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    Upstate NY

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  1. Hey guys, Its my first year hunting NY state and I'm having some tough luck in 3M. Seems like the few pieces of public land open have quite a few hunters and very small deer populations. I've been out 4 days now and haven't seen a thing. I've got the rest of the week off to hunt. If you were in my shoes, and you could go to any WMA (public land of course), where would you go? I'd be happy with any deer, just want to fill my first NY tag!
  2. I believe you shawnhu, I've read the same thing in many other forum posts. Do you have any links to crossbow possession being illegal in NYC? I can't find anything.
  3. Thanks for the replies guys. I should be able to purchase a firearm on a work visa, a government website outlines how to go through the NICS check with my registration number. The law means I can't bring it into NYC, so I think I'll get a storage unit somewhere upstate and keep it there. Otherwise, I'd have to speak to a gun shop owner and see if we could work out storage. I live in the city because I work here and travel through the airports weekly, so it doesn't make much sense to live upstate and commute 10+ hours a week. I do believe I'm fine storing a crossbow at my apt in NYC for hunting purposes. I can't find any documentation to support this being illegal, although others have mentioned it.
  4. Hi fellow forum members, I moved from Canada to Manhattan a couple years ago for work. I've hunted my whole life, and am hoping to pick things back up this spring in NY state during turkey season. It seems that someone on a work visa cannot obtain a NYC firearms license, with the specific law being that a firearm cannot enter the city without a license. So I have been debating whether to just hunt turkey/deer with a crossbow, or buy a gun upstate NY and store it up there somewhere. Does anyone have recommendations? I'd like to avoid putting it in a storage unit if possible, due to theft and conditions, but I don't have any family/friends upstate. What I'd really like to do is find a small gun shop that would keep the gun there for me, and allow me to pick it up during normal business hours for use. If you know of any good shops, please mention them here or PM me. By the way, I'm hoping to hunt in the Catskills area, but am really open to anything at this point within 3-4 hours drive of Manhattan. Even if it's another state that somehow presents a better situation. Many thanks for reading! Look forward to hearing from you all. Michael
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