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Posts posted by tj1187

  1. hunting in northern Dutchess county 3f

    four hunters in 3 days saw one fawn and one half rack 4 pointer

    the  EHD has decimated the deer herd

    I don't know how long it will take to return to normal. So Sad

  2. Noticed a newly dug fox den in our neighbor's driveway. Put a trail camera out to record any activity. Have seen 2 adult foxes going in and out of the den. No sign of kits. Do they give birth this late in the summer? Also, is it common for two foxes to be sharing the same den?

  3. Iam Not a city person but there is so much to see and do. Top of the Rock at night, Times Square, Broadway show Rockafeller Center and much more the list could go on  and on. Do your homework and the train is the way to go.

  4. When sitting in the woods and a shot rings out, how far away was that shot? How far  away do you feel that you can hear it?  One mile  two miles ?

  5. Just heard on the news that authorities are trying to figure out how to divide the $130,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the two inmates. I think the NRA should come up with an additional $130,000 to be split between the couple that was held for three hours and the armed citizen from Tennessee who held them at gunpoint. 










  6. Is this what you would call a good acorn crop?  It is like walking on marbles on my lawn.  Noisy nights with the acorns bouncing off the roof and deck.  



  7. I remember walking along the beach at dusk on the eastern end of LI and agree with jjb4900 about the eeriness of the quiet skies...no jet streams or planes in sight.  Also thinking about the devastation and chaos that they were experiencing at that moment. Feeling sad for those who lost their lives and will never experience the smell of the crisp fall air and enjoy the outdoors again. A very sad day for our country and humanity.

  8. Looking to purchase a  generator.  Would like it  for back up power in case of power outage (refrigerator, freezer and a few lights only) and during hunting season to power a  28 foot camper ( hunting camp ).  What are you using or recommend? Thanks in advance.

  9. Last april I planted ten apple trees. I picked the apples off when they were about the size of a small cherry so the tree could get a good start . All ten trees made it threw the winter and have alot of blossoms on them. Should i snip the apples off again, or should I let them grow. Also should I fertilize and if so with what fertilizer 10 -10-10?

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