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  1. Just as a reminder to all. This weekend is a Youth firearms weekend for deer in the Southern and Northern zone. Saturday October 6 - Monday October 8. Not going to get into the politics of this. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/46245.html
  2. Went all weekend and had 2 cubs come in. Not in moose river plains tho. Have fun at MRP it was a hunting convention. Never seen so many guys in my life so far in the back country. good luck. hopefully it'll be better for u.
  3. Have owned one(X3) for almost 5 years. Very pleased. i shot alot of bows and even turned down bows that cost 3 times as much for the smoothness of this one. Don't let the price fool u it's a good, realiable bow. In my mind, it could easily compete with some of the best.
  4. Don't forget the Eastern Massasauga and the Timber Rattler. They are here too and very poisonous.
  5. I've been thinking about doing a late summer-early fall black bear hunt in Maine over bait. Any tips or guides with success would be helpful. Is it better earlier in the "over bait" season or later? -Thanks
  6. I got the Pro Mag stand. As a part of the show package I got the stand, arm pads, chill pad. I also bought the bow rest at cost. saved over $135 with the show price.
  7. I ended up buying a tree walker for my first climber this past weekend at the Eastern Outdoor sports show in Harrisburg, PA. Tried it out at the show and when i got it home. Very happy with my decision. Thanks for all your inputs
  8. Recently i've been considering getting a climbing tree stand. I have way to many stands now and am tired of buying and building afew each year. I'm looking for something that can hold some heavy weight, easy to use, and good for bow hunting. Price doesn't matter because i plan on making it a long term investment. I keep looking at the lone wolf sit and climb, any knowledge on that, as well as other climbers would be greatly appreciated.
  9. With only 2 days left of bow in the southern tier who is still out there getting after it? i know i have vacation tmrw, and friday. hope it all cooperates.
  10. WOW! That's alittle different. Never heard of it, But makes since.
  11. Been looking into it for a while. Thanks for the info Cats. DO u remember how much u paid for your license? and what kind of lic. u got?
  12. Have been researching and thinking about going to Ohio to hunt for a few yrs now for the Jan. hunt with the smoke pole. Anyone who's done the late season Muzzleloader hunt or knows a little more please respond. How to go about getting tags? different laws? any tips?
  13. Can A buck be scored after coming back from the Tax.?
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