Thanks for all the replies. I like the 30-06 because it seems like every has or has had one and you can find the ammo almost anywhere still.
As for as the title, versatility, I mean something, that is not way too big for NY. I like small game hunting but I would like a caliber that would ethically harvest a deer. I understand placement is key, as to why I am at the range often, learning the mechanics, and getting familiar with a 22, before I purchase a center fire.
However, I would like to extend past the deer season, go for hare as well. I am sure my 22 will be the right caliber for squirrel.
I liked the 243 when thinking about it, but was told it really isnt too common, and I really haven't seen any ammo in it as well.
The Mossberg 500 sounds like a good purchase.
Now a question for the 30-06 since I would like that as well, can you find it in grains lower than 160?
Thanks again everyone.