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  • Hunting Location
    Suffolk County Long Island
  • Hunting Gun
    Ruger .270
  • Bow
    PSE Decree
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. I am going to be up in the Saratoga Springs area in October. Can anyone recommend a good area to Bow Hunt?
  2. Yes, seems so, just looked it, thanks for the post
  3. You guys have been awfully quiet with the posts, I am sure because we're all out there. But I haven't heard any reports, I have seen a couple of small ones gave up the shot, but that's it. Seems like not seeing and not hearing from posts points me in the direction of bad news. Anyone?
  4. Got it...thanks! Also, just wanted to say thanks to all for the helpful feedback. It's nice to interact with people willing to share some information.
  5. Thanks Guys! Like I said before, I am somewhat of a newbie, and trying to get familiar with a public area upstate not too far from home. These two places seemed great, but I had read somewhere that Sterling is somewhat high pressured. I would like to look at the that landlocked area. How do you access the map, just google it? Forgive, my ignorance...what's a timber doodle spot?
  6. For a fairly new bow hunter, looking to go upstate a bit, what would everyone think about Minnewaska State Park versus Sterling Forest? Pros - Cons, other suggested areas?
  7. Thanks to all of you who have replied. I kinda figured that I would have to do some scouting, and from what little I have done, it seems Rocky Point would be somewhat crowded, I will try Sarnoff, and what makes hunting fun is finding the honey hole I don't have any climbing experience, which I feel I need before I got out there in the dark and try to scale a tree, so for now, I am using a blind, but eventually I will get there. Does anyone have an opinion if deer around here like to move more in the morning or evening?
  8. So, I went and got all my permits and maps, and I am still befuddled with which are the better places to go, DEC lands, County Parks? I saw some activity out at Rocky Point, but in a restricted area. Any suggestions on where to start?
  9. psygrad

    New To Region

    Thanks to NFA-ADK for the invite to Suffolk Archers'. Couldn't make it up there then, but hopefully you have a website and I can look more in to this. I need the practice.
  10. psygrad

    New To Region

    Thank you so much to everyone for the information. It is great to have the resource of this site. I truly appreciate the information about the insects etc. I have a couple of more questions. I am hearing that there's a lot of theft of treestands on State Lands. Does everyone use climbers or still hunt?
  11. psygrad

    New To Region

    Hi Everyone, I have hunted for the past 5 years or so, mostly rifle, upstate NY. Now I am trying out Bowhunting in Suffolk. The rules and processes to state lands seems confusing. Also, not sure where is the best spot for whitetail. Is there a guide, course, or would anyone offer the best way for a new hunter to the region to approach this for the best results?
  12. Hi Everyone, Not new to Hunting so much...went for about 5 years upstate, but new to hunting on Long Island. I appreciate any advice, suggestions or guidance!
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