotten to the point where I won't hunt state land anymore because I love the camp atmosphere----familiar faces, familiar land, nobody right around the next tree, wear camo without fear of getting shot, mealtime, sharing stories with the others...I started on state land where I grew up downstate and have ended up here....wouldn't have it any other way...North Woods tough but a great challenge...have to experience it to understand why we do it...besides, we have good deer populations (3 miles east of Cranberry Lake) and am successful almost every year....we have 10 guys and consider up to 13. [email protected]
  4. Good luck with your land search..for the reasons of starting tradition and having a familiar place to go to every time, we leased 1250 acres in the adirondacks for a small group...there is nothing like the comraderie of a hunting camp....traditions, jokes misses, hits familiar bunk, mealtime, etc. I started hunting in the southern tier where I grew up and eventually ended up in the ADKs. I never have to worry about another hunter around the corner, can wear camo without fear of getting shot, and be successful most years. I'm at the point where I'd stop hunting if I had to scramble around state land and all the unknowns associated with it anymore. As for costs, dues are reasonable for the days or weeks of participation you get out of it. we have 10 guys and always carefully consider up to 13.
  5. Welcome! I may be partial, but don't overlook the opportunity to join a hunting camp to get the whole experience....I'm sure there are multiple members on here that belong to one....Mine is small with 1250 acres and 10 members near Cranberry Lake in the Adirondacks. When we started ours a few years ago, we were determined to eliminate the factors that can cause dissention in camps. We cater to and help newbies. We don't allow any member to "claim" a territory for themselves. We agree among ourselves where we hunt each day. Obviously, if one guy puts a lot of time into scouting and putting up a stand, we give courtesy and defer to him for that spot when he is hunting. But, if he is not hunting that spot a particular day, anyone else can hunt that area and even put up a stand of their own if the first guy doesn't want anyone else in his stand. It's really not a probem...we work it out. The other thing we do is share some of our individual stands (most of us have multiple ones) if we aren't using them that day. We have cut down new members learning curve by sharing scouting info. Our relatively new club needs a few members...we are particular only in that we get along and act as a club with the comraderie and all. In any event, good luck! [email protected]
  6. we have a small lease of 1250 acres near Cranberry Lake. good hunting. many tree stands. looking a few new members....no learning curve here! we have stands we share in prime spots....bunkhouse and main camp....experience the Adirondack Camp life! bring a buddy to be more comfortable in new environment.
  7. our members come from Pa to Orange Co, NY to locals.
  8. Hello, everyone. I'm not sure of the demographics here; how many from my neck of the woods (Adirondacks). I just can't seem to get enough of the woods. grew up in Orange County area; cut my teeth hunting the Catskills and, later, western NY. I found my niche up here, though, with room to roam, a private lease club of 1250 acres (small lease for up here) and many more state acres. My club ranges from age 65 to guys in their 20's. Those of us who live here do a lot of the scouting and stand location work. We hunt alot from treestands to try to keep the deer daytime activity maximized. But we are free to hunt as we wish. I killed a ton of deer downstate on State land and my father's land in my day, but it is definitely more of a challenge up here. Deer aren't used to us in the woods and there are fewer of them to roam the expanses of terrain. However, we are quite successful and those who work at it generally get a deer often enough. I am at the stage in my life that if I didn't have the club and the camp we share and the comradery, I wouldn't hunt anymore. I usually get one, but just the taking of the deer isn't enough. I can't say enough about the experience of an Adirondack camp. We take about 12 guys for our club and currently have two openings. We are careful to make it fit for us and for the new guys, if anyone is interested.
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