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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Hock3y24

  1. Nephew just dumped a basket 8 an 7:08, had a spike out there too! 87 yard shot
  2. Just sat, nephew can’t go out till the morning so I figured I’d sneak out with the bow.
  3. Eat oranges non stop, I did it with covid last year and it never put me down, I did housework the whole time.
  4. Does all over just not in range, buddy shot a real nice 7pt this am so I came home and helped him! Says he had tinks 69 out and grunted him in I’m shocked.
  5. Nothing this morning, cam says 6-7 pm is hot time on this trail I’m on now.
  6. South of the border for today, hoping to nock down a doe!
  7. HA, Nys blows, PA you can bring a damn toddler to hunt as long as they can aim and fire.
  8. it was all half off, I had to do it. I shared with the guys at camp but still bought over 10k rounds.
  9. Saw one doe this am at 30 yards, could not verify it was not a spike due to fog so I passed. Pic is spike making rub last evening.
  10. I bought the whole last Walmart truck in dec 2019 of 9mm and 5.56. I’m set for about 10 years.
  11. Sitting in a pretty low odds spot observing a field. I think I know where their comin out and if I’m right I can kill a doe or two from the climber on a good wind.
  12. 6:45 I could shoot field edge, woods looked pitch black still lol
  13. Just gettin outa work, weather says morning sit for me.
  14. Appears to be a gap in weather 4-7, I’ll probably go sit behind my house
  15. All ready, taking my nephew out. At least in NY they can shot any deer, PA my son can only shoot a doe in youth season.
  16. Came in by herself this am, hard quartering away shot, Magnus black hornet ate her up, she went about 50 yards.
  17. I’ll have to make another post, I made a 5 gallon bucket into a water tank with a ball valve, pvc pipe, rubber o rings, and a water tight lid. I’m completely clean after cleaning my doe.
  18. Saw nothing yesterday,doe and button so far this am just outa range.
  19. Two coyotes and two deer way off, I stalked the coyotes to 50 yards then they winded me.
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