On a side note, I think our divisions about crossbows, AR's etc. etc. are really retracting from the overall mission which should be to promote hunting and fishing to the younger generations and to educate the public at large that as hunters and fisherman we aren't the dumb, gun totting shoot at anything that moves in the woods and drink beer while hunting persona that is commonly associated with sportsmen.
Now I do believe the persona is fading, and I'm very happy to see that, but there is a lot more work to be done and bickering amongst ourselves about different implements and if AR's work or QDM and food plots, we could all put aside our differences, we could realize a big difference in public perception and maybe win over a few Anti's.
Lastly, last year I attended the DEC's meetings in Baldwin about what we as hunters would like to see change and inform us of some things the DEC itself would like to change, they asked for suggestions and instead of being productive people were arguing with the DEC and amongst each other. It was really sad, that we couldn't for a few hours look at the problems we all face and just get things done. I sound like a broken record but it's been simmering on my mind for a few months and I needed to get it off my chest.