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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. Well, if the threads going to go to shit, I have to ask. The above quotes are sort of odd, ants asked about Caitlynn, and biz answered. Hmm..............Something you want to tell us? Then there is this....ants appears to be asking about how bizs' "grass" is hanging. Innuendo? Hey, I swear, I have no issues with what the two of you do behind closed doors or at deer camp. If ants wants to play with biz "dangling grass" then so be it. Perhaps their the reason for the sarcasm on this thread is they are trying to spice things up and use rifle ammo for kicks.... Who knows? Maybe when we talk about "more bang for your buck" they have a different idea apart from what most of us mean. OR! Perhaps they are 'coding' the convo to talk about that 'other grass'?
  2. Nice. I usually make two tomato salsas, one hot one mild. I make an odd salsa too ( in the summer ), cucumbers/leeks/corn/green tomato. It's pretty good if you like green tomatoes. Edit: Here's a couple pics f yesterdays batch. The back 6 are peppers, 5 hot cherry and 1 jalepeno. The rest are garlic and hot garlic dills. I also made one special jar of hot garlic dill jalapeño gherkins!
  3. One try to get this runaway train back under control.
  4. She tried brandied peaches, didn't turn out well. What kind of salsa culver? I am going to do the basic tomato/onion/halapeno/etc, g/f is going to do a corn, some avocado thing ( yuck! ), and some black bean salsas. We make them all the time when we have people over, but never to keep on the shelf for a long time. Will be fun.
  5. I read, buttocks and thighs. The most meat.
  6. Well I was thinking. When I think big woods, I think "BIG WOODS"!. Not just a rural area surrounded by farms and towns. I am not making any sort of jab at anyone, but at times when I hear people talk or read posts about the big woods, I don't think some people really understand the term anymore. Yeah, there are pretty big state land forests open to hunting all over the state. Many of them in the west, south, or near NYC are in more or less rural areas. There are a few areas in the Catskills I guess you could sort of call big woods. But hitting the the middle of ADK Park is like walking into another world!
  7. Oh, OK. I don't hunt people, I hear they taste like crap. Yes, I shoot factory loads. As I said max would be about 150yds, most will be inside 100. Not many fields in the areas I hunt, mainly woods and not overly brushy. I am shooting the Hornady SP's that's what the American Whitetails are, all metal. The SST's are the Superformance rounds and have the plastic tips. Now as for everyone talking about the Federals, are you talking about the Fusions or the Premiums? The premiums have a polymer tip. Or the Power Shok ammo in 150gr from Federal which are also all metal?
  8. The question asked was is a 12ga too much? Not in my opinion. I think it's just fine with the right ammo. But over all it's a personal choice. Here's an interesting article on the subject: http://www.wideopenspaces.com/22-vs-shotgun-squirrel-hunting-great-debate/
  9. Who would take a 2000+ yd shot at a deer? That's insane! At least IMHO. 200 yds is my comfort zone with any rifle. Everything will be within 150 yds in the areas I hunt. I might try out the Federals. Don't see any harm in it. If they are better great, if not, fine too.
  10. Sorry I missed this. Not hijacking at all. We are going to try some canned meats. Like I said, she got the pressure cooker now so we can get into that. We are going to try some polish sausage for the first run, we don't want to ruin good meat if we screw up. LOL I am not sure I will pickle venison, but maybe can some stew meat this year. I know picked deer heart is good but, I like it better fried in a little oil with black pepper sea salt and garlic. I have gotten some good ideas for different things to can from this thread. We want to make some home made salsas as well. She brought up making our own pasta sauce, then I told her how many tomatoes it takes to get just one quart. Also, certain food has to be canned in the pressure cooker due to the acids. I like the fact that she actually enjoys doing this stuff at home. Better then sitting on the pc or in front of the TV that's for sure.
  11. I am strictly talking NY here. What is your definition of 'big woods'? When I hear that term used for hunting in NY, first thought is the Adirondacks and miles away from the nearest city or town. Secluded. Where if you don't have your $$$$ together you can be in a world of hurt. You don't hear traffic, you really don't hear anything except the woods and sound of your own heart beating. I think of being in remote areas. No farms, no local shops, no nothing! It's you, miles and miles of woods, and your preferred game. Places where you better take actual paper topos and a compass and know completely how to use them. Places where feeling alone is an understatement. So, what is your definition of 'big woods'?
  12. I always try to get a bead, lead and follow through on small game that is scurrying on the ground, or birds in flight. Not just bring the shotgun to my shoulder and start pulling the trigger. To me the term "point and shoot" means someone who is just shooting in the general direction of game and hoping for the best. I meant no disrespect. Just chatting that a point of view can be different from one to the next. Edited for spelling...
  13. Took a ride today, picked up a peck of pickling cucs, a 1/2 peck of hot cherry peppers, and a quart of jalepenos. We have cucs, hot cherry peppers, jalepenos, cayenne peppers, and habanero peppers in the small garden we have, but not enough plants to produce for serious canning. Tomorrow will be a good day. She will be canning and I will be getting the 4 wheeler ready for next weekend.
  14. Cabbage! OH yeah! I love my homemade galumpkis, I also make a dish that is boiled cabbage and potatoes, with broiled chicken breast with gravy! Yummy grub right there! Stuffed peppers too. Oh man! & hey, farts are a natural response to the human body releasing excess air.
  15. I wouldn't laugh. If it works and you enjoy doing it then have at it. The guy I camp with's air rifle is an old Daisy pulti-pump, I think it max's out at like 300fps, but, he wont hunt anything. Except his But Light Lime cans. LOL I don't have high end air rifles, but they are legal and shoot 630 FPS, so I figure WTH, break up the monotony!
  16. That's possible grampy. We grew up together, but also grew apart in our teens a bit. He's in AZ now ( been there for about 15 years or so ). But he stopped hunting when he got married around 94. We talk maybe twice a year. When he called the other day we got talking about hunting. I asked if he ever got back into it he said no. He asked what I was hunting with so I told him. I am not sure how he knows so much not hunting or owning any firearms from what I understand. When I asked about the 1 grain thing is when he got all testy and started telling me this and that. Then I started listening with the other ear. I think the 7mm mag thing I heard just before silence was him saying it was a better caliber. Who knows, I didn't give him the satisfaction of a call back. Probably won't talk to him again. Most people I know call it the 7mm-08, also saves on typing ought or 'aught' ( yes I have seen people spell it that way too ) everytime. I am no expert, but the 7mm is a 7mm, and isn't a 30-06 closer to 8mm's ( near that anyway )? Did you mean 300 yards?
  17. I love asparagus! Yes, it effects me and the g/f in that way.
  18. Would have loved to have been at the Slipknot show Friday, first time I missed them since 2004 ( went everytime when they were close enough to drive to ). Been to many concerts in the past as well. Even got the g/f to sit through a Slayer show once. As for bands I like but haven't seen yet? Bullet For My Valentine ( another reason not being at SPAC Friday was depressing ), The Black Veil Brides, Eve 6, Lit, Sick Puppies ( actually had tickets to a show for them once, I ended up in the ER the day before and was on bed rest for a week so the g/f had to sell them day of the show ), Godsmack and a few more. FYI, I am 44 and yes I still love my heavy metal music.
  19. Nice looking deer. Hope you get a pic with standing with one you likk this fall.
  20. Yeah, he was on a roll tonight. We take the air rifles no mater what. We like to plink cans with air rifles. So figured why not shoot a few frogs. Yeah, I know, seems childish to hunt frogs with an air rifle. But, I am a 'buckeroo'!
  21. I will do that Pygmy. I have been saving the screen shots on this topic to email to him. Already sent the link too! I love it! LOL
  22. Skip the donut and have a rice cake. Deer season a comin! Time to get in shape law. Hey, I find it as lame as all of you do. That's why I made the post. I am not switching my ammo, already sighted in and it's all good! I am trying to understand why he got so bent about 1 grain. LOL I just don't get it. I wish I had caught the last thing he grumbled about the 7mm mag before he hung up.
  23. Not sure that link was the best was to advocate this discussion, they are mainly talking about Africa in that article. But, there is thing that does ring through. Money ( will get to that in a minute )! From being on this site, and reading all the arguments about trophy vs kill the deer you have tags for, I think it's about a 50/50 split. That's just on here. Not every hunter in NY comes here though. The new AR's and does only regs, maybe they are trying to get hunters to leave the small deer be. Maybe they are setting up to make us have to hunt certain areas. If that is the case, no i do not agree with it. I put hunting hand in hand with owning firearms. So if they start stepping to hard on our seasons, then we need to start stepping back the same as we do to protect the 2nd Amendment! Now to the money thing. If NY is trying to go in a direction where they want to put up fences and say we have to hunt there and charge us to hunt those areas, or hunt a licensed service that has high fence, I think they will fail. Some hunters make enough money to just get by, they hunt for food and don't care about horns. They will not be able to afford paying the additional costs. I have no 'factual' data for this, but I don't feel I am far off. Most people with money don't think about the hunters who don't have money. Also, let's face it, NY DEC doesn't care much about the hunter just trying to get meat in the freezer. I feel it should be our decision ( lets never forget though, hunting is not a right, it's like driving, it's a privilege, not a right ) to hunt for a trophy buck, or shoot a doe. I don't care if you hunt for the biggest rack or to fill all tags because you want to or have to. But I want us to retain the freedom to make that choice on our own. Spoke my mind, kept it civil, but I already know, let the lashing begin.
  24. Here's the really twisted part, what did the police find to arrest her on the charge? Was there a goat cuffed up on the bed? Is it just me or does she look a little like Kristen Stewart? Maybe she watched too many Twilight movies and got caught up in wanting to be naughty with a wolf.
  25. Yeah, he hung up on me. I miss corded phones, when you hung up on someone in anger they knew it and vise versa. Anyway.... Yes, he was ranting about 1 grain and Remmy being just the best ammo. Nothing again't Remmy ammo, but the Hornady shot just fine and are very accurate out of my rifle. The last thing I heard him say was something about 7mm mag, and then I heard silence. LOL I just want to know if anyone thinks a single grain on a bullet makes a big difference.
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