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Steve D

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Steve D

  1. I have always had good luck with Rocky boots. Never had to "break" in a pair and they last forever. The newer ones are not as good as the older models. I think the newer ones are made in china (like everything else).
  2. Just goes to show there is more to practice than just shooting. I have probably made about every mistake a bow hunter can make but will more than likely come up with a new one. I always seem to find a new reason to kick myself. Should of, would of, could of
  3. I also carry two target arrows when I am hunting. I don't shoot one every time but quite often will shoot one just to make sure. My favorite target is dead stumps so I don't have to look all over for the arrow.
  4. I shoot 50-60 arrows 3-4 times a week at different yardages mainly to keep my form and to work the muscles required . Some mornings it is pretty cold sitting in a tree for a couple of hrs. and I want those muscles to work when I need them. It also helps me to be automatic when the time comes for a shot and the heart is beating 100 miles an hour.
  5. I stick 3 balloons blown up to about three inches to my foam bale with small finishing nails. Shoot til I pop all 3, blow 3 more up, move the bale to a different yardage and angle and do it again. Each time I am shooting at a different target/color. The best part is I don't blow up the balloons, I have a small compressor in the basement that does a fine job. Balloons are fairly cheap and easy to dispose of.
  6. Or possibly someone with a pug nose
  7. Probably a dumb question but I have to ask. After flipping through a few pages I must say there is some pretty fine shooting going on but don't any of you shoot or practice from a elevated position? I am lucky enough to be able to shoot off my deck that is approx. 10' off the ground and often thought that it may not be high enough. I do know there is a difference on impact and yardage and once I am sighted in on level ground start shooting from a elevated position. Considering most of my hunting time is in a tree stand and have never shot a deer with a bow from the ground, I always thought it would be best to practice off the ground if possible. I mainly practice to work the muscles required, and to work on maintaining a constant shooting form so when and if the time comes it will be almost automatic. It is not uncommon for me to shoot 50-60 arrows in a practice session and this time of year am practicing three to four times a week all from a elevated position and move my bale each and every round. I like to make the first one count but also like to build the confidence I can do it again and again at different yardages. Maybe I am practicing to much if there s such a thing.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ra6u39U1wZ4&feature=emb_err_woyt
  9. Same old stuff Mathews compound , 9200 Mossberg 12 gauge, and Browning A bolt in .223, Unless I get my tags filled during bow season. I have no desire to hunt with a crossbow.
  10. For me personally I don't get much out of gun hunting but I do gun hunt. Between bow & and gun by the time x-mas rolls around I have more than enough and am ready to move on to something else like predator hunting or trapping. I don't hunt with a muzzleloader but know it can get pretty uncomfortable sitting in a stand during the late bow season. I would much rather fill as many tags as possible during the earlier part of the season and move onto something else that I enjoy more. As far as I am concerned extending deer season will only put a crimp on others that enjoy time in the woods but make it a point to stay out until after deer season.
  11. Hope you catch them but that one up high is to obvious. Even if it can't be reached if spotted it would be easy to take out with a shotgun or .22 and you will end up with three broken cams.
  12. I guess he is indeed. I thought the "Rep" designation was for republican but it must be for representative. Either way I can't believe the emphasis is on more restrictions when the issue should be crimes/shootings with illegal guns and illegal possession. Maybe stop & frisk was not such a bad idea. If one is checked and is in possession legally he or she goes their merry way. If they are not legal it's off to the pokey they go.
  13. For those of you that may be interested in providing input for or against they have provided a email link. DEC invites the public to submit comments on the proposal by November 8, 2020 via email (subject line: Holiday Deer Hunt Proposal) or in writing to: Attn: Holiday Deer Hunt Proposal NYSDEC Bureau of Wildlife 625 Broadway, 5th Floor Albany, NY 12233-4754
  14. I doubt this particular bill will go to far since it was introduced by a republican but it is still upsetting that any of our politicians are thinking this way rather than addressing crimes committed with illegal guns. Sponsor: Rep. Johnson, Henry C. "Hank," Jr. [D-GA-4] (Introduced 01/30/2020)
  15. Great video.....Now wouldn't you think that the media would have learned their lesson about posting poll results or would be more selective about results they report on. Instead they start right up again with the same old crap expecting people to buy it again. Just another example of biased reporting and I for one hope this time the results are the same.
  16. I just dropped the Trapper. I have been subscribing for years and loved the magazine but since they are changing the format, reducing the number of issues for the same price I will not be renewing. Will probably check out the other two.
  17. Chiggers are NOT fun. After spending time in the outdoors in the wonderful state of Texas was exposed a number of times. Down there they sold a product called "chigger aid" that you could apply to bites AFTER soaking in a bathtub of hot water as hot as you could stand it. About as uncomfortable as the fire ants you can run into in Florida. Another reason I stay in NY. Was not aware we had chiggers in NY. An actual chigger is red in color:
  18. Steve D


    On my way out at the end of the day during last bow season:
  19. Real Estate is nuts right now. My neighbors just sold theirs for $59,000 more than they paid for it 4 years ago and $46,000 more than the assessed value. It was on the market for a week, they had 15 bids, and got the full amount it was listed for on a cash deal. Over a 35% increase in four years.
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