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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by pinenut

  1. Zag check this guy out, http://www.whitetailhabitatsolutions.com/
  2. I remember watching a canned hunt on TV the guy and his wife and 5 other people got in a lavish blind and within mins a 180" freak steps out.. the guide says wait that's not the one. Then a 220" super freak steps out.. ok that's him. End of hunt they take pictures holding their freakesh deer And promot the SCI for conservation effors. I remember thinking how pethetic! Shooting a domesticated farm deer and calling it a trophy! I'm with you though! I'm sick of the government taking away my american rights and freedoms!! I should be abel to kill as many bald eagles as I want with out them regulating! It's just not fair I mean they let me kill crows without limit. I just don't get it... Durrrr
  3. Dear mr. Confused My advice to you would be change hunting strategy it's obviously not very effective if you still have too many deer. Maybe instead of blaming the deer heard in your area for all the damage they do you should blame yourself for for lack of education in deer management. I would also advise you to get a job to feed your poor family they shouldn't have to wait for you to run a deer down to eat. I think they still use dogs to hunt deer in North Carolina maybe we should get Andy to legalized that in NY That way we can get rid of all these pesky deer. Enough joking! we should all be Stewart's of the land and leave it better then we found it, be very thankful for the plentiful deer NY no matter how you hunt them they should be taken with respect. Peace out girl scouts!
  4. Geeze I guess I hit a sore spot amongst salmon snagers. I guess I've seen the worst of deer pushers in my lifetime in wny. We call them pirate crews because they raid and pillage. They do absolutely nothing to improve the lands. They call them self meat hunters but iv seen them turn yearling into swiss cheese like it was attacking them. I'm just saying most "pushers" are pushers because they can't get deer the hard way naturally.
  5. Pushing deer is a lot like snagging salmon because you can't get them to bite. Sure you can get your limit but it a far cry from ethical sportsmanship.
  6. Pushing deer is a lot like snagging salmon because you can't get them to bite. Sure you can get your limit but it a far cry from ethical sportsmanship.
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