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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. Actually it's not that simple. Proving people were purposely trying to ruin your hunt on public land would be tricky, very tricky. Did they see you ( I doubt this one more then the rest as bow hunters go above and beyond to not be seen by deer so most people won't see you either )? Did they come under your stand and make a ruckus? Did they throw rocks at you or scream about hunting? Did they bother your vehicle? All those people have the same rights to be there as you do. There is law enforcement going to care if someone is on public land laughing or talking loudly. Hell, there's not a damn thing you can do if the break out a blanket and a radio and have a picnic. Or if a bunch of people use the area for a paint ball war game area. Is it frustrating? YES! Should people respect hunters? YES! But, the bottom line is, YOU DO NOT OWN THAT LAND! It comes with hunting areas where other people use the land for other recreations heavily. As people on this thread and other threads like it have said, if the area gets heavy use from people deer will be used it. The smells the noise etc. . Perhaps try to set up play the commotion to you favor? I apologize for being a bit gruff. I just don't get why so many hunters get mad when you know you are hunting an area with a high volume of human traffic and people making noise. Or ask how to deal with it. I get that for some that's your only option. But you know what you are getting into, or at least you should, so you just have to suck it up and hunt. I also get that people get frustrated and need to vent, nothing wrong with that.
  2. Cool and thank you for the info turkeyfeathers. Forgot to say mike, that looks mighty tasty. Sorry about that. Nice to see people ground meat for jerky.
  3. Thanks for this info, I always used zip locks. But, jerky doesn't last long in my house. I can make up a couple pounds of peppered beef jerky and in a few days is gone. If I made it up and hid some in a cool dry place will it keep in the paper bags?
  4. There will soon be a shortage of spray bottles, apple juice and cider across the state. Better get yours now. I suppose if it's legal it could work. Better idea would be to mash up some apples, liquefy them and make a soap. No law saying what YOU can smell like hunting. Perhaps you want to smell all sweet and purty for the deer. I guess the downside to that is a bear might think you are an apple as well.
  5. Interesting deer to say the least. I would like to see how it matures.
  6. I was hoping the blind squirrel found a nut.
  7. Yesterday or this morning? I heard about 15 shots yesterday in the few hours I was out there in 5J, so there was at least some shooting going on.
  8. I was kidding, sort of. But this guy stinks worse then spoiled sauerkraut. 17 TD's and 13 Int's before today. So that's now 18 and 15, poor stats. He just never seems to look comfortable out there, when he's not hurt.
  9. There you have it. Or try to find public land that is farther away from the mass population.
  10. Not a fan, for every two things he does right he does 7 bad. No progression for being his 3rd year in the NFL. Trade him and get Fitzpatrick back, same style different jersey #.
  11. There's also the fact ( law ) that even if it's not posted, you are still trespassing if you enter that land without permission. Some don't understand that or just flat out ignore it. Would I be pi$$ed if I had to loose a deer that way. You bet your a$$. But, I am going to be more pi$$ed if I get a ticket for trespassing. The last thing I or any hunter should want is fuel for the anti hunting/gun movement. I guess it's a risk reward think over all.
  12. Good luck. Hoping to see some pics and vids Robin.
  13. First day out for deer today. Sat a swamp for a couple hours then still hunted for a bit. No deer sightings. I was harassed my about 5 chipmunks that almost met an untimely end. Only a morning hunt today, had things to do in the afternoon. Got a text about an hour ago that when my buddies dad went for his walk after lunch he jumped a deer near the swamp I was sitting. Figures!
  14. My only guess for anyone saying no to a hunter retrieving a deer would be they are anti hunters or the like, would just go get the deer for them selves, or are just down right a$$ (+)'s. I am sure it has happened to a few hunters. If I was told no that would be that. After already asking and being denied I am sure the owner would go out and at least find the deer. If it was gone the next day they would most certainly call the cops. On another note, anyone who said no might really get nasty if you trespassed after being told no make up some BS crap to go along with the trespassing. You just never know what people will do these days. As much as it stinks, there are times in life that you just have to suck it up and move on. I have to admit though, there certainly are some interesting replies to this one. LOL
  15. DirtTime


    The OP was referring to trapping. Not hunting.
  16. Not hunting the property line. But deer can run a long ways of not hit right
  17. Got a link or email that says DEC can go on land unwarranted? No law saying a land owner can't let a deer or any other animal die on their land. Not to my knowledge anyway. Not being a dick here, I just can't find a law that says anyone can violate what the actual land owner decides about what people can and cannot do on their land. Unless maybe a law was broken.
  18. I have three. Ground blinds I made. One to a bedding area, one on the edge of a small swamp near that bedding area, and one that over looks a small pond, but still near the bedding area. I walked through there once in late August to make sure the blinds were still OK after the winter. Lots tracks. The fall turkey hunting I did on that land was limited to the eastern portions. I stayed a good 200 yards away from those three blinds. Not even sure I will hunt them tomorrow morning. Still only doe and fawns seen on a regular basis. Two good bucks ( seen twice ), but not around in shooting hours. Depending on wind I will most likely either sit behind a big log over looking a two ridge funnel with a creek at the bottom or another funnel that leads to a well used trail going into some nasty brush.
  19. Garlic and halepeno pickles to be exact. LOL I will shower tonight and in the AM. I won't smell like pickles. I am worried I might smell like the beef stew and grilled cheese sandwiches we had for dinner. That stuff stays with you and comes out when you can't help it. Gonna be a long cold ride in the AM with the windows open for an hour. LOL
  20. DEC has no right to go on that land any more then I would be able too. I was just curious how people would deal with this situation. I have permission from 3 land owners to hunt appx 200 acres total. One I have not been able to get a hold of, that one is on the west side of a bedding area. I stopped by there twice and no one was home, but the land is posted. I was just curious how the masses would handle the situation.
  21. After a double check, I am out of cover scent. Not worried. Went outside, clipped a few pine snips and put them in the plastic box with my hunting clothes. Just went in that room ( kept closed ) to get a jar of home made pickles and that room smells like pine. Real pine. I think I will be OK in the morning.
  22. So, you just shot a deer, and it goes onto land you do not have permission to hunt or even be on. You go knock on the door and explain the situation. The land owner says no, you can't retrieve the deer. What do you do?
  23. I think the law would be abused. I think there would be a spike in hand gun sales for hunting and shoulder harnesses to carry them. We already have enough issues with poachers. Why make things easier for them? "Well Ranger Man, I shot the deer with my bow 10 minutes before sunset. I tracked him here and it was suffering so I put a .357 round through it's chest.". No No No No. Did I say no?
  24. I have hunted Charleston and Lost Valley. Charleston is best if you stay away from the Hughes Rd. area of that land. Lotta hunters in that area. Lost Valley gets a good amount of pressure. Too much in my opinion. Or at least it used too. Actually from me: Are far more then just a few more minutes. They are about 30-60 minutes past Featherstonhaugh. I am looking for a place to hunt during the week that is close to home for SZ gun season where I don't have to drive for an hour or more. Weekends I will be on private land in the NZ. I also want a place to hunt small game that's close. I am not about driving an hour or more for bushy tails or rabbit.
  25. Never heard back from the local ranger. Ended up talking to the Lt. Officer who handles all three for the area ( whole different tale of misery ). I just wanted to make sure it wasn't a bow only area, it's not. It goes by Schenectady Co. law and rifle/shotgun, bow, cross bow, and ML are all fine during the respective seasons and with proper tags of course. The only law other then that is absolutely no target shooting. I was told it really doesn't get much pressure, but that didn't say much. Kind of like a glass half empty/half full thing to me. As for game? Deer, squirrel, fox, and I was told there are turkey in there if you can find them. 0-o I had planned to take a ride over there on Sunday for turkey and small game, but the rain is making me think twice. I still may take a drive, but, I hate hunting in the rain these days. Not worth getting soaked in cold temps for small game or a turkey.
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