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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. Didn't some zombie flick start off that way?
  2. Can't say I hate coyote's. Not their biggest fan either. They took out two fawns two summers ago on my buddies parents land while he and I were camping. Was pretty unnerving as the only weapons we had were air rifles for plinking cans, our pocket knives and a machete. Last summer we heard a small pack about 100 yds away from our tent camp. First night we heard 'em around 8 PM. 2nd night it was about 1 AM. I know they don't kill or attack humans as a rule of nature, but nature seems to be changing.
  3. Papist? May I ask you a question? Why would anyone take you serious when your avatar is the logo for Jagermeister. Just sayin'. Edit, sorry forgot to add:
  4. This is kind of a bogus question. You have to fit the bow, the arrow, and the broadhead to what's best for you. Not everyone can shoot the same thing, Sometimes, you have to alter things for the best result. But........ Wasp Hammers. Clean, shoot well with most arrows and cut true.
  5. Congrats! Opening day NZ you got one! Thought the NZ followed the three inch rule. Ah, who knows. Again, congrats.
  6. At least you have meat in the freezer. You get the shot with a bow or a firearm?
  7. No hunting for me today. Surprise party for my g/f's mom. She just turned 60 years young. So it was up at 7, make two big crackpots of sausage, peppers, and onions, and make about 200 pigs in a blanket. I thought about taking my bow, but I do not have permission to hunt anywhere in the area. Her parents had deer bedding on the side lot most of the summer. But, the landlady is a real...."Individual". There are power lines, but all posted and on private land. So, I left the gear home. Round 5:30 PM, I go for a smoke, low and behold, I see three does and a pretty nice 4 pt on a lot behind the house. G/f's dad is going to call the owners of that land and tell them I would like permission to hunt it and give them my phone number. I guess that's just the way it goes.
  8. I think there are many female members here. I just don't think they post much. Welcome.
  9. Never killed a bear, only hunted them once. I have eaten the meat twice, once was really good, and the other was really bad and super tough. I say go for it. The only way to really know if you like something is to try it.
  10. Um, no. Sorry. Not sure your wifey would like that too much. LOL More renders? Thank you. And thank you for not wearing that outfit and posting a pic..
  11. I am not sure they make a PSE prop for Poser. Most of the content for the software is gamer type stuff or naughty stuff.
  12. When I used to hunt the Charleston State Forest, the Hughes Road area was full of this stuff. Let it be! You have no legal right to remove this tape. I get the point, and I hate seeing it too. But, out of respect to other hunters, I would have never removed it.
  13. So, punctuality is a crime? Grammer? LOL All good from my house. I am learning fast around here, an opinion is worth nothing but an argument. Ah, hunting on the East Coast! Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
  14. I don't think I am superior to anyone! I have never hunted a farm! Never will! I don't have all the facts! That's why I asked! There was no need to insult me dude!
  15. OK. I have to ask.......I know I will regret it, but, I have to. Didn't this start outside the fence? So why put the hammer on farms? Why blame it all on them?
  16. Just get right and heal. That kind of hernia can be bad.... You might loose a little of this season, but, you will be all healed up for next year and ready to go. Best of luck on everything. Ya still have some time, so nail one for the freezer.
  17. Digital 3D Art. Been doing this for almost 8 years now. I still love making a render when I am in down mode. My artist name is Cyanide and my work is CR to me. Hence the logo.
  18. Really? You get what you pay for. I keep reading that in this thread, so, I am going to make a comparison, and not about bows. So, you think that Cadillac Escalade is really going to get you through the tough spots a Jeep with a suspension pack will? Don't think so!
  19. DirtTime

    Youth Bows

    I would agree with the longbow comment, except the draw weight. It may be hard for a youngster to hold the weight. This is just my opinion, and not meant to cause a russuss. I forgot about the Genesis. Maybe a better choice then the Apprentice, due to the Apprentice being a split limb. Theres also: Barnett Vortex ( which apparently adults are using too ) High Five Scorcher
  20. DirtTime

    Youth Bows

    Bear Archery Brave. I think the package deals are pretty reasonable if I remember right. I think they are adjustable as well.
  21. I have to use the "More Reply Options" button on the bottom. Add text then the pic, and then post.
  22. LOL! Now that's a good one. Lamb fries on the side?
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