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Everything posted by steve863

  1. I had the same thought. The sky is the limit to all the special effects and props that are used in movies these days and someone can't make a freakin' fake gun to look, sound and have a muzzle blast like a real one?? Unbelievable!
  2. From what I read it was in preparation for the camera angle. Shouldn't make one bit of difference if it was an actual scene or a prelude to it. I highly doubt many actors are checking the guns themselves. They depend on the paid gun handlers to get it all set up for them. Baldwin is surely a non-stop blabber mouth liberal so I guess the other side isn't missing the opportunity to go after him here.
  3. I didn't watch the interview and could care less that it's Alec Baldwin who is involved here. But of the probably millions of rounds that have been fired in movies over the decades, do people really think that all the actors doing the shooting checked the firearms themselves to see that there wasn't a live round in them before pulling the trigger?? I would highly doubt that. Did John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Chuck Conners, Charles Bronson, Kirk Douglas, etc., etc. check their guns every time before pulling the trigger? Absolutely NO one can prove it one way or the other, but again I would highly doubt it.
  4. Some on this forum need a 3 inch vaccine needle in their a$$ to cure their paranoia nevermind COVID.
  5. One of my biggest fears is slamming into a deer at high speed. I drive a good ways on route 17 and the deer are often at the edge of the highway especially at night. I often think it would be like payback for all the deer I've shot over the years. Hope it never happens!
  6. So now someone has to buy a $5000 gun to go hunting? Those guns have killed plenty of deer and are far from cheap pieces of junk.
  7. Is it smart to have a gun show smack in the middle of gun season for deer? I would think many potential attendees will be out hunting.
  8. I heard a rumor that Chef had to do hard manual labor while in the forum jail. He spent 18 hours a day stitching HuntingNY.com T shirts. Hopefully they finally get sent out and arrive before Christmas.
  9. Gotcha. You didnt say that in the post with those trail cam pics so I was confused.
  10. The November 1 trail camera picture you posted below your buck kill picture. Doesn't look like the same deer to me.
  11. Congrats on your buck, Biz. From the way that deer looks to me there is no way in the world that he is 3.5 years old. I've actually seen 1.5 year bucks with antlers as big as that. Not taking anything away from your buck, any deer is a good deer to me, but I'm just saying that the DEC guys don't appear to be correct in their age estimations. Also, your picture of a buck on 11/1 at 9:38am doesn't look like the buck you put down. That one looks bigger to me.
  12. That was November 17, 2018, Bob. Here's the picture. What a memorable hunt that was and I am glad that I had a chance the be a small part of it! Would be great to have some snow this year, too, but it doesn't look like it will happen.
  13. Luberhill, you ask all sorts of questions on this forum but you really stepped in it by asking this one. LOL
  14. Aren't you the dude who was carrying a buck out on his back a week or two ago?? WTF??? I don't think one needs to be such a HE-Man while out hunting. Better to be safe than sorry.
  15. You answered your own question above. Also if you bought muzzleloading privileges you have another antlerless tag you can use on a doe during bow season.
  16. Just saw it on Youtube. He looks like he never handled a firearm in his life for crying out loud! I'd say the article does a total hatchet job of LaPierre, but I've seen him on TV more than enough times to get the impression that he really does have the personality of a doorknob.
  17. All I will say is that a conversation about the .223 for deer hunting would have never happened 30 years ago before the AR rifle craze.
  18. Incorrect usage of "their". It should be "they're". Back to grammar school with you! LOL
  19. I know that the DEC is driven by legislator input, but what other regulation have they left up to the counties to opt in or out of? I sure can't recall any. Do counties get to decide for themselves how many doe permits get given out? No way!
  20. I don't understand why the DEC left this youth hunt for 12 and 13 year olds along with the Holiday week hunt up to the counties to opt in or out of. They have never done anything like this before with a major statewide hunting regulation change that I can remember. This is a terrible precedent for hunting in NYS. It will spell trouble for hunting in the counties that are close to big city areas. The DEC should be making statewide hunting decisions and not the counties.
  21. I used Fins to Feathers Taxidermy once. He seems honest and competent and is a nice guy. I don't think there are too many others to choose from anymore on the Island. Used to be a lot more years ago. https://alllongislandtaxidermy.com/
  22. Maybe he's got a hunters training certificate from his country or some other country? That would be proof enough to purchase a license in NYS.
  23. I think I know baseball well enough to know that compared to any other sport things will get to even themselves out. Every winning streak will bring on a losing streak. Don't know if it's a good thing for a team to be on such an unbeatable tear just before the playoffs begin. Teams can go from playing like Hall of Famers for a few weeks to playing like little leaguers the next.
  24. steve863


    Exactly where is sunrise at 6:10 right now? Sunrise is at 6:47 in NYC today so it's even later the further west you go in New York state.
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