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sbuff last won the day on July 12 2022

sbuff had the most liked content!

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    albany county

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    SOLD IT..

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  1. When you find a single shot shot gun for 90 bucks please share that information.... The price of slugs these days far out weighs the cost per shot of a ML. I wouldn't be for it ,leave the muzzleloader season as is.
  2. Why can't one post a link ,if one wants to switch they should be able to do so . We post links for everything. If mods or MIA owners are worried about people leaving I'd think they should have better things to do . My two cents
  3. Looks like the fisher early on had a hurt right leg . Do you use lithium or alkaline batteries and did you make the whole year without changing them out ? Awsome!!
  4. Mine too , one of the best winters for deer in 6k in long time
  5. Do not crush the pellets it will cause extreme pressure spikes
  6. You asked the same question on Sept 7th , my answer too will be the same . The one that gives you the best results
  7. Well my first pair of bean hunting boots lasted 22 years if I recall before moving onto my 2nd . Well as for coffee , man I was a coffee pot guy myself but since using kcups that's my choice now a days
  8. Built in 96 , 2700sq feet ,four people and it stays on 65 . National grid , maybe NYSEG electric cheaper
  9. Maybe you're doing something I'm not ,did you take light bulbs out of fridge!!!
  10. If your last bill is 200 for gas and electric your heat must be on pretty low I'd think . I'm over 300 all day in winter
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