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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by tughillmcd

  1. So how does someone go about getting a drs note to use a crossbow? Show us a link to the regulations on that please
  2. Please provide a link to support the 500 + fps device that also shoots 45 cal bullets.
  3. You need to do some more research on this one too! "You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.”
  4. Kinda the same argument that Liberals use when they don't like a TV Show, instead of turning the channel and watching something else, they want it removed from the air. If you don't like the posts in the Crossbow Section, turn the channel.
  5. How is posting crossbow relevant information in the crossbow section of this forum TROLLING?
  6. And you can count on the same handful of TROLLS to lead the charge. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll Wikipedia definition of an Internet Troll "....is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion,[3] often for the troll's amusement."
  7. DEC cannot tell how many people hunt with crossbows, but they do collect how many deer are reported being taken with crossbows. The following is a screen shot of the DEC web page. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/8316.html To submit your harvest report you will need the following information: For All Species: The 12-digit DOC # (phone-in reports) or the Customer ID # (internet reports) on your license privilege panel, carcass tag, or back tag Your date of birth (you will be asked for 2-digit month, then 2-digit day) Location of kill: County, Town, and Wildlife Management Unit Date of kill and hunting season Sex of the animal In addition, you will need: Deer: Implement used in hunt (bow, muzzleloader, crossbow, rifle/shotgun, handgun) Season during which deer was taken (regular, archery, muzzleloading) Bear: Implement used in hunt (bow, muzzleloader, crossbow, rifle/shotgun, handgun) Season during which bear was taken (regular, archery, muzzleloading) Age of bear (adult, cub, unknown) Please save the skull or lower jaw for DEC to collect a tooth to age the bear. You will be asked additional contact information of where your bear will be located. DEC will either contact you to arrange collection of the tooth or will send you a packet with instructions for collecting the tooth and a return envelope.
  8. What was your first comment. Oh yeah yawn! Why do you want to hold these posts until the "Off Season". You had no problem trolling for the past 2 weeks during the crossbow season. What happened, you get busy at work today?
  9. Posting a magazine article from a writer that told of his actual real life experiences when he first wrote about trying a crossbow and the backlash he received from his readers and friends is "manufactured" friction! Have you read your posts? Are they not the same old tired arguments you have always used? Does your continued bantering and divisive garbage give you a thrill? Anyone can obviously comment anywhere in this forum they choose. But to constantly troll every discussion about crossbow inclusion is about the same as a Cowbow's fan going into a Giants bar and and talking trash about them ever day. It appears the ones on this forum that truly carry on the discord are the ones that constantly hijack any thread that promotes crossbows.
  10. Doc, if you do not like what is being posted, why do you continue to reply to every thread that is posted? Maybe you are the one that is on auto pilot here! I can name a handful of the anti crossbow posters that will obviously chime in and you are definitely near the top of the list! This section of the Forum is about crossbow hunting, started by a moderator to give the crossbow people a place to discuss their choices in bows. Maybe it's time for those that don't want crossbows to just ignore what people post here and give everyone a break!
  11. http://www.outdoorcanada.ca/Why_its_high_time_to_make_peace_with_crossbow_hunting# Archery enemies Why it’s time to finally make peace with crossbow hunters Where I hunt in Alberta, the final week of this past year’s whitetail season arrived with frigid temperatures. Still, I was determined to hunt through the ridiculous wind chill. Bundled up in the best layers of cold-weather clothing I own, I grabbed my bow and headed off down the trail to sit in my treestand. I felt an extra sense of excitement, as I was carrying my crossbow for the first time ever on a deer hunt. I settled into my elevated platform and pulled up the crossbow by a tether. I then carefully placed an arrow on the rail and pulled it into position. A few minutes into my vigil, however, I began to second-guess my decision to use a crossbow. Why? Not because I doubted its effectiveness. Rather, I started thinking about the responses to an opinion column I wrote for Outdoor Canada back in 2008, challenging common myths about crossbows. An angry backlash The article created a storm of backlash from angry bowhunters taking me to task. Letters poured in to the magazine and I received disturbing emails and phone calls at home. People I had thought were my friends told me I was a traitor and that they hoped to never speak to me again. Then I stopped getting emails and newsletters from archery groups. I had friends block my email address and several times I ran into people in public who simply turned their back on me and ignored my presence. Would I lose even more friends if they found out I was now hunting with a crossbow? I thought. The strangest part of the whole situation was that it wasn’t the archery-only season when I brought my crossbow afield—I could legally hunt with a shotgun, muzzleloader, vertical bow or crossbow. If I shot a deer with a firearm, nobody would say a thing. But if I took a deer with the crossbow, I would surely be chastised. To me, it didn’t make any sense. Bringing more hunters afield The hunting community is often its own worst enemy. Instead of working together and agreeing on what to disagree on, groups tend to fight in public—and that gives us all a black eye. Does it really matter if a hunter takes a deer with a crossbow, vertical bow or firearm? Has allowing crossbows in the archery seasons in many North American jurisdictions hurt hunting in any way? The answer to both questions is no. As far as I’m concerned, crossbows have increased hunting opportunities. Nonetheless, traditional archers regard crossbows as competition and an infringement on their bow-only seasons. I’ve been following the inclusion of crossbows in many archery seasons in other jurisdictions across North America, however, and it hasn’t taken away anyone else’s opportunity. In fact, crossbows have actually boosted interest in archery. All bowhunters must be skilled Here in Canada, several provinces have archery seasons that include crossbows. For the most part, the people and groups who screamed that the sky would fall have been remarkably silent. There are still some provincial and territorial wildlife departments that claim crossbows are the ultimate poaching tools, or that they’re so easy to use anyone could shoot a deer with one. But that’s simply not true. The fact is, whether you use a compound bow or a crossbow, you still need good hunting skills in order to be successful. And with all the technological advancements in archery today, there’s no longer a valid argument that one type of bow offers an advantage over the other. My crossbow hunt for a whitetail was just as challenging as my vertical bow hunt for a mule deer earlier last fall. And just because I shot a mule deer but didn’t get a whitetail, it doesn’t mean my vertical bow has an advantage. It all comes down to individual situations, spending time in the woods to increase your comfort level, and developing your hunting skills to make you successful—no matter which tool you choose to use. Now, can’t we all just get along? Edmonton’s Brad Fenson has been shooting a crossbow for six years.
  12. Membership cards and window decals are mailed to all members. Information on membership is available online. We use email updates and alerts through Constant Contact to update everyone on what is happening. You can sign up for this at the following link. Newsletter Sign Up
  13. Congratulations to our member Thomas Vanderbosh of East Otto for winning the Early Bird Membership drawing. Thomas choose the PSE Fang.
  14. NYCC is collecting support letters from those that support crossbow full inclusion to both the governor and your legislators. You can also help grow our membership by referring new members. For each new member you refer you will receive a free entry in our 2018 2 Person 5 Day Ohio deer hunt raffle being drawn on December 10th. Details can be found on our web page nycrossbowcoalition.com
  15. I will throw the the bullshit flag on this. People will eventually get fed up, and when both NYC and Upstate only turn out 30% of the voters in November, NYC is not a shoe in. NYC says Upstate can't beat them so no need to try. Upstate believes they can't beat NYC, so they don't try. When Upstate people finally realize the power of the vote, and they decide to engage, I will get behind this kind of movement, but not today. Nobody gave Trump a chance either, but the rest of the country made it happen. NY would have gone for Trump is 10% more of the LAZY people that claim to be fed up had got off their asses and voted. In high stakes poker, you have to know when to play your hand and when to get out. Today's NY is not the time to make that move. Thank you for your thoughts, but I will not vote yes for CC on the November ballot.
  16. The key word! When less than 40% of 6000 signatures on a petition from a SAFE ACT rally were registered to vote, and they refused to register while at the rally because "their vote doesn't count" I am not willing to bank my kids future on "HOPEFULLY"
  17. That does not answer my questions. When less than 30% of NY residents vote, apathy runs rampant. I am not willing to take the risk on the CC when history shows that not enough people will stand up and work for change by making their voices heard, which only allows the party bosses to remove more of my rights all at once. Constitutional Convention, in a different time and political climate, YES. In today's NY. Not just NO, but HELL NO!
  18. How are Convention Delegates selected? How many wind up being politicians that work to protect their gravy train and take more away from the people? How many are selected by the Party Bosses? How many are actually going to work for the changes the people believe should be made?
  19. This was posted on Facebook yesterday. Almost every reply is how great a shot it is. Anyone that replied that shot should not be attempted with any archery tackle received a bunch of pushback. People even said, hey, it had to be a good shot, he got the deer. And I thought you anti crossbow people claim only crossbow shooters take unethical long shots. Not only did this guy do it with a compound, he has being praised for doing it.
  20. How many people are not registered to vote? If you are not Why? Voting is the biggest thing everyone can do to ensure their part of the process and their voice is heard. I hear all the time "My Vote Doesn't Count" "We Can't Outvote Downstate" Well the truth of the matter is only 30% of NYers vote. That holds true Downstate as much as Upstate. If 10% more upstate people voted, the tide would turn. The myth that upstate can't beat downstate is part of the media hype that keeps people from the polls. If you are not registered, tomorrow is the deadline to be eligible to vote on November 7th. Please register. It takes less than 5 minutes online. Lets make 2017 a year that upstate begins to be heard. Please Register and Please Vote. https://www.dmv.org/ny-new-york/voter-registration.php
  21. Just 19 Days left to enter the New York Crossbow Coalition 2018 Early Bird Membership Raffle for the winners choice of an Excalibur GRZ2 or PSE Fang Crossbow package. Additional details on this offering can be found at nycrossbowcoalition.com Deadline for entry is November 1st
  22. Otto, Your link is to the New York State Conservation Council or NYSCC NYCC is the New York Crossbow Coalition. NYCC's web site is nycrossbowcoalition.com We only have ONE Position!
  23. Length and width are arbitrary numbers. Length is there to prevent crossbow pistols, which don't have the necessary energy to do the job. As for width, what difference does it make if it is 13 or 17 inches wide? I talked about max draw weight because that is what produces the energy in recurve crossbows, as it does in traditional equipment. Width is no different than axle to axle on compounds. The short riser compounds of today are achievable even 5 years ago, but that technology continues to evolve too. No matter what, arrows are all subsonic projectiles. The have similar flight trajectories and the KE is not that far off. KE is also not as important with an arrow as a bullet, as the arrow is not looking for knock down power. but for penetration, it is killing by hemorrhage, where KE in a bullet has a greater effect on the because bullets kill by shock, not hemorrhage. As for the deer numbers being killed, Ohio has had full inclusion crossbow for 40 years. It was only a year or 2 ago that crossbow take equaled vertical bows. And they also have no more accidents with crossbows over vertical bows, nor do they see any increase in wounding rates than vertical bows. My point about the other items involved today over even 20 years ago. Hunting in general has changes over time, and will continue. Even though you have to draw and hold the bow, the other technologies have increased the effectiveness of the hunt over the years. Crossbows will become part of that evolution someday, and everyone will go on doing what they do, and hunting as they choose, and very little will change.
  24. As for the mandatory bow course, NYCC has always pushed for that. It is certain legislators and NYB that do now want crossbows to use the bow privilege, which inorder to purchase, requires a bow course. All legislation since 2012 has included using a bow privilege to make sure everyone has to have taken the bow class. there is too much difference between harvesting a deer with a broadhead and a bullet. That info is taught in the bow class!
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