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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by johnplav

  1. That’s a great sampler pack. 12 good beers from the same brewery, all with their own distinct taste and all with decent ABVs.
  2. johnplav

    New bow

    I’ll take a look. It killed lots of deer for me. Far more than the drop away I have now... but I’m trying!
  3. Not bad beers. $20 sampler packs at Costco... 6 beers in and this might be the deal of the century. https://clownshoesbeer.com/12beers/
  4. Spicing up this crappy game with a clown shoes tasting
  5. johnplav

    New bow

    Not a bad start in the basement range. I’ll fine tune it once I can get out to 20 yards.
  6. johnplav

    New bow

    “Upgrade” to the old Hoyt! A buddy of mine wants to try archery. Target for now, not sure about hunting. I used to use this bow with a prong style rest, so I put a crappy old whisker biscuit on this crappy old bow and I’ll let him fling some arrows. Im excited... I thought for sure this bow would never get used again.
  7. This one goes out to the sour beer fans @The Jerkman @turkeyfeathers It’s good, but I don’t know if we should be calling this beer. 7% sour fruit juice, perhaps?
  8. You throw your jacket over his head and calm him down, then I’ll remove the trap. Sound like a plan??
  9. Yea I should’ve rinsed it after a week. Instead I waited until I had time to smoke it, which was 13 days. Still happily surprised with results.
  10. Success! Overly salty, but great flavor and texture.
  11. Thanks! I assumed it was my biggest buck yet, then when the rack from my big 8 fit nicely inside it, I knew I was getting a full mount. It was icing on the cake that I could take it to Jason. At the end of the season we might need to start a thread for personal best bucks... I believe there were quite a few this year.
  12. Venison bacon experiment... I took the flanks? (Strips of meat connecting back legs to abdomen) from my buck which had a decent amount of meat layered with fat. I rubbed them with tender quick, brown sugar, garlic powder and black pepper. Then I threw them in the fridge. Today is 13 days later, and they’re on the smoker. We’ll see what happens! Oh and I threw on some real bacon too.
  13. I’m pretty sure this guy broke off another tine since this pic
  14. A couple are showing up beat up around here... but the big ones are still in good shape. On a side note... is the first picture a different buck? (2 and 3 are the same)
  15. Not hunting in the morning because of rain, 2 NFL teams that I can’t stand are playing... this’ll do.
  16. Next time start tracking before legal shooting light. Dirtbag neighbor can’t “shoot” him that way. I guess it’s it’s better than lost and wasted, but still frustrating.
  17. Really capitalizing on being off tomorrow. And still keeping it local. Go Bills!
  18. You might like this. It smells great (like a solid IPA) but the taste is a bit more subtle.
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