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About catphish

  • Birthday 08/04/1953

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Town of Decatur

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Otsego County
  • Hunting Gun
  • Bow
    Martin Cougar
  • HuntingNY.com
    google search

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  1. I'm running late this morning. Working on the 2nd cup of coffee. It's 19.8 degrees out with no wind or my weather vane is frozen. No sightings again yesterday on private land, so I'm going back to state land where I've been seeing more deer movement. Winds are suppose to be out of the SE, I can only hope. Good luck everyone and be safe.
  2. Time to get out there and do it again. Winds are predicted to be out of the SE-S-SW this morning. It is currently from the NW so the mighty wind wizard has some movement to get too. Only 13.5 degrees out here in the hills of Decatur in 4F. Time for the heavier jacket. Good luck everyone.
  3. Hunting in 4F and haven't seen a deer in two days. I'm on vacation all week, so I'll be out again tomorrow.
  4. Hunted on state land and heard my first shot at 5:58am. Couldn't believe it. Saw one doe around 11am then went home for lunch. Afternoon stand I kick up a deer but not sure if buck or doe. Winds here in the hills are terrible. Suppose to be out of the NE then E but nooooooooo has to be out of the N. Grrrrrrrr. Tomorrow we should have some rain, guess I'll be getting wet. Good luck tomorrow.
  5. Shot this one on Saturday, November 14th around 4pm and tracked it the next day. Some deer just like to run even with a double lung hit.
  6. I've had them close on me too. But after doing the autopsy you can see they definitely opened. Nice job.
  7. I left the house and the wind was out of the NW. Took a new route to my stand and guess what, wind changed to the NE....grrrrrrrr. At 4pm I had a nice buck come in. Walked right into my shooting lane at 15 yards. Got a nice clean through shot with bubbles and blood. Buck ran off into the swamp. I will be out in the morning to track and pics to follow.
  8. Once I had a flock of chickadees land all around me, on my hat, my hand, my bow and nocked arrow. I slowly put out my gloved finger and one landed on it. It was cool but startled me at first.
  9. I'm hunting in 4F and watched bucks chasing does yesterday and today. Had a shot at a nice size doe yesterday but she came in on my right side and I shot under her. Saw another buck moving through the area yesterday and could not get his attention. Seeing most of the deer on state land. I am also using Tink's bombs.
  10. The bucks are certainly chasing the does in our area. Saw a buck yesterday morning at 7am hot on the trail of a doe and same couple later around 4pm doing the same thing. They were running full tilt. Tonight I saw another doe running and crashing through the brush with a buck behind her. This was in two different locations, one state land, and one private.
  11. I've never scouted the area in Bear Swamp. Looks like a very promising area.
  12. I live in the Town of Decatur. I hunt mostly around the house and Decatur Forest state land.
  13. It's 4am and I'm having a cup of coffee before heading out again. Happy Hunting all.
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