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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. Explain to me again why these "facts" are not being heard by anyone but the election fraud crowd? If there are so many facts,why can't Trump or one of you fellas use them say in court?
  2. I agree 100% with everything you brought up rob. And nomad is spot on too,it wouldn't take much for a course correction. Being a mod is not a very rewarding position I am sure but one is needed to police this playground a little.
  3. What do we have sections for then?
  4. I am happy for you,must be better than the turkey opener,haha.
  5. I am a legal alien here and pay taxes( it is true @Grouse). I don't have the right to vote,which will make you fellas pretty happy I bet,wink wink. When I got my greencard there was no option for dual citizenship, so I kept my German passport. I honestly don't care much about not being able to vote since the two party system here is quite dysfunctional and becoming more so by the day. I could get dual citizenship now but don't care enough to pursue it. Plus it would set me back a good amount of money I am sure as the bcis or whatever it is called now is not a model for efficiency. At one point in my application process I received a letter that said they received my application and it will take at least 4 weeks to process,however,if you have not heard from us within a year you may contact this office. Haha,that was classic. I called after a year and they didn't know where my application was even.
  6. No shortages affecting my life. This would be a great time to try to move towards more localized economy that keeps money moving in the communities instead of giving it to big corporations or other countries. Small is beautiful indeed. That would take a major shift in people's spending habits and of course it would face huge opposition from all the big companies,kind of like the tobacco industry downplaying cigarettes effects. Walmart would not support that I think,not much for local goods there or even American made stuff. But worry not, none of this will happen because people will protect their profits!
  7. Good idea,but it will fall on deaf ears. Something both sides have in common,rejoice!
  8. I agree,but some people won't change their tune come hunting season. Hopefully I am wrong. Either way, there will be more interesting posts to read.
  9. I will be looking for those!! And anybody else's are welcome too! I am sure most of us would get along fine in real life,even with our different politics. I just don't get why people lead with the politics most of the time now. It certainly isn't what I am here for.
  10. I would thank the rigid right for that if you insist putting it that way. I am not interested in the websites users politics and reading about their deep insights. But plenty of folks are more than willing to put their opinions out there. I miss the time when people were a little more reserved with their opinions. If one asks for one fine,but the unsolicited drivel is bugging me. Carry on...
  11. This site is going downhill fast,congrats to all the contributors.
  12. Ok,I stand corrected. I would let my fletching do the work for flight and the bevel for the action part. I like the steering in the back. How would you sharpen a broadhead like that? seems worse than a curved flat one...
  13. I ordered some arrows today. Same as my old ones only 75 grains less weight up front to compensate for switching from a 125 gr head to a 200. I will pick up a free fridge from the 60's at the end of the month. My dedicated deer fridge for October. Luckily I have a lot of stuff to get done before then,so I won't have much time to daydream about october.
  14. You got it wrong,the broadhead doesn't create the spin your fletchings do. A single bevel broadhead will create a spin with it's cutting action when it encounters resistance. The spin induced by the fletching will stop with a regular broadhead when it hits the animal. Only a single bevel will rotate inside the animal.
  15. you can keep telling yourself that too. You think you have all the answers and the one correct point if view,that sounds crazy to me. Keep on pasting!
  16. I was wondering if your new schedule would work. How is it going?
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