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hang fyre

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Posts posted by hang fyre

  1. I'm looking for info on guinea hens or chickens to control ticks. I have no experience with raising fowl. I have 2 dogs with a fenced back yard the ticks are crazy already in march. I need to something to combat these suckers. any info on housing and caring for these birds is helpful thx

  2. I have a vx2 on a rem 740 auto .280 its great. I broke a tasco and a bushnell just target shooting I got the vx2 from cabelas for 199 money well spent. I have shot my friends gun with a nikon at targets and like it too. I guess it comes down to what you wanna spend, I think leupold and nikon are both well made. I only have experience with the leup and I would definitely buy another.

  3. I get to my spot well before light. On opening day and the second day I will sit all day. Let others push the deer around. I keep my flashlight handy to signal any latecomers to keep walking (I'm on public land). If I havent shot anything on the third or fourth day I will still hunt during the middle of the day. I just read somewhere that most big bucks are shot between 10 and 2.

  4. ive seen many small bucks travelling daytime this week. this weekend should be good got a stand on the edge of a doe bedding area , just been waiting for the right time. I m hunting in 4r mostly and have 1 stand on 4g.

  5. yes I'm glad those guys in catskill got busted.  its easy to catch spawning eyes.  I suppose they were "sportsmen"  who got caught in a weak moment.  I carry my cell only for emergency or if I see some "sportsman" breakin the law.  I damn sure will use it.

  6. I bought it 2 years ago and love it.  I wear glasses for astigmatism and had a hard time with peep sights in low light and for consistent shooting in general.  Once it was installed and lined up my accuracy improved greatly.  Like someone else said,  it virtually eliminates torque.  When I draw now its automatic on pin- no trying to line up eye with peep with sight. highly recommend!!!

  7. POACHERS!!  I also have the dec tipline in my cell phone and I will use it.

    Finding garbage, not only in the woods but around here the idiots leave bags by the side of the road.  And it always seems to be the on the right side of the road leading towards the thruway. I have actually pawed thru bags looking for names, numbers etc. I would LOVE to catch one of these scumbags leaving their garbage- its usually on a sunday too because I see it when I go to work at 5 on monday mornings. Take it home with you I dont want to look at it!!!!

  8. wztirem what state land in scho. county do u hunt?  I live in conesville and hunt the state land and dep lands around here and some in greene county.  I agree that the further u can get off the beaten path the better odds u will have.  most public land i hunt is way better during bow season with less pressure.  and usually after opening week of gun its quiet but, less deer activity until m/z.

  9. This was definitely an off year in 4g/4r.  I also saw some good bucks during bow season with no shot opportunities.  I was very optimistic for gun season but, once the shooting started, I saw no bucks.  I dont feel too bad cuz alot of the guys I hunt with or work with- same deal.  A few of the bucks I saw in bow were nice so I hope they made it thru. There was alot of small spikes/ forkhorns. I am looking forward to neaxt bow season- I see way more deer - I'm planning on spending  more of my time/focus in the woods then as opposed to gun season. 

  10. Doc I agree wholeheartedly with you.  I do most of my hunting on public lands near my home.  I concentrate on bow season when pressure is lighter.  when rifle starts, I try to hunt mid-week and off times.  I see deer, the numbers go up and down with the health of the herd.  I do not believe in baiting or feeding during deer season or spring/ summer.  But when the snow gets deep here as it does (3 to 4 feet), I have helped out the herd by cutting hemlocks/ cedars.  There is no corn fields here so I know putting that out would just harm them.  I have put out blocks/ sweet stuff by my bird feeders when I noticed lots of deer tracks in the snow under them.  Every year when my friends and I shoot deer we see corn in their stomachs  so people are feeding them corn during season.  The deer love it but it gives them no nutrition and I wish these guys knew that. 

  11. I bought a cva staghorn used for 75$.  Put a cheap scope on it I already had. just had to buy the bases.  I cant believe how accurate this gun is!!  Ive had it for 3 years now and my friends all say I should upgrade but I freakin love this gun!!.

  12. I just have a 30$ tasco on mine that I had laying around.  I know its not a m/l scope but I'll use it till it goes or I come across something better.  A guy I work with bought the cabelas powderhorn m/l fixed 4 power. I think he paid 60 bucks on sale.  Anyway I looked thru it and its pretty sweet for the money.  I figured The bdc scopes would be the way to go.  But if it has to cranked on 9 to be accurate, I ll put a powderhorn  or another cheap tasco.

  13. I have never tried ice fishing.  I am going to give it go this year.  I have  a couple of tipups I bought a garage sale.  I plan on getting a jigging pole.  Any  tips or helpful advice u guys can throw my way would be much appreciated.

  14. The hunting here in 4r was slow.  I saw a couple nice bucks during bow. A few small spikes.  All I saw during reg season was does and other hunters.  Although on opening day I saw 3 juvenile otters playing from my ground blind.  I watched them for about 20 minutes or so.  That was really cool.  The rut never really took off it seemed.  And the high winds every weekend during both seasons didnt help.  Looking at a long winter.  I m gonna try ice fishing this year- never done it.

  15. this past weekend a group of us last tagholders got together to do some drives.  4 guys in a truck were driving to get in position, they see 4 does standing on bordering property, so they stop the truck to check them out.  while they are watching a buck steps out from the woodline and steps up behind one of the does.  he mounts and breeds her - gets off - walks around for a minute. steps up behind the same doe - mounts and breeds her again.  Is this crazy or what?  Dec. 20 !!  These are stand up guys I trust.  wtf?   

  16. these people should not be considered "hunters"  or "sportsmen" .  scumbags is  what they are.  if u steal a blind or a treestand  u are a scumbag.  unfortunately they are among us. littering, poaching, stealing blinds/stands, tresspassing, etc.  I dont know how they sleep at night.

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