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Everything posted by sbuff

  1. Could be one of the best turkeys guns of all time. I love mine
  2. Another good site https://shop.opticsplanet.com/?gclsrc=aw.ds&gclid=Cj0KCQiApL2QBhC8ARIsAGMm-KFkGmSUKqwxAfRCO3eQMMhLgiw7cTMCBM8WQEq3uwResHSCgRVpti0aAmHLEALw_wcB
  3. Both good choice , lots of new names in the game too. I'm a big nikon fan ,if I were to be getting a new scope it would be a vortex or burris.. I have a bushnel trophy on my muzzleloader, as much as I'd like to knock it I really can't. Check out https://cameralandny.com/shop/tags/riflescope/categories/Rifle-Scopes/5eb0346f-bcd4-4f1f-93df-d6f5a8428b8a
  4. sbuff

    Ice Fishing

    Basin bay and cotton point area they fished
  5. sbuff

    Ice Fishing

    I'll find out where he went in from . He said the Lakers have been on fire too.
  6. sbuff

    Ice Fishing

    You on lake George, my buddy was up there and said he was catching Lakers non stop
  7. I caught 3/0 in buddy's pool for 1500 and 2500. My wife and daughters saw the sheet and that money went faster then a speeding bullet
  8. Lawdwaz have you looked or held a ruger lc9s ? I can't say one negative about it. The sig line up is impressive too.
  9. Sweet trailer and utv.. You were right about it not fitting in a 12 footer
  10. Nothing like an ariens ,I'll ask around to see if anyone needs a used one BUT, let's hope you don't need to use it anymore this year . I just finally got that ice off my driveway
  11. Just went up to 3.73 for regular at same stewarts
  12. Congrats that honda will have its own bay perhaps
  13. https://www.amazon.com/Yuasa-YTZ14S-Lead_Acid_Battery/dp/B0024VFY86/ref=asc_df_B0024VFY86/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312061076067&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7282975666688046916&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9004664&hvtargid=pla-456928547200&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=61856009493&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=312061076067&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7282975666688046916&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9004664&hvtargid=pla-456928547200
  14. A manual should tell you the correct battery that is needed . If not replace with a duplicate of what's in there . If he got 6 years out of old one he was doing something right
  15. 3.63 for regular and 4.19 for diesel at the Stewart's by my house today . Wow going to stink towing the camper memorial day .
  16. I think several are doing it tomorrow in capital district I have heard
  17. Grampy ,boyds does make them and i will go that route if I can't find a TC factory one...
  18. If anyone has or comes across an omega laminated stock they want to sell let me know.
  19. If I bought a boat I always said it would be called, my other wife
  20. That's why you never see a snowmobile trailer made out of steel.
  21. I'm glad my wife doesn't look at this site , she's always looking for loungers to add to our telescope deck furniture
  22. Don't forget to add a spare tire mount !!
  23. Yea I figured there would be some wiggle room . The sport haven and black rhino have similar features I'm tired of driving my atv in bed of my truck , a trailer will make things much easier . Plus will come in handy around the house and taking junk to dump and scrap to the port .
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