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Posts posted by Mossberg500Guy

  1. On 2/28/2017 at 10:34 AM, Lunarday358 said:

    I've never found any fast and hard rule, if we have a steady wind usually I'll see them walking with a cross wind or they will be angling into the wind. Often times my areas are very swirly though and I honestly can't determine how the deer are using it to their advantage. I really do need to learn more about wind currents and how they're effected by terrain.

    I notice the same with steady wind the deer often travel cross wind, I've also notice deer will set them selves up in a thick area while bedding so it can pick up on a predators movement...@Lunarday358 Here's a link to a good article that touches base on wind and how terrain etc... affects it  http://bowsite.com/bowsite/features/articles/deer/breakingwind/

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  2. All decoys work, but depends on ones opinion is best is based on which one works for them... Folding rubber/foam dekes work well and easy to carry but if one is looking for a light and realism decoy I recommend the HS Strutt: Suzie Snood and Jake Snood, you blow little air in it and put in shower to form it when packed away and you can deflate it enough to fold it while you run 'n' gun, also a small backpack wouldn't hurt to put them in.

  3. Shooting is a sport, but when we contemplate if hunting is a sport within its self I do not consider it as a sport... Look at it like Martial Arts its like Shooting, its a forum of practice and skill but when one uses their skill of Martial Arts for self defense or in this case using a gun to hunt an animal is to sustain our way of life it isn't a sport within its self but that's my opinion, someone may have a different view but I don't find the need to label it.

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  4. Thanks for your input guys, its good i'm not the only one with few rub/scrapes and seeing no chasing... I've kicked up a nice buck twice this week, I'm going 13th-15th should be heating up hopefully, then I'm off to the Southern Zone (7A) on the 19th. Good luck this week guys.

  5. Theres one for the SZ so I figured i would start a topic for us who hunt the Northern Zone to share thoughts on the rut...

    I am not a bow hunter so i've only been out in the woods for the last 2 weeks and have yet to see much rut activity, i hunt a few hundered acres in the 6K area and seen few does and a 1 buck out of range but this was on opening day and seen nada since then, besides finding a few scrapes and 1 rub the rut seems to be nonexistent, field corn seems to be the most active food plot right now especially at night and i think they are bedding in the corn as well, cause i have not seen them active in the day or kicked any out of bedding... So what are you guys seeing in the north and will they get more active in day?

  6. They should either open up a hunting season for Moose or slow speed limits where it is heavily populated, its doing no one good when these Moose get hit by cars besides maybe the people who get the Moose meat. I'd hate to see them go extinct but seems like their becoming a problem with vehicle incidents and its sad to see a huge walking freezer full of meat get hit by a car when someone could have harvested it.

  7. I believe that is a Norther Brown snake. by the way, hope no DEC officer reads these boards this is a quote on DEC site "You may not harvest, take, or possess any native Snakes, Lizards, or Salamanders at any time". i'd rather kill a snake and be fined than be killed by a venomous snake.

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  8. 2 hours ago, ....rob said:

    Pretty sure most inlines have to go through an FFL as well for all of NYS. You have to pass a NICS check to buy one.

    I'm pretty sure you don't need a NICS for any type of Muzzleoader (unless you can change out to center fire like some TC) in any state.

  9. 25 minutes ago, mattypotpie8S said:

    Are the yahoo.com league drafts similar to the nfl.com drafts?

    The platform is slightly different but pretty much the same basics, you can do some mock drafting to get used to it.

    This video will give you an idea how it works.


  10. I understand that its the right to protest but Kaepernick is protesting the wrong thing, hes protesting racial injustice by protesting the flag at an NFL game? NFL is made up of over 50% of African American players, NFL is one of the least racist sports. He just crying cause he going to be benched and this is all for publicity, I mean what if Tim Tebow protested against the flag cause he felt discriminated against cause he prayed c'mon get outta here.

  11. I think its a misconception, How does Kaepernick or others like him have the right to protest against the USA? Thats what our men in service fought against, they fought for USA to fly our Flag not to take it down. Men gave their lives to stop to gives us freedom but not for us to use freedom to protest against the flag or USA.

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