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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. If you are serious dude, I would live to get a pic of me with that rifle. In memory of my mother. That was what she hunted with.
  2. I said nothing about super long range shots.. You can call all the BS you like. A 300 is a frikin moose rifle! You just don't need that much for a whitetail or black bear, even at distance. If a 5.56 can kill a man ( sorry to bring this one up ) at 1000 yards, then a .223 or a 223 can kill a deer.
  3. I forgot the .270. My fav caliber!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cuts a little brushm and still can be a tack driver depending on the rifle and the shooter.
  4. If you are hunting in NY, you do not need a 300 Mag. You don't even need a 7MM mag. The 25/06, .308, 30/30/. 35 Whelin, or even the 7mm/o8 will kill big game here! Even the popular 30/06 can be argued to be over kill. I will try to find a vey old Petersons Hunting article to prove this one. The smaller less recoil calibers can be very effective! As long as you spend time on the target range and get a full zero. Hell, a .222 or 22/250 can kill a deer just as fast as the ought 6, and is legal. You just need to get the right bullet for the rifle. While I'm on the topic of calibers, anyone remember the 30/40 Graig?
  5. I honesty have been pretty respectful of everyone here. I keep reading, and re-reading this thread from start to finish....I just don't see an end to it. Like i asked in the fist place, how in the hell can you blame deer farmers for something they didn't cause? At the same time, I can see the view of others, who I feel never made the real point clear. Most hunters do not want to hunt deer fenced in like cattle. To be forced to do that takes away from a hunters nature to get out and earn the meat. It's a two sided coin, and no matter what, no one is really right or wrong here. So why keep arguing? We are all hunters, so lets act like that! If there is some damn Govt. crap going on, we won't stop it. So get over it and move on........... BTW, I don't think there is. I am just so tired of hunters treating others hunters like crap just because you can't accept a fact. C'mon people, united we stand, divided we fall.
  6. I read a ton of threads before registering here. I knew there was many who would just be more of a jerk the really offer help, or even give advice. I figured, "That's cool. Every site has it's share.". I might be guilty of having an opinion, but some of you are just flat out mean and arrogant. I am to the point I really don't care if you like me or not. I have shared some very solid information to a few, and unless you have been a , I have shown you all proper respect. More then I can say was my reception. It really doesn't matter. We are who we are.
  7. The original argument was a disease. Now it's political, and gone so far away from the OP that you have to re-read the whole thing three times to make sense? Not one thing has been resolved. The dissension in this site is nothing more then foolish. It always "I am right! You are wrong!". Even when real facts have been presented. Are we all still 14 and have to have the bigger dog?
  8. Sure, blame it on the "winter cabbage"..............
  9. Hunting the APB behind the g/s's law firm tomorrow AM. Most likely the last time I hunt the APB this year. We shall see how the fever hits me.
  10. I have no idea. I did a search for...well, I did a search for "luxury" deer stands and this pic cracked me up. Just though some might get a kick out of it.
  11. Here ya go! No need for heated seats. Deer will get used to the scent. I just wouldn't move around to fast in this baby! Now this would be hunting in style! Crazy! just CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I find washing my hunting clothes, and showering with the old school Ivory soap, and a good spray on sent cover for my clothes just before entering the woods works just fine. No need to carry excess gear into the stand. This is just my opinion.
  13. Actually it will be 29A. Very sorry about that. Like I said, been many years.
  14. Just be patient. The deer will show up.
  15. Never told a living soul this one before, but, I used to carry the casing from the first rabbit I shot with my first shotgun. That casing has long since vanished.
  16. Yep. That's why I posted the link. Better to add a spot for folks to see for them selves then make a guess at something like this.
  17. I am very shocked that it went on for 6+ minutes and no one did call the cops.
  18. He meant me. Lawdwaz and I have a growing, nurturing, very respectful friendship budding. ______________________________________________________________________ Don't sweat it John. Just do your best.
  19. I asked about the driving because you were pretty vague on the whole thing. They way it sounded, it seemed like you have to travel a bit to get your spot. Was no malice intended. Just a comment. Talk to the land owner though, get a written permission for DS to go in there. Just in case.
  20. I think it might be called Peck Hill now. If you head in from RT 29, try and go in near the restaurant if you go in blind. There's a small pond back there and I always seen deer there in the AM. Haven't been there in years ( due to the NG lighting the woods up on me once, and a guy I used to hunt with I found sipping brandy and not hunting ). Steer clear of the huge "blow-down" area. If you drop one in there, or it runs in there, it will take 5 people and two days to drag it out through all the debris. Unless you quarter it right on the spot.
  21. You walked away. Glad it was just a few bumps and bruises. So much can go wrong on anything on a given day.
  22. I thought that as well. School, and driving after 9 at 16? Still feel Deer Search could have been called. With everyone using cell phones in the field, the owner could have been called. But, it's over now. Sorry you lost that deer, and hope you learned something. Better luck on the next hunt.
  23. Welcome. There's Parcel 45 in Saratoga county. Pretty small though. Not wanting to pass Lake George isn't too far up. There's a few state forests in your area, and it depends if you are willing to travel a little west. If so there's Pecks Lake, about 45 minutes from Ballston Spa outside of Gloversville. Just be careful, try and get the National Guard training schedule. The last think you want is to be sitting in there and have them open up with an exercise. LOL Here's a link to a list of the state forests, this way you can look at the list and decide how far you want to travel. http://www.dec.ny.gov/lands/34531.html Again, welcome and good luck.
  24. He would have to apply for a disabled permit. I am not sure of the criteria for back injuries, or if that would work, but I would suggest that. http://www.dec.ny.gov/permits/30419.html
  25. I have to agree about the garage. Most garages ( even though we are used to the smells and don't notice anymore ) at minimum will smell like gas and oil.
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