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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by markalufigus

  1. Last year on AT there was a mention of a prototype head they were developing, the gash it created was insane and everyone was asking what the name of the broadhead was, they replied they are working on it.... seems it's this broadhead.... I'm going to see if they'll send me 1 to try, they've done it before on a few heads... very good customer service.
  2. I use the same and the 340's for the price can't be beat... just my 2 cp.
  3. I went to Mohr's with a friend, my experience while fun was a bit disappointing. The game was semi wild, only the corscian rams and some of the pigs ran when we approached. The island has trash strewn about and you push the pigs to the end of the island and corner them. I went mid April and the 2 biggest things I disliked was the fact that they were telling me not to use a bow and told me I'm going to need more arrows (I brought 6 with me) I started to doubt myself and my equipment but used the bow and shot my ram at 20 yards right in the boiler maker, after 2 steps he died. Secondly they took the game when we helped them on the boat @10 am to the shore. We didn't get back to it till almost 2PM and they had gutted the animlas and used the river water (via a pump) to clean the animals, the problem is they set the pump in sand and silt and the insides of my ram were completely inedible when I butchered it. The amount of sand and dirt was bad.
  4. On a side note, I think our divisions about crossbows, AR's etc. etc. are really retracting from the overall mission which should be to promote hunting and fishing to the younger generations and to educate the public at large that as hunters and fisherman we aren't the dumb, gun totting shoot at anything that moves in the woods and drink beer while hunting persona that is commonly associated with sportsmen. Now I do believe the persona is fading, and I'm very happy to see that, but there is a lot more work to be done and bickering amongst ourselves about different implements and if AR's work or QDM and food plots, we could all put aside our differences, we could realize a big difference in public perception and maybe win over a few Anti's. Lastly, last year I attended the DEC's meetings in Baldwin about what we as hunters would like to see change and inform us of some things the DEC itself would like to change, they asked for suggestions and instead of being productive people were arguing with the DEC and amongst each other. It was really sad, that we couldn't for a few hours look at the problems we all face and just get things done. I sound like a broken record but it's been simmering on my mind for a few months and I needed to get it off my chest.
  5. Ok I have some theoretical picks I hope you all see where I'm heading with this. Teddy Roosevelt Thomas Jefferson George Washington (I'm not kidding) Any survivor of a tragedy where having a gun saved lives or not having one may have cost lives, preferably a woman, because more people will relate, ladies and gents. The person would have to be well spoken, have charisma and be beyond reproach, meaning no drug use or arrests. As "fanatical" as some may call "Uncle Ted" I see his appeal to some, he's charismatic in the fact that he is so passionate, I actually think his passion undermines his ability to effectively convey his beliefs and skew people's opinion of him. Ted may be a bit extreme to some but his love for the outdoors and fervor for gun control are unmatched in my opinion. I believe there are many people who could be a lot worse of a choice then "Uncle Ted". Tell me what you think.
  6. I use Beman ICS Hunter arrows with Spitfire Maxx or Pro's it depends on what's in my quiver, I have had success and a friend has used the Maxx on 3 different deer and it's still ready to go for next year.
  7. After the long long drag to the truck she looked haggard, I decided to hold off the pic's until she was washed up. She was really a beautiful doe, I am getting her mounted as it was my first bow kill, my first LI deer and my first deer while hunting a lone. To me this deer will forever be special in it's own way to me.
  8. Hi guys and gals, I was on the old forum and was told this one had opened up. I was MarkfromLI, I hunt mostly Long Island public land. I've been bow hunting for 3 years and on Saturday bagged my first Archery deer. I harvested a doe attached is a pic.
  9. is that $14,000 for the land and Cabin or am I missing a 0?
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