Once I get the money I will be getting an elite! Right now i shoot my hoyt charger great. And I use Easton arrows only now. I shoot aftermaths I made up 2 dozen for 100$. There tough.
I got one early January my brother hit, yearling doe he hit at night, came back the next morning and she was laying 10 yards in the woods. Called the local sheriff office and they came up and finished her for me. Dislocated back hip with no meat loss. She would of been eaten alive if I didn't go look if I could locate her.
Nice guns, I shot one in 45 and liked it but went with the Glock 19 because I like the cheaper ammo! And I use it as a carry gun. A friend of I are looking into idpa this March in Broome county area. I'm sure there's some local ranges around you that may have this.
Got some in Walmart and gander the other day, I bought a couple thousand before this bs and I'm happy I did now, dicks in vestal ny seems to have .22 most days. But it's hit or miss everywhere else.
Got to the range today and wow! Hitting little silhouettes at 25 yards was a breeze until about 200 rounds and the cylinder started to gunk up. I think it was mainly due to the cold and there being a little bit of oil in there. Da/sa both are effortless. It was dead on with minimags, about 6" high with the federal, the rem golden was all over the place!
I've tried cci mini mags, stingers, quiets, rem golden bullet, Winchester m-22, favorite is the minimags, the quiets are great for popping squriells out the back window, the golden bullets get a bad rap but I like them.
I picked up a Rossi model 518 stainless looks to be made in the mid 90s And didn't have a scratch on it! It's a 6 shot ss 4" barrel with fully adjustable sites. Similar to this one. And tommorw I'll probably head to tioga sportsmans club or a friends house to shoot, should be mid 20s after noon! ($324 with tax out the door and original box, Mclains in west corners.)