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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by rob-c

  1. What gun are your shooting ? Tried the sst’s in the boys Remington 870 20 gauge and they shot terrible . My Remi 870 12 and his 20 loved the copper solids . I killed a ton of deer with them .
  2. 14 Hoyt Faktor 34 L/D 31.5 inch draw 62 lbs Beman pro hunter 300’s , 125 grain QAD Exodus head’s 3 blazer vanes / full length white wrap . 465 grain total arrow weight .
  3. I can put in for mine pretty much the day before , so I’ve decided this year instead of doing set days/ weeks I’m going to play the weather etc.
  4. This is a main concern , road noise . So highway at 75-77 they are good ? The dealer installed the endeavors on our highlander before we bought it. It had like 34000 on it when we bought in January of 2020 and we just hit 50, 000with it . The road noise / hum we are getting from these coopers now is annoying , about drove me insane on our trip to Virginia and back. My Falken wildpeaks on my truck are quieter.
  5. Looking at these for the wife’s Highlander , how’s the road noise and snow traction ?
  6. In all reality , we’re all just jealous that you were smart enough to move out of this state …
  7. Well in your profile it says your bow is a crossbow , there ya go ………… Just bustin on ya . Don’t get too worked up over it, there’s times I don’t get a like or comment etc either . just enjoy the forums .
  8. rob-c

    Draw Length

    Yes having your own equipment is a life saver , plus I worked on enough of friends bows to basically pay off everything I bought . I Knick named my chronograph the heart breaker , back in the day when speed was the it thing to have, me and my chrono silenced a lot of the blow hards saying their bow was so fast . I actually converted my old apple press to a X- type press to work on newer bows some years ago . I then built a all in one bow work station a couple yrs ago and really like it.
  9. rob-c

    Draw Length

    I bought my first press, saw , fletcher etc about 20+ years ago If your mechanically inclined it’s worth it.
  10. rob-c

    Draw Length

    Nice , I’ve been a Hoyt guy for 25+ years . Enjoy the new better fitting bow .
  11. rob-c

    Draw Length

    So wing span is only a starting point , but if you go off your 72 inches your draw is 28.75 . So technically your long now . So with the Mathews running a 1/2 inch long with a quarter inch loop , I bet the 28 module will land your draw hand in a more natural anchor point. Keep a open mind when you go to shoot the bow, you may have been shooting a 29.5 inch draw for ever and your used to it. But you may be amazed at what a 1/2 will do for your shooting / grouping .
  12. rob-c

    Draw Length

    How well do you shoot the bowtech now ? Did you try shooting the Mathews at 28? How did it feel if you did ? Mathews bows tend to run 1/2 in long on draw anyways . Post up some photos of you at full draw and make sure your aiming level with your bow arm .
  13. rob-c

    The Itch

    Mine was last Saturday , swapped out the sight on my bow and got is re-sighted in . Felt good to shoot the bow .
  14. rob-c

    Wide 8

    Um that’s only one wall , just sayin..
  15. rob-c

    Powder Prices

    I reload the 150 grain sst’s for my 300 savage and they’ve grouped and performed great on deer .
  16. rob-c

    Powder Prices

    Only thing that’s ok priced lately is projectiles, you think powder is high start looking at primers . I was buying a 1000 for $30-$32 bucks pre pandemic , now there going for $99 to $ 130 per thousand. And that price is if you can find them in stock .
  17. Oh I’m not missing the good, I’ve said it many of times , I love living where I live in this state. And when retirement hits we will stop making excuses and take control over things with our feet and move to a cheaper , free state .
  18. Yep I agree , but just think how much better it could be in a free red state .
  19. I had one officially scored by nysbbc just to see what he scored , and I never registered him.
  20. or laws banning the carrying of firearms in “sensitive locations” like schools and government buildings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This right here will be vastly expanded.
  21. Well there’s never a bad time to have one .
  22. I’ve never been but a few coworkers that live in PA talk highly of https://www.gricegunshop.com/ I really need to take a road trip ..
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