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Posts posted by gfdeputy2

  1. No I know there are things I can do I would love to buy her her own private property but we don't have the finances for the which leave public land or asking farmers it's hard enough to get farmers around me

    To let me coyote hunt their land let alone deer hunt it and when it comes to scouting areas its ruff with working 50-60 hours at one job and still trying to run a side job out of my garage and when I do have free time I do scout or

    Clean lanes up and yes I know excuses excuses but they are what they are


    More the reason to show her it is not about the killing but rather the quality time you spend together in the woods


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  2. Yup My daughter has had the same luck for over 5 years deer & turkey hunting she still has yet to use a tag but I make sure to tell her after every hunt how much I love her & how much I enjoy the time I get to spend with her in the woods because someday we wont be together to do it. It is not all about the killing. It is about the memories we make

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  3. No surprise ,look at the upcoming generations ,bunch of pretty boys who want nothing to do with hunting and fishing. Its more rare to see a young man or woman into the outdoors these days.


    funny thing I see here in NH is more & more young ladies filling up the hunter Ed classes & with hunting related stickers on their cars/trucks then I see with young men


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  4.  What that range is depends on many factors.. so , there is no right answer... it is relative to each hunter, his equipment and his ability.


    That is my answer also

    since I have been hunting with a bow (Roughly 1992-1993) I started out with a cheap Martin Black Panther & bow shop set me up with a 4 pin site told me I was good to 40 yards. With that bow I didn't like to shoot past 20

    The arc of the arrow was amazing even at 30 yards almost looked like it was going straight up. with the set up I have now & shooting everyday 365 days a year out to 70yards consistently (few times a week I push 80yards)  I am confident in my equipment & myself to take a 50 yard shot


  5. moog5050, on 28 Sept 2015 - 1:58 PM, said:snapback.png

    What I am pointing out is that there is a much greater risk in a bad outcome due to circumstances out of the hunter's control at long ranges.  Its up to the hunter to decide what level of risk they are comfortable with.

    That kind of says it all. It doesn't matter what kind of super archery equipment you are using or how well you can use it, that statement always remains true and never changes.

    Just asking not being a jerk

    what is the limit what is considered long range? 

  6. Thanks all.....all makes sense. 1 other quick question. Would the ATV need to be stored inside a shed or can it be stored through the winter under a tarp, under a deck in my dad's backyard?

    I tarp mine outside all winter as I cant get it up the ramp to my shed with the plow on. The Honda has never failed to start of course inside is always the better route


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  7. Does anyone not use Rage broadeads for a good reason? I hear a lot of people saying they love them and they work flawlessly. But I have also heard bad things about them.

    I used them for years & loved them 2 seasons ago I bought 2 packages from bass pro. I believe 3 of them were defective

    emailed, messaged called & I am still waiting on an answer. I tossed them & My bow shop turned me on to innerloc tunable fixed blades

    & have been extremely happy



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