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Everything posted by aaronsink12306

  1. where abouts in schoharie county due you hunt ? I hunt right off RT145 headed out of middleburg on private land by the sheep farm not sure if you know where that is or not
  2. Thank you was definitly exciting my brother in law is having trouble filling his tag and asked me to go out this weekend to help him so hopfully we can find that mysterious Grandpa buck that has been slipping thru from the size of the tracks hes been leaving this thing is a monster.
  3. Downed a 5 pointer opening morning about 8:35 am in Schoharie county was the only buck seen all day and we walked up on two does on our way in but the spotted us first. I know of at least 2 13 pointers and a 6 pointer taken in herkimer county . Rut Seems to be still pretty active the schoharie area.
  4. Thank you... like I said it might not be the bigest and best but I was happier than a little kid on his birthday when I got him still am everytime I think about it I get a grin from ear to ear lol
  5. Opening day Got a Five pointer dressed out at 140lbs about 2 1/2yrs old.... Me and My buddy got into the woods about 20 mins before dawn and we walked up on two doe neither one of us ended up with a doe permit this yr so we at least knew they were out and moving so I headed to a tree stand and my buddy went down into a old grown up orchard. We sat for about an hr I didnt see any activity and the only thing my buddy seen was a koi dog so were like this isnt good. So I got out of the tree stand and met up with him and we decided to head further up the mountian on a logging trail I got to a spot that I thought had potential so I told him I would set up here and he could go on up the mountian. So I put up a couple wicks with tinks scent on them figure what the heck it was worth a try ( never hunted with the use of any lure calls or scents before) Found a nice tree to plant my self up against and sat down and waited gave a few bleats on my primo's can call and waited about 30 mins and nothing so I let out a series of three more bleats put the can down and something caught my eye about 50 yds in front of me coming up over the little knoll I looked and I could see the while in his eyes but at that point in time wasnt sure wither it was a buck or doe or not just knew it was a deer so I just kept watching figuring Im sitting out here in the open I was sure it was going to spot me so I just kept watching and its now at about 40 yds and it turned to its left on a pretty well used run kept his nose to the ground didnt lift his head or nothing than I spotted a beam of his horns and I was like ok heres my shot so I slowly reached for my rifle and brought it up and I silently said a prayer...I looked thru my scope and could make out three points on the beem close to me he kept walking so I tried a loud bleat to get him to stop no such luck so I put my scope right behind his shoulder and sqeezed off a shot...I looked and couldnt see him and I didnt seem him off running in the distance... So I lowered my rifle and caught my breath this is the first buck I have ever seen in the 14 yrs hunting in the woods and I dont know if I got him or not so I waited a min to see if I seen anything that I thought well I should go see if there was any blood so I gathered up my stuff and started walking over my buddy heard the shot and radioed me and asked me if It was me that shot and I informed him it was and that I was going to see if I hit him or not I made my way from where I was sitting and got about 30 yds from him and I see the white on his belly I immeditly began shaking from excitment I finally got my first buck after all the yrs of trying. I got over to him and made sure he was down and after I made sure he was dead I just knelt beside him and thanked god and my dad for never letting me give up... after looking him over if was a clean kill double lung shot with complete pass thru. I inspected his rack and he would of been a 6 pointer but one of the tines were broken off but I was happy he wasnt the biggest or best buck that was taken be he was a monster to me....
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