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  • Hunting Location
    7S, 8Y, 8F
  • Hunting Gun
    Marlin 30/30
  • Bow
  • HuntingNY.com
    NY outdoor news

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  1. It amazes me how these politicians can make this so complicated-because it's really not. By allowing antlerless only for the first two weeks and the late season will not do a dam thing that they are trying to do. It will only force people to either: A- Not even hunt during these times, or B: go to a different unit close by (if possible) to hunt. Should this apply to kids and junior hunters?? Absolutely not. Picture yourself out there hunting for the first time or first couple years and having a smasher buck (or any buck for that matter) walk by and you can't shoot it....you think to yourself why the hell am I even out there?? A small percentage of hunters kill a big percent of the annual harvest. It's as simple as either keep giving out tags to the successful hunters that are shooting does or do what other states do-Earn a Buck!. If the bowhunters need to harvest a doe before validating their buck tag then they will definitely do so as quickly as possible. Make it so a successful hunter must show to any licensing agency a doe with his/her archery tag on it and then their Buck tag will immediately become valid (and they should be given another antlerless tag as a bonus and to help out with the situation!!) By doing this an archer may shoot a doe as early as opening morning and may be hunting for their trophy buck as early as opening evening. It's not that complicated people.... Think of the late season....How many of you are going to go out and freeze your ass off knowing you can't shoot a buck if you see one??? NO ONE... So explain to me how that is going to help think out the antlerless deer numbers.... And the same goes for the first two weeks.. No one will hunt during that time... The DEC extended our archery season by opening it Oct. 1 rather than the 15th, then all of a sudden it's basically back to the 15th because you can't shoot a buck!!!!!
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