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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Posts posted by notasheep

  1. One buck per license and does with permits only.i know "serious bow hunters"with their license,their doe permit,their wife's doe permit,their fathers archery license,ect ect ect and then their wacking more deer during gun season.i love reading some of these ridiculous self serving comments about how it's the other hunters fault.i know here it comes....

  2. Pension ? Who needs a pension I'll work until I'm 75 and then just die.haha,for you people who are in business I understand your attitudes against collective bargaining,seniority,OVERTIME,all things that cut into your profit, and your forty million dollar salaries to be the presidents of nimo, or nat fuel gas or verizon but for you guys who have this idea that the union worker is some kind of freeloader,well we work hard for our money some harder than others but we do this with the thought that if we live to retire at a decent age we'll be able to actually afford to.as far as union rules the company or gov has,as part of collective bargaining, the ability to negotiate changes to the work rules with the unions when they feel that work rules are hurting their business.and to you people who have a problem because you chose or choose to work at non union, at will employee shops and Get screwed by your employers don't rail against us,go screw yourselves.essentially you do everyday when you repeat the union bashers stupid half truths against unions.or....go join a tea party group.

  3. maybe not....they won't have a place to feed all night...may keep them in the woods and on natural mast....assuming you have sets in the woods as well as the edges....you just might get a good staging area going....

    completely agree.....the sooner the fields are cleared of crops the better...the deer will start hitting the feeding areas in the woods,acorns,apples,browse,ect...
  4. I ve found that over the 30 years that I ve hunted with the gun and bow nothing was more rewarding than watching others new to the sport fall in love with what hunters like us experience.i ve always believed that the more people involved in hunting only makes it better.and it truly disappoints me when I read or hear hunters preaching about how their way is the right way.....how ever they try to justify their reasoning it always comes out totally self serving.and it goes against how hunting was passed along to us and how we need to pass it on to the next crew coming to camp.kids hunting,crossbows,sat openers,...all ways to help get more people hunting.all good things,and shame on the jerks who say otherwise.

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    Heard half dozen rapid shots just as getting light enough to see. Startled the heck out if me. I thought goose hunters or turkeys but was quite the fire storm. Now this post reminded me this other possibility. If that was someone being mentored, they need a new teacher.

     yea and call for new mentors i mean teachers
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