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Steve D

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Steve D

  1. Be thankful you don't have this guy's problem https://m.facebook.com/pptactical/videos/2773168596343089/
  2. Sometimes life really sucks and this is one of those times. Each one of us has to deal with these tragedies in our own way and it is never easy. I wish you and your family the best during this time and going forward. Our heartfelt condolences go out to you, your family, and everyone that knew Ana. She sounds like a very special person.
  3. And check the spark plug. Some times they get carboned up and will run on choke and run like crap if at all when choke is off. Easy check...clean it up and try again.
  4. I have a plow on mine but only use it occasionally. As far as wear and tear they can take it but if you get 6" or more they are a pain since they really can't push a lot of snow. I depend on the snow blower and can put it where I want it vs putting it where the four wheeler can push it. This would be the ultimate but are quite pricey. I would have one but my machine is older and don't want to make that kind of investment on a older machine. There are cheaper models/brands but not sure how well they work.
  5. As good as they possibly can with empty guns that are only for show. If you honestly believe they will be carrying live ammo you are dreaming. Age old tactic to put fear in the people that the people got wise to along time ago. The ramifications of firing upon US citizens would be devastating to say the least.
  6. Cards may be used in the U.S. and District of Columbia everywhere Visa debit cards, Debit Mastercard or Discover cards are accepted. No cash or ATM access. https://www.vanillagift.com/help
  7. Trust me it is only going to get worse.........between NYS and the future rules the federal government plan impose the future for gun ownership is pretty grim.
  8. You are chasing a dream especially with todays used car/truck prices. You don't get much any more for $20,000.
  9. Read the owners manual??? Just askin
  10. While there has probably been some good in most lives it certainly does not outweigh all the bad this year has delivered and continues to deliver. We can each count our blessings and be thankful for the good experiences but overall this year sucks and the foreseeable future doesn't look much brighter.
  11. You have to wonder about the testing bs. My daughter in Arizona tested positive not because of symptoms but because they were planning on coming back to NY. Told to quarantine and after seven days re-tested again and is negative. So is it a "false" positive or a "false" negative? She hasn't been sick in the last seven days at all but now their holiday plans are in the toilet.
  12. That's what I figured but I wouldn't sweat it. If asked..... a lot of guys would probably say the same thing (me included) but don't want to admit it.
  13. True...but that may be because he isn't married.
  14. Just curious....Marriage or Hunting?
  15. Despite the high winds of 20 mph I took the climber out and sat until dark. About 4:15 I see three deer coming through the woods about 60 yards away. Put the glasses on them and one was a buck walking with a limp. He was a young buck with a decent size 6 point rack. I decided then if he came my way I would take a shot because I knew he was hurt. The two doe with him came in and stood less than 20 yards from my tree and kept looking his way. The one was real small and the other one was not an adult but possibly big enough to shoot. I am looking at her standing broadside at 15 yds. or so thinking about a shot and decided to wait for the buck. Sure enough here he comes but stays just far enough away I can't get a shot. The doe start to wander away and after they are out of sight he starts to move in their direction. I draw back take aim and bleat tryin to stop him to no avail. Finally he stops, I let the arrow fly but can't tell if I hit him or not. By now it is 4:30 and I am wishing I didn't take the shot because of darkness coming on. I climb down just as the alarm goes off for sunset and go look for the arrow. Luckily it was a clean miss so I am pretty sure I shot underneath him. No hair or blood on the arrow so he lives another day. Glad to end the season with some action and not leaving a deer in the woods with a bad hit. A clean miss is always better than a bad hit. Congrats to all that scored today and the entire season.
  16. Probably not as accurate as the chest girth method but I use this as a guide and found it to be reasonably accurate.
  17. Got a later start than I wanted due to deer hunting and it has been tough with the changing conditions to keep things working. I had my doubts whether the traps would even fire with the snow, rain, freeze & thaw, etc. I have only had four sets out with hopes of expanding after deer season weather permitting. I was hoping if anything I would get some coyotes but this little red female showed up this morning. She is free again and hopefully won't come back. I hope to do some remakes and put a few more sets out in the upcoming days now that deer season is over. Hope the weather cooperates a little bit. I don't really care for trapping in the snow and or mud.
  18. With the season winding down and tomorrow being iffy I went out for an afternoon sit until dark. I figured with tracks all over the driveway I might get lucky and catch one in the woods. Turkeys were going crazy all afternoon and saw a nice red fox. Had two doe come in five minutes before dark but neither provided a decent shot and one was real small. Not sure I will make it out tomorrow but if I don't it was a good way to end the season.
  19. That sure narrows it down...Nice bird The boundary of the Park encompasses approximately 6 million acres, nearly half of which belongs to all the people of New York State and is constitutionally protected to remain “forever wild” forest preserve.
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