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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. I had a buddy who took one down in Georgia this year and he said the eatin has been real good. But he can cook and the bear was young maybe 200 pounds. My uncle shot a big old one years ago up in the dacks and they said it was so bad they ground the whole thing for the dogs.
  2. I did up 14 pints recently, if you have not tried it you need to!! And I would use a pressure cooker I do not need to poison myself. Get the Ball guide as mentioned above. Presto makes a good guide as well.
  3. 11/21 am 29 Out back for 2 hours. Bumped one right when I hit the woods. Absolutely nothing. Dad sat the front end from 9 to 11:30 and nothing.
  4. Bit Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Nice frost again Bumped one first coming in It is so loud! Hope they are moving like yesterday morning only a boy closer! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. 11/20 pm 30 Out in same stand for 1.5 hours. Saw two run up ridge just at dark. Back at it in the morn. I am gonna sit the same stand.
  7. little Italian dressing and a splash o liquid smoke. Grilled whole and red in the center. Never cut up a loin till after it rests! Yummy. Also best tip I can give is trim every little piece of non meat of any venison. And never get deer hair on it that will make it taste off bad.
  8. 11/20 am 21 Wow a bit cold this morn!! It surely had the deer moving. I saw 7 deer total though two might have been repeats. One a small buck and one chasing two does that must have been a buck. The only one that was close enough for a shot was a fawn who came in and ate ferns at 25 yards. Just a baby! Also had two on cam I pulled out on my way out that went by cam 20 minutes before I pulled card. And these were 2 that could not have been ones I saw so a lot of movement. Sat for 2.5 hours. Had to get in to work, now trying to slip back out.
  9. Deer r movin just saw small buck off my right way out and another tail. Might be two of earlier ones. Then yea one coming right to me outa pines. Comes right up to 25 yards but it is a midgit I think a button Keep em comin I mayhaveto call in late! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Just had 2 trot by even farther out when they came out pine I think a 3rd was chasing them C'mon get closer! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Wow finally saw a deer! Too far out I could not get a good look at it, it's a start. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Good to hear they are an efficient shop. Like someone else said every profession has good and bad. I can process my own but really would rather use my time huntin. I am very slow at butchering! I use a guy I trust very much and would rather pay him to do it. I do not expect everyone to process their own deer, I think they should be involved or try it once to learn deer anatomy and meat cuts better. It is such a great learning opportunity. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Ya crisp 21 degrees crisp! Heavy frost and loud, nothing sneakin by me Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Good luck Eddie! It is supposed to be around 20 here but I can not wait to get out now that the flippin wind has calmed down! I got up at 5 am this morn and 24 mph still! Went back to bed! Second day in a row and Sunday morn I was to chicken to get in a tree.
  15. Awful warm for such a stack of deer sitting out. Do they have a cooler?
  16. 11/19 pm 34 Got out back in fav stand for last 1.5 hours. Got excited hearing something coming up behind me. Turned out to be 8 turkeys. Nice to see them since I have not seen any here all summer or fall but a couple weeks late!! Maybe in the morn something will show. Have not seen a deer yet in gun at 13 hours in the stand and another 4 or so poking around.
  17. We interrupt my pathetic start to gun season with my bow season sighting averages. Total time in stand during legal hours 74. A bit over 20 hours less than last year. Gotta cut down travel next year! 14 racked bucks sighted for an average of 1 buck every 5.28 hours on watch. 16 antlerless sighted and 4 unknown. 34 total sightings gives an average of 1 deer sighted every 2.18 hours on stand. Out of the bucks I had one mature one that I messed up on the rest were skippers. I took one doe so I did not wiff! The averages are very good for me and it was a very good bow season. Big improvement on last year for sightings!! The sightings were very good early for me. Well we now return to gun season!
  18. 11/18 pm 56 Got out back in the tower stand for the last hour nothing going on.
  19. I fill out in woods and attach at vehicle or camp. I have used the dollar bill a couple times bass fishing and forgot the measurer. Lay down two bills end to end 12 inches.
  20. Wow what a pathetic opener we had. 5 guys on watch Saturday for a total of 32 hours not one deer sighted! 3 of us out Saturday and my BIL saw a couple no shot and that was it. There was not a lot of shooting, I did have a buck chasing two doe under me 30 minutes before light Sat morning and that was it.
  21. In stand 6am have idiot set up 100 yards behind me even though I high beamed him Had buck and 2 doe under me at 6:15 big doe stood 8 feet from me buck grunting and chasing Not a hair since First shot in 7m 6:40 not too bad Pretty quiet out not much shooting Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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