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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by bnola

  1. Thanks. I'm trying to be as tolerant as possible! lol
  2. Point me in the right direction. Ill get it done at the next class.
  3. No. I am not able to get my Bow Safety cert because they don't offer the classes anymore. I'm truly thinking about just going get my Deer tags with my LA license and claim ignorance if I get checked.
  4. It is hard being away from home. I have a trip scheduled back for thanksgiving. I'm sure to fill the freezer on that trip.
  5. The question is, why do people like this keep getting voted into office?
  6. Your not Lyle Robideaux? are you?
  7. If they are going to give you a ticket for just climbing a tree they will definitely arrest me when I stand on my balcony tonight to shoot the racoon on Brighton 2nd that keeps dumping over the trash!!! In Louisiana the cops would hold the spot light for you.
  8. My office is in Staten Island. Let me know if they have some. If they do, Ill pick up some before I go back across the bridge today.
  9. Blue Mountain is pretty far? No?
  10. I just got off the phone with FBF. They sell a $50 permit that is good for one year. That is all you need to use the range. I will purchase the permit of course. You would be more than welcome to join. Do you know where we could buy some targets? They said they had some there, but I'm not sure what they look like.
  11. I was at proline lastnight and got my 20yds dead on. I have a target to practice. I was hoping for a spot where I can set my 30, 40 and maybe 50 yd pins. Also possibly mount my climber and shoot targets from there. I am pretty close to floyd bennet field. I may have to go check that out. Thanks,
  12. Does anyone know of any area around Brooklyn where I could sight my bow in up to 40yds? I am new to the area so not to familiar with any locations where people wouldnt freak out if they saw me shooting a bow. I was thinking on the beach in Brighton Beach since it's cold outside and no one is on the beach at this time. Then I had to remind myself I'm not in Louisiana anymore and I would probably get arrested. LOL
  13. I love when I can fill the freezer early in the season. Now you can focus your attention on that buck.
  14. You should try to look for their food source. Back off of the bedding area and set up where the wind is working with you. You should be able to see where they are moving for the food.
  15. If it helps to get them off your back Ill go hunt their land!!!! It's the least I could do.
  16. 2hr drive isn't bad at all. If they have room I would like to get out there one weekend.
  17. Nice lights bro. I hear the green lights are harder for animals to see in the woods. I am interested in getting one. Do you sell them?
  18. I have a Louisiana receipt for you guys. Take some backstrap cut in half inch strip. Beat with a tendorizer. Take cream Cheese, pickled jalapeno pepper, A piece of Taso to stuff and wrap the venison. Finish it off with a piece of thick maple bacon around the venison. We use Jack Miller BBQ sauce. Take the BBQ sauce and put 3 shots of Jack Daniels whiskey in in and the same amount of grape jelly as you used for the BBQ sauce. Cook the Sauce until it start to get sticky. BBQ the stuffed and wrapped venison and coat with the BBQ sauce. Guaranteed crowd fav!! You can do the same thing with Shrimp.
  19. Thanks Elmo, I was looking at spots in Westchester. Seems like they have some nice hunting area there. I know I may be late in the season to start to scout for areas, but I'm willing to try. If you ever need another guy in Westchester to tag along for a hunt I'm your guy. Although only thing I have here is my bow due to the very strict gun laws here where I live. That being said I'm lethal inside of 50 yds.
  20. I would love to trade a hunt if someone would be interested in Traveling to LA. We have a some really nice land on the Atchafalaya river. I have a map of our land if anyone would be interested. It loads into google earth and has all of our trails and stand locations. They pulled 3 spikes and a doe from there this weekend with bows.
  21. Hi guys, I just recently moved here from Louisiana "the sportsmans paradise". I live in Brookly and never really considered doing any hunting while I was up here. I have a large lease in Louisiana that I can usually harvest about 5-8 deer a year off of. It seems I won't be able to take the time off to fly back home for my hunts. So here I am looking for help from the NY pros.
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