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Everything posted by chrisw

  1. Got a few tonight, dropped a slob on the first cast due to a crappy netjob, few shorts, my 2 buddies limited. It was a slow night, my buddy has been averaging 20-30 minute limits all week, took us an hour to boat 8 keepers. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  2. My .02 on the matter, the warm weather doesn't necessarily slow the bucks down a lot but the does get more and more harassed this time of year so I think they are the ones who might lay a bit lower, especially when it's real warm for time of year. The bucks that are "in between" does are going to search pretty hard regardless of temps. I believe the does movements are as big of a factor as the bucks. I'm still getting bucks on their feet every single day but less does now. The 10pt my buddy shot the other night was chasing a doe with 4 other bucks. The thought of being "gang raped" probably doesn't appeal to many does and most females don't like being harassed by a group of males. Warm weather also doesn't drive the does to feed as heavy as cold temps. So in my mind if all you have to hunt is warm weather this time of year, don't let is dissuade you. Now is still your best time to kill a big buck, regardless of temperature. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  3. The pictures get compressed in order to send to your phone, full quality pictures are stored uncompressed on the SD card. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  4. Buddy and I have 6 of them combined. No issues. Here's a buck that walked by a few minutes ago. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  5. I have confidence Team Weak will fill a few more ballots still! Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  6. Well, well, well, looks like Team "Weak" isnt so after all! Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  7. Yeah, He was a good buck for sure, and oddly enough it was a close to home spot and not even on either of our leases. I don't regret killing him really, I just wish it would've happened during the rut I guess. The woods are just so much more exciting then, and I would've definitely had opportunity at one just as big or bigger this week already. And I didn't mention that I've been off of work the entire season so far, we got furloughed at work in July. I actually just took a job today at a new place and start at the end of the month. So I would've literally had every single day to rut hunt. Oh well, weird year for me. But I am grateful for the buck I got. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  8. That's what I'm doing from here on out. I don't regret killing my buck, just regret it happened so early. I haven't even hunted this property much because I don't want to have a stroke watching a huge buck walk right by and nothing I can do. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  9. Did a bit of scouting this AM, checked a couple of non cell cams, good lord. I'm starting to feel like I shouldn't have filled my tag on Oct. 1st now. And to make matters worse I have had big buck pics under my stand for the last 3 mornings in a row during daylight. And new bucks are showing up every day, today's new buck is below... Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  10. Had 2 bucks fighting in the cut corn 75 yds in front of me on the walk in. Cell cam just sent a good buck working field edge. And the 10pt on our lease got dusted last night. There were 5 bucks after one doe, only 4 bucks left. Weirdest/luckiest shot ever too. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  11. Do you plan on taking all of the meat? You only mentioned taking the hindquarters and backstraps? Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  12. We had a button buck years ago that hung around one stand in particular, you'd see him every sit and you could get within 20yds of him walking in and out, he didn't care at all. We named him Gunther. Unfortunately some hunters doing drives ended Gunther. I still think about that little dude though, he didn't stand a chance. I felt terrible for him. We even tried chasing him off to hopefully increase his fear of humans but he'd come right back. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  13. You're already famous on this site! Don't get greedy! Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  14. People will go to any lengths to convince others of their hunting "prowess." Sarah Bowmar has a ridiculous body... And that's about it. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  15. They're on the move today, 3rd big buck during daylight on his feet one on our lease. Ahh to not have a buck tag... Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  16. chrisw


    Had 6 of those last night, awesome beer. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  17. Birds were flying this AM. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  18. First visitor of the night Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  19. Exactly. Males can and will breed anytime, but it's the estrous cycles that dictate when that happens. Same as in the human world, we're just waiting on women! Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  20. Sitting over a corner clover field tonight, pretty views if nothing else! Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  21. Saw one doe from the stand, started raining about 20 minutes before dark so I bailed out and did a quick field scout from the truck before it got too dark. In front of my other stand a doe was getting harassed by 2 bucks, a spike and a 2yr old. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
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