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left field

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Everything posted by left field

  1. That's every guy's metric. I'm probably twice your age. Back when, if a guy called your wife ugly you up and coldcocked him. Knowing that he was out of line, his only recourse was to stand up, rub his jaw and say, "sonofabitch coldcocked me" and then walk away. If he persisted, the other guys on the bar would take him out back and give him a lesson in manners. Can't really do that these days. I hardly expected Cruz to backhand Trump on a debate stage, but was surprised on how quickly he said, "Thank you, Donald. May I have another?" Why? For the people of Texas? The US? No. To protect his job and keep his name in the papers. Greene, Boebert, Cawthorn are barely functioning idiots so you can't expect much other than them getting out the door without tying their shoelaces together. Cruz is smart enough to know he's just being an evil prick and that is criminal. What is your hangup on Buttegieg? He's a smart, clean-cut, family man.
  2. That's how clever they are. Maxine Waters, James Buchanan, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump. You aspire to emulate Ted Cruz? Which part? The cuckolding? I'm not advocating violence but "studs" don't let another man insult their wives and fathers and walk out of the room.
  3. I'm pretty sure it's objective, in that everyone thinks Paul is an ass. Hell, his neighbour tackled him because Paul was an ass when to came to mowing his lawn. It's similar to the way that everyone hates Cruz. That's not subjective ... everyone detests Cruz. Even Cruz himself looks into a mirror once in a while and says, "you're a dick." Stand Paul, sure. But his brother Rand is an ass.
  4. It's worse, North. Definition of asshat : a stupid, annoying, or detestable person Definition of traitor 1: one who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty 2: one who commits treason I can list any number of times that Rand Paul was stupid, annoying and detestable. Can you point out Liz Cheney committing treason?
  5. North, you do understand that Cheney would vote in ways that would please you more than Trump? You get that right? I am disappointed that you put personality over country. The republican party is lost. Hell, the entire system may be beyond redemption. I am now considering Finland where the political scandals are more to my taste.
  6. First, Rand Paul is a disingenuous duplicitous asshat. Second ... there is no second.
  7. How often do you guys clean a shotgun?
  8. A party is a machine of political convenience - stand together and we can vote and enact political change. The great failing of the current system is the binary approach we have. Namely, us or them. Adherence to a political party is superseded by the oath of office: loyalty to the country and rule of law. That oath include the line ... "defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic ...". "Domestic" is a very smart inclusion. It recognizes that threats can just as easily come from within and warns future generations to be vigilant against just such an attack. And it literally tells the person reciting those words that they must put all other loyalties aside for country. Cheney's position is that Trump is a domestic enemy of the US (Jan 6 proved that to be true) and she was compelled to defend her country. This is the kind of person that should be in office, not the lickspittles we currently have. Remember that the majority of republicans that support Trump do so because it is politically expedient. When it is no longer convenient they will shift to another. That is a crime of character.
  9. She is a pretty solid conservative. I admire anyone who puts the country over party or leader. The good people of Wyoming are in good hands ...
  10. The first step to political recovery is admitting you were wrong. I'm here for you, buddy.
  11. Goodness, North, this seems out of character for you. Traitor, vile, treacherous? To whom did she commit treason? This is the oath she took: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
  12. Picked up my tags but denied on 4O. If anyone has one they won’t use, hit me up Grabbed the pamphlet to find my fishing buddy who netted the midnight brown for me last month made the cover. Kinda cool.
  13. You parroted something online and linked to a nonsense "petition" that is nothing more than a data grab. (By the way, nothing quite says skin-in-the-game like signing a petition.) Biden agreed with your concern and a few days later signs a bill directing 52 billion at the problem. Not good enough for you because you're seemingly incapable of rectifying your "enemy" doing what you want. It's like you're Nomad against Kirk. Never said I love Biden or hate Trump. I am however, clever enough to see the difference between a decent, if a little addled, old guy trying to do his best for the country and a degenerate seditious POS out for himself who would happily drive his golf cart over you if it got him to the dessert table a little earlier.
  14. Happy to hear that things are well, Elmo. I would also do that beer with you and Chef.
  15. Grouse: Inflation! Kickbacks! Leftists! Dogs and cats living together! Dark Brandon: Isn't he great, folks? God love ya, son.
  16. Stay well. Has anyone taken paxlovid? I have a few friends who used it to great success.
  17. Grouse: Chicoms! Technology! Outsourcing! Freedom! We need help! Dark Brandon four day later: Here's 52 billion dollars. Grouse: Not help from you! Instead of actual money, we need people to sign this random and skeevy looking petition that seems to be nothing more that a personal data mining op. Dark Brandon: God love ya, son.
  18. Part of a set and I’d hate to break the girls up.
  19. That didn't age well. Biden Set to Sign Law to Pump $53 Billion Into US Chip Manufacturing
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