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    ft drum ny

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  1. I was on here last year just havent had time to hunt yet this year but that is soon going to change I am in the fort drum area dont know the area that well but know a little if any one wants to meet up and hunt together send me a pm I also finally talked my wife into getting her hunting liscence this year so that should be an intereasting project but well worth it. Next task will be teaching the kids how to hunt.
  2. i love the heart liver not so much i had a hard time getting the wife past the smell when it was cooking though but well worth it.
  3. going to head out for an eavening hunt this pm up here by fort drum. I have only been able to get out once so far this year and as we all know you cant have any luck if your not in the woods. I would go for the am hunt but am currently on a 24 hr shift. Has anyone seen any signs of life here by ft drum I usually go up to Jadwin state forest but havent been able to scout this year. plenty of activity on post but not in the areas that you can hunt.
  4. Just got out calm winds should be a good evening hunt
  5. Sorry for your loss. As the others have said though at least he went out with his boots on. And with a last shot at one. I know these things are not easy but his memories will remain and the devotion he showed for the sport of hunting will last forever. hang in there and be proud of a true sportsman.
  6. yes I am talking about gun season (I missed my bow hunter safety course). that makes alot of sence though. i can see how both techniques will work. I havent tied the fawn distress calls though i have no clue what they are sapposed to sound like.
  7. well I no longer have a buck tag so as nice as it would be to see a big monster I think its best to not be tempted. I just picture it every time I go out that a nice 8-10 pointer will come walking my way and I will have no choice but to let him pass.
  8. I will have to try that will it still work this late in the year though? I have 2 tags left to fill.
  9. I usually much on trail mix or sunflower seeds if nothing else the shells from the seeds make the squirrels come out and as long as there occupied with the shells their not half as annoying. water and energy drinks are a must for me though I am a true caffeen junkie.
  10. is there a different technique for hunting does than bucks? I would imagine that the calls and scents dont work as well or even scare them off. I know that before I started using calls and stuff all I would see are does now that I used my buck tag I havent seen anything. would using a buck scent this time of year be a little more effective or would it scare them off. I am always looking for more advice and ways to improve as a hunter so any advice would be welcome and appreciated.
  11. Thanks everyone. Your right the meat was great. I worked for it and learned a lot . But it was well worth it. And I will never forget it.
  12. thanks. I thought for sure it was a doe though this is the first year I have gotten a doe tag. thats all I have seen in the past were does. and had to pass them up. now I have to find a butcher in my area.
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