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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Icefishny

  1. Be careful you do not hit the knock with your release before you draw. Also check your serving and make sure it is not worn . It could be as simple as having a new serving put on .
  2. Hey everyone, glad I found this and excited to be a part of it ! Screen name is icefishny . Avid hunter as well as fisherman. Looking forward to reading through all of the great posts . I hope I can contribute some good information as well !
  3. Can you burn yourself out on something you truly love to do and have such a passion for? Tha is only here for a few months out of the year ? That you wait for all year long? I'd spend every second of everyday on stand of it were possible ! Not toention the fact that with the season beginning on the first of the month now , the first week is your best shot at catching one of those bucks on the feeding pattern you've figured out "weather permitting Ofcourse" after that week patterns change and it will be hard to spot one of those bucks again until the rut begins .and everyone knows that they can be chasing a doe 5 miles from your stand at that time ! Good luck everyone! Shoot straight and be safe !
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