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passion for whitetails

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About passion for whitetails

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. IMO he's a 3 point and 21/2 years old but then again I'm no wildlife biologist.
  2. I had this gun in 30-06 from the time I was 15 to well into my thirties and killed well over a dozen deer with it, one at 300 yards, really loved that gun. 14 years ago I moved to a shotgun only area of upstate NY so I no longer had a use for it but boy I really miss that gun. If they ever expand the rifle area to the area that I hunt I will definitely purchase another one. I've seen them new for around $600 and in the local paper shop classifieds for around $400. If it was me and I could afford it I would definitely take that deal.
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