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Posts posted by notasheep

  1. I had to make the switch to using the Draw-loc from Hickory Creek Archery due to my disability, and I will say that they are expensive and somewhat awkward to use. It will be only a matter of time, and the Barnett crossbow I have will replace use of the Draw-loc, and life will go on in archery season like it always has. Get used to it. Cabelas will be a nice addition to the area, that's for sure.


    my friends and i are making plans to be standing in line the day their doors open can't wait!

  2. Wonder if NY will stick with 200lb max for xbows? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    i think 200 lbs is fine. the manufacturers need work on quieting them down though bigtime.i've tried them in ohio and wisconsin on bow hunts and i found a 20 yard shot is a long way! with the noise they make.the nay sayers really don't know what their talking about when they repeat the talking points that people will be killing deer 30,40,50 yards away....bullshit the deer'll be long gone before that bolt arrives.i had a nice buck jump the string at 30 yards made me laugh and shake my head.

  3. Jason118, on 05 Feb 2014 - 01:02 AM, said:

    When do we find out the regulations of use for our area? My father can't pull a bow back any longer and I would like to get him set up ASAP if it's going to be plausible in our area

    In the meantime, there are devices to assist his draw.

    Yes and that was the initial plan, he would need a new set up either way. If we were sure crossbow is going to pass , I would just get him that instead of spending the money on a bow with all the extras.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk



    hey jason wait until cabelas opens in erie county they'll have a huge selections of crossbows,along with a range to try them,along with a staff that knows how to help you or your dad in picking one.watch out with the draw assist,my dad tried one,one of the limbs started to delaminate,voided the warranty.most limbs on todays bows won't withstand being held fully loaded for long periods of time.

  4. Well, that explains why you are so free with the privacy rights of others. You'll never have anybody move in that close to your cabin, so the hell with everybody else. Good attitude.



     my privacy rights, in so far as we are taking about real estate, end at my property lines and thats the way it should be,no?i don"t think many would agree that your privacy rights should extend past your property lines.and really the potential pervert under the guise of a bird watcher could set up 50ft from your home now,as long as he is on his property,and watch.....you now.and as far as my attitude i try to keep it firmly planted in reality...its worked well for me. 

  5. Well....then we're not talking about hunting as a community we're talking your deer.i own a home and a cabin with 233 acres.my property is posted tight as a drum also but I believe that I'm not entitled to all the deer.i have neighbors who hunt,we respect our mutual property lines,but as sportsmen if a wounded deer cross our property lines we,after a heads up,go and get them.and I don't think their trying to look at my ass if their less than 500 ft from my property line.at least you just came out and said it instead of coming up with the bullshit scenarios we've been treated to here.the "accidental release triggering"was a peach. hunters should have the same rules regardless whether they own property or not. if a wounded runs on to you property your entitled to not allow that hunter to retrieve it.

  6. More ifs and buts....why not let those hunters who choose to hunt Closer than 500 ft of an occupied dwelling figure out what will work for them.i suspect the vast majority of them will plan and set themselves up so that your worst case scenario doesn't occur.my lord....they're perverts,they're going to accidently shoot somebody,the neighbor is going to let their deer lay and rot on their front lawn? Just seems that any change so that someone has a new opportunity to hunt is a bad thing to the same old people here.

  7. Wow bowhunters are now going to become peeping toms LOL because the dec wants to relax setbacks possibly affording someone the opportunity to hunt a piece of property that they couldn't hunt before,probably because some rotten anti hunter wouldn't

    Agree to waive the 500 ft rule......and you guys/girls are taking the anti hunters side?....sad and oh you might have an "accidental release triggering"........yikes

  8. Add oil ? Grease it up? Yikes! Hey bow do yourself a favor get an older compound and buy yourself some tools.bow vice,simple center shot jig,nocks and nock pliers, a portable bow vice,the cable type,some serving string and learn how to do this stuff yourself.you could buy all this stuff for under 200 bucks.theres tons of info on YouTube doing everything one could possibly do to a bow.so when you need to check something on your bow you can.all this stuff is very portable so it can go anywhere your bow goes in the event of a malfunction you don't have to go to a bow shop to get it fixed.tearing a bow apart and putting back together is simple with the appropriate tools.being able to do this kind of stuff will make you a better shooter too.and don't ever add oil or grease up a bow. Contact your bow manufacturer and tell them of the problem,I'm sure they wouldn't tell you to grease it up.your bow shop greased it up to avoid having to do the warrantee rigmarole with the company.i did the very same thing.i can change everything on my bow out of a toolbox anywhere I am,and I know my bow will be set up correctly,to shoot straight.

  9. Your credibility went right out the window by condemning the speaking out against slob hunters. I am believe it or not - sick of arguing with people, it is much easier to go with the flow and get along, but you are being irresponsible with that statement and compelling me to be a prick...

    I agree with you we are self destructing but for much different reasons than you do. However, I agree with Doc that we hunters are a very diverse community and the community of gun owners is even much larger and more diverse.

    I don't want to have the actions, motivations, and mentality of other hunters being perceived as my own. If you do, so be it, that is your bussiness. As a matter of fact when talking to a hostile landowner or a person on the fence about the morality of hunting the first thing I do is draw a clear line. To say one of my duck hunts can be compared to the way someone hunts deer, turkey coyotes is ridiculous. More ridiculous is to make that comparison when any form of hunting is done irresponsibly, unethically, or illegally. It is also ridiculous to make a statement that all hunters have a strong conservation ethic or that hunters are generally knowledgeable about conservation - because generally they are not...[/quote

    The point I was making was that throughout this debate about crossbows members here allowed themselves to stop debating whether other fellow,hunters,sportsmen and women, should be allowed to use crossbows,and began calling them slob hunters,lazy,not real hunters,ect ect ect.and by attacking fellow hunters,like that,drove wedges between fellow hunters at a time when we are under attack from all sides. I don't have a clue what you are talking about.but re-read it maybe you won't have to be a prick....

  10. Actually, I don't believe there is an anti-hunter anywhere that really believes that we are in anyway "self-destructing". We are a very diverse community that has very diverse opinions, back-grounds, and viewpoints. And where this notion ever came from that we have to tip-toe around issues that we don't agree on, I'll never figure out. Is there something about hunters that uniquely requires that we shut down debate and that we all must march along in lock-step just to survive? I don't think we are that fragile, and I intend to continue to express opinions, and even vigorously when they are issues that I feel passionate about. The anti-hunting groups and individuals are not going to dictate my behavior or opinions or my conversation. Don't let them scare you away from expressing your opinions either. Lol .... Apparently from your reply, you have no problems expressing your opinions regardless of who they may piss-off and that is the way it should remain.

    Ok I'm wrong too.....you win this debate......again

  11. That aside...do you own or use a gun? Do you believe in the 2nd amendment?

    sure do ...handguns,rifles even an assault weapon...just pointing out how our different "factions" of sportsmen chose to drive wedges among us for/against crossbows,real hunters/slob hunters,and it got real personal. dont think for a second that the ones that would like to eliminate all hunting and guns are not watching us essentially self destruct from within and using that against us.and i find it  even more ironic that this is a crossbow thread and some of those more vocal,"wedge drivers",if you will,are on here calling for all to come together now and fight.i not only believe in the 2nd amendment but i believe in the entire constitution.i find it just as despicable , when a  self serving group like nyb and their sympathizers hijack a self serving politician, like sweeney,and deprive other americans of their freedoms,ie to choose which hunting implement they want or can use.cuts both ways ya know?

  12. wow.... now the anti crossbow fellow hunters/real hunters on this site after spending years insulting men like my father who would like to restart bowhunting again with a crossbow,would like us to all band together and fight the evil anti gun legislation/legislators.just imagine how many people who have read your insults now read your call to action and shake their head in disbelief.

  13. looking for a bird dog for next season ... got clearance from the woman under the guise of " for the kid " =) anybody know somebody in or around NY , PA area who has a good reputation ?

    Do you have any experience with gsp? Reason I ask is they are a very high energy dog requiring huge amounts of exercise and attention .my father had many of them when bird hunting in wny was a walk in the park.i resisted owning one because I remember the hours and hours required to keep them mentally and physically satisfied.i decided I respected that breed too much to half ass it and they deserve better.i went with a Brittany for bird hunting and a pet .

  14. Ha-ha .... older deer are smarter deer. I've been looking at pictures of an incredible 8 point that shows up pretty regularly at 1:30 in the morning. AR or no AR, nothing is going to make them stupid. They quickly figure out the safety of nocturnal habits.

    A little related side-question: I have to wonder how many of these critters succumb to the battles when bigger and older bucks start crowding each other's territories..... not only outright lethal battle wounds, but also the excessive physical exertion from too many violent fights just before the rigors of winter set in. Has anyone ever checked those kinds of mortality losses. Just a little thought that I have always wondered about.

    Anyway, anyone who expects that AR will produce common sightings of book-buck everywhere, has probably been watching too much Saturday morning TV on the Outdoor Channel .... lol.

    Book bucks is not what ARs are designed to accomplish.ARs will stop spike and four pointers from being killed,obviously,but there is no doubt that the size of the deer and the antler quality would improve.the states around us here in ny where buck age management is taken seriously,oh,wi,mich,il,minn,prove that it works.hunters in pa that I know and speak with say the pa bucks are starting to show that the AR program is working there.

  15. My camp is also in Allen.All thru the 90's here in 9p you could get 3 dmp permits per hunter,deer were everywhere.at our camp 5 of us would throw10-15 permits in the woodstove.hunters were killing deer two at a time.well now after years of mismanagement and irresponsibility those chickens have come home to roost.add to that more hunting pressure....bad times.

  16. Look guys I love hunters,love guys like you that are passionate about hunting.but the facts are what they are.the deer we hunt are called northern whitetails sometimes northern woodland whitetails.there the same species that are in Wisconsin,Minnesota,Illinois,Indiana,Pennsylvania, and ohio.the northern whitetail species is considered the largest of the whitetails in North America.the Midwestern species I can't recall their proper name are not the largest sub species of whitetail.yet that part of the country has in the last 40-50 years,with government and hunters working together,have the hunting opportunities they have by maintaining a sound herd and buck age management practices.

  17. These are all proven scientific studies. I'm not arguing anything. What's to argue?

    My concern is that hunters that are feed lines like yours, about how these "scientific studies" are the tell all end all reasons why our bucks are inferior, will never consider allowing a small buck to walk because it really won't make a difference.well people IT WILL. i know the it's all about me is hard to set aside but it would not take long to see the results.there also are as many proven scientific studies that say deer age affects deer size and antler growth. LET THE LITTLE ONES WALK!

  18. lol that has nothing to do with it. it's all geography. And NY bucks are underrated. There are some nice deer in this state.

    You said it's ALL geography,after you needed to lol,your not correct it's not all geography, if year and a half old deer were killed as regularly in those states as they are in nys all the minerals in the ground would not do those deer a bit of good.i have hunted whitetail deer in oh,wi,and michigan and have hunted in nys for 30 years in allegany ny,gun and bow about 35 days per season.have see tons of deer in that area dwindle to almost nothing.saw 3 hunters on a Doe permit to 3 doe permits per hunter.remember seeing deer on deer poles at the camps that made me sick they were so small.then all of a sudden there were no more deer in the woods.and nobody saw it coming?yet hunters today still take deer they should'nt take.i along with about 4 other people own about a thousand acres of hunting land contiguously about ten years we got together and decided no more does and nothing smaller than an 8,the results have been stunning.

  19. you guys are ignoring the fact that those states and their hunters actively participate in their herds health.many of their counties are qdm resticted,many or most have an earn a buck program and most if not all require physically registering your kill with the state at check stations,and nobody elses tag better be on it.now yes one can argue that temp,or feed including micro-minerals,help with antler size...but if we managed our herd like those states theres no doubt we would have the comparable quality herd.the suburban monsters we see in this state are walking proof that older bucks in this state are just as impressive as any states deer.

  20. lol that has nothing to do with it. it's all geography. And NY bucks are underrated. There are some nice deer in this state.

    Geography? No it's not geography those states make concerted efforts with the hunters in their state to not kill 1 1/2 year old deer,earn a buck programs,shorter hunting seasons,ect,ect,ect those deer aren't breathing different air than ours,or eating different foods than ours,their LIVING LONGER !!! There's hunters taking many more deer than they should be in ny.multiple buck tags from family members,signing over doe tags and on and on.the only areas that the herd needs to be thinned out is the urban areas,where hunting is not allowed,and not coincidently 150 class bucks are dying of old age.because not follow me.....because there not being killed as year and a half olds and you really should'nt lol at other peoples theories it makes you juvenile.

  21. Nyb is against crossbow for elderly,disabled therefore the douche bag Sweeney is against it also.hell they tried to keep kids out of the woods too.they fall back individually to be ok with it for elderly and disabled but their official stance is no crossbows under any circumstances.

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