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Posts posted by left field

  1. "Trout in the Classroom" is a program that puts trout eggs into inner city schools, let's the kids hatch and raise the fry, then organizes day trips to a wild trout stream for a release. Below is a copy of the email that just went out with contact info. 

    If anyone in the NYC/Westchester area has a morning to give, I think they will find is pretty rewarding.

    NYC Trout in the Classroom Volunteer Call 



    NYC-area TU members … it’s time to give back!
    As everyone knows, the NYC TU chapter has made "Trout in the Classroom" (TIC) a priority in the past few years. The opportunity to introduce inner-city kids to the life cycle of trout, the biology of stream life, and the importance of clean fresh water has become a vital part of what we do to further our education mandate.
    Now we need volunteers to help the kids release the fry they’ve grown in the classroom into a wild trout stream. The releases take place at Ward Pound Ridge and typically over by noon which leaves plenty of time for an easy afternoon of fishing. We have caught multiple wild brook trout at Wards as well as some of the nearby streams.
    Remember that many of these kids have never had the opportunity to engage with nature and stand in a wild stream. All of our members who have helped have said that this was one of the more fulfilling give-back volunteering tied to our mutual hobby and mission.
    There are multiple days in April and May that we need to fill as there are over 1500 students going to Ward Pound in April and May from over 28 schools from NYC. Students range from 50 to 100 per day and the volunteers needed are two to four for each release depending on the number of kids. In total, we need 64 anglers to step in the water and help these kids connect with the environment. As a volunteer, you will wade into the stream with kick nets and collect aquatic macroinvertebrates then help the students identify the different food sources of the trout. Bring your waders!
    Please take a look at the sign-up sheet and select a day or two that you can offer your time and knowledge to these kids. For city residents, we may be able to coordinate rides up to Ward Pound Ridge.


    For further information please contact:
    Kevin Noble
    http://[email protected]

  2. 3 hours ago, Lawdwaz said:

    FSW needs to dial it back a notch or “pump the brakes” a bit as he isn’t helping the newer, friendlier look of the forum.    

    If not that then at least he should seek professional help from Jilted Ex-Girlfriends Anonymous.


    • Haha 1
  3. 14 hours ago, Four Seasons said:

    Do you ever do anything hunting or outdoor related?  

    Naw. Just here for the lulz and the t-shirt.

    14 hours ago, Four Seasons said:

    As you can see today Trump is already up in numbers on Biden. Just think where he will go now that he has his social media platform back. He’s Back!  

    Trump is back on social media? I guess his platform failed. Again.

    But that's great, really. Do you think there will be a red wave?

    14 hours ago, Grouse said:

    No, I post it for the people who will pass it along to those who aren't clueless.  It reinforces their positions and they can plant seeds.  You never know which ones will take root and grow.

    You're like the Robert Merrill of HNY. But not as well dressed I would think.


  4. In the late 80s, the plastics industry came up with a symbol to identify different types of plastic. Coincidentally, it looks exactly like the recyclable symbol created in the 1970s. They did so to encourage you to use more plastic, as prior to this people were saving plastic containers. Enter single-use plastic.

    The beach I'm currently on in Mexico is filled with single-use bottles and caps.


  5. Whoa ... those are a lot of numbers.

    Here's a few more.


    One of President Donald Trump’s lesser known but profoundly damaging legacies will be the explosive rise in the national debt that occurred on his watch. The financial burden that he’s inflicted on our government will wreak havoc for decades, saddling our kids and grandkids with debt.

    The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump’s time in office. 

    The growth in the annual deficit under Trump ranks as the third-biggest increase, relative to the size of the economy, of any U.S. presidential administration, according to a calculation by a leading Washington budget maven, Eugene Steuerle, co-founder of the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center. And unlike George W. Bush and Abraham Lincoln, who oversaw the larger relative increases in deficits, Trump did not launch two foreign conflicts or have to pay for a civil war.


    Biden ... amirite?


    7 hours ago, Grouse said:



    This a compelling and incontrovertible argument made more powerful by the rectangle, colour red and the trees - which so beautifully represent the founder's first Christmas wrapping paper. Nevermind the use of all caps on the word "NOT" which literally burns into the souls of the libtards. 

    I also see that you cleverly refrained from using three exclamation marks, no doubt saving them for a brilliant retort to any counter argument. "Oh yeah, libtard? Take THIS!!!"

    Have you considered marching to the Supreme Court (which is open to the public) and presenting the evidence? And if by chance they won't let you in, kicking the door down? After all ...

    On 1/7/2023 at 9:31 AM, Grouse said:

    That building belongs to the people.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Robby said:


    I'm going to guess that the house reps have their hands full shitting up the simple task of electing a speaker. 

    And tearing each other up.

    Meanwhile, MTG says the thing that the rest of the country is thinking.

    And now back to Trump. Such constitution.


    Vice President Mike Pence can be heard at 0:05 saying, “the focus is to literally give families and give local law enforcement additional tools if an individual is reported to be a potential danger to themselves or others, allow due process so no one’s rights are trampled, but the ability to go to court, obtain an order and collect not only the firearms but any weapons in the possession...”

    Trump interjects at 0:28 saying, “Or, Mike, take the firearms first and then go to court because that’s another system. Because a lot of times by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process procedures. I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida, he had a lot of [firearms], they saw everything. To go to court would have taken a long time. So, you could do exactly what you said but take the guns first, go through due process second.”

    I mean ...


    • Like 1
  8. I forgot to add moccamaster to the above list.

    48 minutes ago, phade said:

    We’re a K-Cup family due to convenience factor. I prefer French press when I have time. One thing that is no fun with K-Cups is the lack of ability to smell the coffee pre-use. Something to be said for that!

    Yes, there's something important about the full sense experience. However, due to their market dominance, Nespresso buys and produces pretty damned good coffee. I had a built-in Miele Nespresso machine in my apt which was the bane of my existence. Previous owner had put it in to the tune of $2200, but Miele stopped making it five years before I bought. They were happy to fix it though every time it broke down. And it broke down a lot. Since it was built in and I didn't have anything to put in that spot, I just kept fixing it.

    Happy to see that one go.

    There's a roastery around to corner from my Mexican place and I'm enjoying some nice  mountain-grown coffee every day.

    Good thread, Al. 

  9. I have made coffee with a percolator, french press, drip brewer, single pour over, chemex, aeropress and nespresso. And with everything from shitty grocery store beans to very expensive shade-grown single-origin freshly ground beans.

    This is the best cup of coffee I've ever had at home.

    Brewing Great Cowboy Coffee

    Add water to your pot and bring it to a boil.

    Once the water’s boiling, remove the pot from your fire and let it sit for 30 seconds. This will lower the water temperature to 200°F — the perfect temperature for brewing coffee.

    Add 2 tablespoons of finely ground coffee for every 8 ounces of water. (You may want to measure how much water your pot holds and how much coffee a spoon you bring holds before going camping so you can measure accurately.)

    Stir the grounds into the water.

    Let the brew sit for 2 minutes and stir again.

    Let the coffee sit for 2 more minutes.

    After a total of 4 minutes of brewing, sprinkle a little cold water on the grounds. Yes, this actually does help them settle to the bottom.

    Slowly pour the coffee, so the grounds remain on the bottom of the pot.

  10. Don't disagree that sometimes I'm articulate and other times I'm a complete moran - a fairly old yet still funny meme.



    My point is that Musk is acting like a utter idiotic manchild. Fire them! Rehire them! Free speech! Unless you make fun of me then banned!

    So much fun to watch.

    This is an interesting take on why he is failing so badly.


    Elon Musk has a pretty tried-and-true playbook for doing business — he's used it for years to build companies from Tesla to SpaceX. Unfortunately for him, it is not a model that can turn Twitter into a profitable company. It's one that will take the social-media company down in flames.

    Here's the Musk playbook: Enter a field with very little competition. Claim that your new company will solve a massive, global problem or achieve a seemingly impossible goal. Raise money from a fervent group of true believers and keep them on the hook with flashy, half-baked product ideas. Suck up billions from the government. Underpay, undervalue, and overwork your employees. Repeat.

    Twitter is the antithesis of an "Elon Musk company." It's an influential but small player in a field that is dominated by giant, well-funded competitors. The government is more likely to put the clamps on Twitter than give it some windfall contract. And Twitter's employees have options: They can leave and work for companies that treat them much better than Musk ever would.


  11. Just now, Northcountryman said:

    They are courageous souls that are finally breaking free of the rot that is the Democrat party Lefty, cmon.

    Thats cuz your not looking at it objectively!! Rest assured, If same thing was done in reverse to the Dems (ie.e, same tweets, same files dumped, etc) , you'd see it and revere Musk as a national hero .

    Completely detsroys? Hardly- hes making them a relevant and viable enterprise , once again :D

    Never stop being you, dude. 

    46 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    "There are no so blind as those who refuse to see."

    How is it people cannot see how bad things have become in the US since the Democrats stole the 2020 election?

    It's crazy, right?

    My suggestion - go onto a niche hunting forum and carp about it non stop. Win friends and influence people!

    • Haha 1
  12. On 12/16/2022 at 9:33 AM, 9jNYstarkOH said:

    So you came to a thread to talk shit on Elon and Trump but haven’t followed the release of the election interference by the government and twitter. Why? The gop is in free fall? Looks as if the Democratic Party is in free fall as members continue to leave it like Gabbard and Sinema.

    I've talked shit on Trump for years, so that's not new. Musk is a new fun game, in that it's so shocking how much of an idiotic man-child he is. 

    The midterms showed that the country (D, R, I's) rejected Trumpism and his nutbar lickspittles. Humiliating loss for the GOP, but shows that the system does work. I would say that the GOP is in right shape right now. What will be interesting is how much Trump wants to burn it to the ground for rejecting him.

    Gabbard was always nutty and Sinema is just looking for relevance before she cashes in.

    23 hours ago, Northcountryman said:

    You don’t care that there was election interference ? See , I actually don’t believe you here with all due respect . If same thing would have happened against the Dems you’d be apoplectic and I’d be on your side ; that is one of the main differences , I guess between our world views .

    I just did a quick dive into the Twitter Files. Not seeing a lot of there there. 

    18 hours ago, Doc said:

    Or it might be that you are trying to draw a connection where none exists.

    Let's see ... rich dude overpays for something by ten fold, walks in and completely destroys the business by making some of the most laughable changes in management history forcing major advertisers to flee. His insane actions begin to tank his other very profitable business of selling regulatory credits to car manufactures who can't make the requirements which cost his company billions of value. But your contention is that there is no connection to twitter and that the tanking tesla stock is simply people looking at EVs and coming to the conclusion that they suck?


  13. Trying to get out the door.

    He paid ten times what twitter was worth after opening his mouth and then trying to back out of it. The equity holders laughed their asses off as they cashed the cheques.

    Then, instead of doing a deep dive and looking at how to turn it around, he "geniused in" and pretty much destroyed the place causing advertisers to flee. He'll be looking at multiple lawsuits in the coming months. And it seems the whole purpose was to protect his inflated ego. Did you see him booed for 16 minutes straight on the stage with Chapelle? Elmo response was to flex and say, "I'm rich, bitch."

    Yet another who right time/right placed his way to wealth and now believes that he is a super genius and can run any company. 

    Don't know a thing about Dorsey, Bezos seems smart enough to just bang hot chicks and play around with his money. Zuckerberg will fail once Meta is shown to be a disaster. 

    I deal with founders all the time - people who bootstrapped an idea, worked in their garage and then introduced a product/service that hit at the right time. The hardest thing for a founder to do is get out of the way when it is clear someone else needs to run the company. Some just can't.

    The other very difficult thing is following up with a second act anywhere near as successful as the first.

    Haven't followed the twitter election thing. Don't really care. Trump lost spectacularly and is now reduced to shilling cartoon images of himself, the once-respected GOP is in freefall and in a few days I'll be in Mexico for three months.

    I am content.

  14. 15 hours ago, Northcountryman said:

    Lefty, methinks I detect a hint of hositilty in your snarky post that is directed towards my man Elon; may I ask why? Are you upset that he exposed the election interference that was going on between Twitter and the Govt? You do agree , of course that ultimately, the truth is paramount and not which side "wins" , correct? You should thank him for bringing this to light , not abase him :(


    Hostility? No. Snark? Sure. 

    Musk is a clown. Never in history has a guy purported to be a genius proved himself an utter moron in record time. It's fun watching him implode.

    Some good reading for you:

    The Myth of the Secret Genius

    From Elon Musk to Elizabeth Holmes and Donald Trump, many very rich people are effective at convincing us of a myth: they're secretly a genius, and you're just too dumb to understand. Are they right?

    Heading off to Canada in this driving snowstorm. If you never heard from me again, North, speak well.

  15. 47 minutes ago, airedale said:

    The bottom line is you are on this board for one purpose and that is to troll, you add nothing useful to this place other than stir the pot, likeI said get lost you do not belong here.


    You know, Al, making fun of Grouse and his whining snowflakeness ("you guys are all just stupid") is not actually trolling. If I didn't post occasionally, it would be you, Grouse and the deer semen guy.

    Now that I think about it, that would make for a great game of F/M/K. 

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