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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. Or somewhere not far off rt 20 by schoharie. Not sure what wmu that is,but also a nice mix of farmland and woods. Upstate is your Oyster,it really just depends what some more of your criteria are. You should check out the different areas some if you can,this general area is quite varied. Rt 20 is more agriculture and more flat than the southern part of otsego county. The area outside of Davenport or east meredith is beautiful too. Most of the valleys here run north to south,and each one is a little different.
  2. Yep,loosing your mom is a tough one. Happened to me a few years ago,it makes you think about a lot of things. I hope you will remember her well.
  3. We have 6 to 8 inches of heavy wet snow,but it is supposed to be upper 40's tuesday and wednesday,so it will be gone i think
  4. send me a pm if you want chef,there are a lot of options here and 300k should get you a good spread. Schenevus or worcester area is good too,and the schenevus creek has some awesome trout fishing
  5. i am near cooperstown,and you are looking at at least a 4 hr drive to the city. Oneonta is 20 mins closer. Land in the Cooperstown school district costs more than the surrounding areas,like Milford,laurens etc. I cant remember last time i didn't get a dmp.
  6. go get em folks,looks nice out. I may or may not go out today,still not that excited about gun season.
  7. I forgot to post this rub i found yesterday and a upturned root in a swamp.
  8. I only started hunting 8 or so years ago in my late thirties. I learned a lot from a friend who suggested spots for me and my climber. He also took me along with his family and friends to do drives. These guys have been hunting a long time and know the area well. That was a lot of fun. I like to change it up sit some,move some. when i started bow hunting a 4 or 5 years ago that really became my focus. That season is so much more enjoyable to me. Gun season is a bit of a let down. I am looking forward to doing some drives this weekend with friends on a new to me property,or properties really. My buddy who got me started is busy,so we didn't make it out together much this year. It seems like everything in life,my goals and joys of hunting change from year to year.
  9. My buddy and me did some light pushes today,i only saw does and he missed a nice buck. It was pretty nasty out...
  10. I got one from the stand one from the ground,no blind. Both were with the bow. I have not been in a stand since gun opened,i dont have the patience to sit for hours and see no deer. If i see no deer i want to at least be still hunting,that way i can see no deer in more places.
  11. That last video was insane. I started watching their videos this summer and also feel like i learned a lot from them. Good information in a nice formay by pretty regular guys. What more could one ask for?
  12. Wow,so you really thought you can just hunt on peoples property because they didn't post it correctly every year? This kind of attitude is what gives hunters a bad name. Propertirs cost money,every year. And you can waltz on anyone's and hunt? From the road?
  13. You will find her dead tomorrow morning,i am sure of it. She will not be far from where you last saw her. Good luck!
  14. Don't give up on calling. I had never had it work for me,but it didn't hurt either..After grunting does would come by...Last bow sit i called a buck in for the first time,he was not that easy interested in the grunt,but the snort wheeze pissed him off and he came right at me. It was awesome.
  15. I use a rangefinder for bow season,pre range trees from the stand. I have no magnification on mine,so ranging is all it is good for. I have a pair of heavy 10x42 binos on a chest harness for bow and gun hunting. I still hunt a lot during both seasons and use the binos to check out thick stuff after scanning the area with my eyes. It also helps if you spot one deer,look for the company that is hiding close by. I find binos are well worth the weight.
  16. i would say 3.5,after that age it is a crap shoot. His body looks filled out enough to be 3.5.
  17. ok,i need to take lessons from you. It takes me a lot longer to process a deer. I didn't really have a setup,but made one this year. The trimming is done on my workbench in the basement. It takes me close to 1.5 hrs to hang the deer,skin it and get the meat of. Then several hours of trimming,maybe i am to picky,but that is how i learned. I want to try to cook the hocks whole,because trimming those is a nuisance.
  18. I am a member of this group too. Might stay that way too,i take it pretty easy during regular gun season. Can't wait for MZ,then i can shoot either or again.
  19. Fletch,that is why i hunt deer. No meat from an industrial farm or processing place for me. Venison is all i eat throughout the year. As far as meat goes anyway. And of course people can do what they want with their deer,they will be the ones eating it. I had a friend i learned from how to butcher my own and most of the time we still do it together. I can do it by myself and did that with my bow does this year as my buddy was busy. I went for a long walk today and spooked a group of deer on an west slope with the wind coming from the west. Some of them just dont care...
  20. Well,we got a couple of inches of fresh snow in our area,i guess my mojo is back! I will head out and try to get on some tracks,the walking should be quiet. I love these conditions...now if i can find a buck that is not paying attention..
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